Não existe maior aventura, senão aquela que nos incita a explorar as profundezas de nosso próprio Ser.
Não existe maior coragem, senão aquela que nos leva a assumir nossos erros e medos.
Não existe maior sabedoria, senão no conhecimento de sabermos quem somos.
Só com persistência, fé e verdadeiro amor poderemos cultivar a capacidade de nos abstrair de tudo o que nos é externo, permitindo assim envolvermo-nos num constante silenciar interno.

English version:

Bigger adventure does not exist, than the one that in stirs us up to explore the deepening of our purpose to be.
Bigger courage does not exist, than the one that takes us to assume our errors and fears.
Bigger wisdom does not exist, than in the knowledge to know who we are.
Only with persistence, faith and true love we will be able to cultivate the capacity of abstracting ourselves from everything there’s external, allowing us to involving in one constant internal silence.

sábado, 9 de junho de 2018


In recent years has been made public the fact of how so many celebrities decided to end with their lives. Many of them very well known celebrities with worldwide popularity. Who would ever believe they would chose to end with what the most common of mortals would agree to be a dream life? It happens that those are very sensible persons that can feel deeply within their core what many of us barely can. But those who can feel deeply can go very deep into a very dark chamber from which is so difficult to move out. In this dark chamber we don’t feel supported. We don’t feel seen. We don’t feel loved enough, to make our stay bearable to be managed. In this scenery a way out by giving up on life seems so much easier to embrace.

How to find a way out from that dark chamber, when nothing around us seems to bring relieve or to loosen those chains that keep us tight and imprison on that dark chamber? To where have gone the light that could light the way out from that dark chamber? Why all of the suddenly it have become so dark, that we can only find darkness within and around us? We start to have anxiety and panic attacks, because we can’t see a way out from all that darkness we feel coming to get us. We only see darkness. We only feel darkness. We practically feel like hell has been lifted and is swallowing us alive, and only on its womb our fall will stop. Will we manage this descended path into the darkness womb without deciding to take our life out during the way? Like if life itself is the only thing believed to be preventing us from escape from that dark chamber… so ending with life ends to be the only way out from what it seems to be our only fate. What state of mind is that, where hope is not found? What trap is that in which we fall down in such way, that give us no other choice but to end with life? Is it not possible to choose something different and least radical than to end with life?

Why not instead decide to move away from the job that only brings stress? Why not instead move away from the relationship that makes you feel like crap? What makes you believe that you don’t deserve to feel in an inviting joyful place, where you feel welcomed, respected, loved, embraced or chosen? If our only way out is to end with life to welcome death… are we really believing that after be given an end to our life we will encounter a different reality on the spiritual realm? Because to believe there is nothing else after life, is bullshit! To believe ending with our life will bring an end to our suffering is double bullshit! And to believe that to end with our life will bring an end to have to deal with darkness, that is triple bullshit! Do you know how much all that bullshit is? I hope so! The only reason why people can’t find another way out to end with their misery, it’s because the scope of their vision is so short that it does not let them foresee that they are giving up of the only possible thing that could let them work into bring an end to their misery. And that thing it’s choosing life. By choose to embrace life no matter what. By deciding you will love yourself no matter what it takes, because you are enough.

By ending with their life, they only have surrender and delivered their spirits to darkness. And guess what!? Do you believe their misery and pain has ended? It only has gained a different place and shape to be dealt with, in where they will realize they have given up of the only tool their souls has given to them, in which is possible to fight and conquer darkness. A physical body!

You may wonder what is that makes a physical body to be that special. Well, try to see larger and beyond the tiny scope of human vision. Can you do it?

Now, think on this, will you? What is that gives life to our bodies?

The spirit is our “breath” gift.

Where are we placed when in a human physical body?

In earth, of course!

And where is this planet earth placed?

On the universe, duh!

Exactly like our souls from which our spirit is a spark.

Do you want to keep going on? Or is this enough to make you think there is something more and beyond all that were taught to you!? Is this enough to make you to realize there is so much more you can’t see, and just because you can’t see and comprehend it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

In the whole universe there isn’t a sole single particle that does not reflect, expand, transform, mimics or influences another one. Even if this other particle may be on the opposite side of the universe, and you don’t need to be an expert on the things of universe matter to be able to realize this, you only need to open your mind for endless possibilities, like the endlessness of the universe. You may not have a clue on how “endlessness” it could be, and you don’t need to. You only have to accept “endlessness” as a possibility granted to you and offered to you as a birth right, and that’s because our souls resembles the whole universe. As like planets and stars are elements that forms the universe, so is your soul, with the difference that our souls is the “other particle” reflecting, expanding, transforming and mimicking the whole universe in itself. With this said, we can think of our human bodies as the “planet” within which, was placed the spirit to act like the living force. Exactly like oceans and nature are the living forces of planet earth. Without them life on earth would not be sustainable.

The problem is that even in today life with all the progress and in the middle of the 21st century, we are being kept even more distracted from our real nature. We are taught that in order to heal we need medicine when if we could embrace our real nature as a reality, we would have the natural ability to heal ourselves. But our society was built to take from us our soul gifts, our natural resource. That’s why in the same way destroys all the natural resources of the planet. If we want to recover our soul we have to reclaim for it, opening the space to embrace it from within us, exactly as in the same way we have to reclaim and protect the natural resources of the planet in order to keep it alive and healthy.

Life can’t be sustainable where there is no connection with natural resources. All particles have two poles, the positive and the negative. They are both needed to balance be achieved. If you take out the positive, you will take out the balance needed to keep the negative without bringing destruction. Magma is the destroying force of the planet, and so is our mind when we deprive ourselves from connecting with our hearts. But our planet needs the magma exactly as we need our minds, is just that there is need to find a balance, so the functions they support work in a sustainable way that provides for and enrich life.

For much that we may be having a difficult time, we can’t forget who we are. We need to keep reminding ourselves to return back to our heart center, because there is where we find our balance. People and situations can’t confine you unless you allow them. Bring back the remembrance than more than a human body, you are a soul, and only by connecting with your soul through your heart can you reclaim your soul gifts. Your soul has given to you a life force but what you will do with it, it’s up to you.

For those who are dealing with depression. To those who are struggle with the dark side of life. To those who are believing that living in pain and misery is becoming too overwhelming. I tell you, I know what that is! I know what it feels like when someone you have given all of yourself shows you that you are not their only option. That someone, to who you have opened all your heart, shows you that they have priorities that don’t include you, making you to feel you will never be enough. They are choosing to show you where they stand, and you don’t have to stand on the same level and place they are. You can choose to step out, knowing you deserve to be enough for someone. You deserve to be the only possible choice to someone. You deserve to be seen, respected, accepted and loved exactly as you are, because there isn’t anyone else exactly like you. If they can't see it then, they don’t deserve your presence. So keep your presence to the one who will make you feel to be wanted, no matter how you express who you are, because that is the one capable to see through and beyond what you bring out.

I know how it feels when you have to handle to keep working in a place where bullying is allowed because one of the bosses it’s the first to use bullying as an accepted behavior. Where you give all of yourself just for a pay check that doesn’t give you enough to deal with all the expenses of the month, but you keep yourself there afraid that you may not find another job, when you can't seem to see another option on the horizon, so you keep yourself in a place that is evidently consuming your spirit. You are too afraid to try anything from out of the reality you already have, because a different is felt being unknown, and understand it or not, you refuse to leave the one you already know because it has become your comfort zone. So stress comes to you in different sort of forms increasing your levels of anxiety that will only take you to a breaking point in which you liberate yourself or it will end with you.

So you are dealing with emotional stress, with material stress, then you feel physically exhausted, so add physical stress, and not being enough, you become susceptible to all kinds of negativity. The doors have been opened to the most deceiving and life force disruptions you can think off. If you may have psychic abilities, you will be able to see “things” I can guarantee you would prefer to ignore being a reality for your senses. Now, you can add spiritual stress and you have reached your breaking point. It will be leaving or die. What will you choose?

Now, think of not being able to realize what surrounds you (if not having awakened psychic abilities), how will you be able to understand that all that you are going through, may not be all coming from the people and the situations you have to deal with, but also, from that open door that you can’t realize has been open, and it may be writing the final chapter of your life if you allow it to take from you the “possibility” to see through and beyond people and situations.

Don’t blame others for your reality. You create your own reality. You are the one to open the doors at first place, and then, through those doors, you will find help, for good or bad. The good you will have to invite with your heart to come in and give you a helping hand. The bad will come in without being invited, making from your mind a slave, so be careful to whom you open your doors. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, because they act like keys that open the doors to whatever and to whoever may be in the same “tune”, being physical or not.

To all those who have lost their life when have allowed surrendering to mental slavery, may our heart desire for their spirits to find the way back to their souls. Being compassionate doesn't cost a thing, and we all can be compassionate to others souls.

No one can win to darkness by choosing to end with their life, but only by choosing to come back to the center of their own heart. That's the only place where our souls can remind us of who we are.
