“Yesterday I’ve told you: “If you lose what you have today, is because it was never yours to be. And tomorrow will give you a new dawn, and so will be after tomorrow, and so on...”
But then I realized, I was speaking to myself. I was trying to excuse my responsibility on the feeling of losing you… without you here that dawns to come were seeming and being felt to be so empty. Without color, no rainbow... Without Sunshine…”
In despair, I turned to myself, searching to find some wisdom that could soft the pain that was being felt.
Then I remembered a dream I had not long ago…
Why do I keep me in the “waiting room”, standing there next to others, keeping on waiting, for the choice I am the only one able to decide to make.
I was in believing that you were the one that would come, to take me from that waiting state with the fervor of your love.
But you were also there, in the same waiting room, and you could not even see me…
Oh God… how I want to cry…
My Soul, have pity of my endless self-lack of confidence on who I AM!
I keep forgetting that you are me. After all our wonderful encounters, I keep leaving you behind the door…
I don’t do it intentionally, is just the blindfold that falls down on me, and for moments I forget the existence of the strongest side of my being.
I forget to stand in front of the mirror to say “You are beautiful my wonderful being!”
I also forget to praise you with simple words like “ How courageous you are, and have always been!”
And most of the times I forget to remind myself of how profound and endlessly is your love for me…
Shame on me, for having forgotten that I used to sing my own melody…
Shame on me, for having forgotten that I used to dance while listening the singing of the birds on a lovely morning spring…
Now, I just mourn in my own pity…
Release it! RELEASE IT ALL! I listen, you saying to me…
But how? How can I release my shame, my powerless shame?
Love yourself! You replied to me… Accept all that you are! Embrace all the parts of your being! You kept saying…
But how, how can I do it?
Start by forgiving yourself!
Forgiving myself!? Hum… that’s something I would say to someone else, but have I being applying it to me…?
How many times do I listen my own inner voice?
How many times do you allow yourself to listen to your own inner voice?
Your soul is longing for your rising (ascension), as you have been longing for the kiss of your beloved.
It is one of the hardest path, but also one of the most lifting.
Incredible as it is. Painful as it is. All you will have is yourself all over the process of reuniting with the highest part of your own being. And there, you will find God in a state of permanent stillness within your being.
Strive, fight, endure, making sure you will get the best version of who you are.
Fall apart and then get up again, stronger than you have ever felted.
Leave the illusion behind, you didn’t have come here to go along with it. You came here to learn how to get rid of it.
Embrace the love within your being, because this one love is the ultimate truth of all that you are and have come here for.
Find that tiny spot of light that you have been trying to ignore, and embrace it totally.
In there, lays the answers you have been asked without even wanting to hear the answer.
All answers will be given in proper time. When you have matured enough to lay down all your defenses, breaking the wall of stubbornness. Releasing this belief that if you surrender and let go all of the control, you would lose yourself for good.
Guess what? All your being will melt in the most incredible and amazing energy of love, that you have never thought to be possible felt.
You will find yourself melting within another being, while this being will be melting within you, and this will release the God and Goddess from within out of both of you.
And for this you will not even need to have a physical reunion. All you have to do is to accept your loving nature. Listen to the smooth voice that speaks to you tenderly…
Embrace it with the most powerful love of all.
Without condition.
Without limitation.
Without judgment.
I have to let go of you, to ultimately find that you were always part of my own being. You always have been there, a constant presence.
A light beacon hidden by the mist of nebulous thoughts, standing there to remind me, that to love was my soul choice.
Not to hide from it.
Not to run from it.
But move in an outstanding dance, where the light of love sparkles in each movement.
Just to love
Just to be loved
To remember love is my true nature.
And that I can say to myself… I Love You!
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