As a Human Being of planet Earth I was born in Portugal, as such, I can be seen as Portuguese, but I am not totally from this world.
A Soul living in the body of a woman, but more than a woman, I am a living Being that breaths and feels.
I could say I am Love, but I am much more than what Love is, or may become in this world…
I could say that I Am made of greatness in all Glory’s form! But, what do you understand to be like greatness in all Glory‘s form?
In this body, I need to breathe, without the body I am myself the own breath that needs not to breathe…
But, I am a Being, a living energy field that pulses and irradiates in ways that the mind designed to this bodies, hardly can conceive and even less understand…
I have a body, but this body is not mine. I just have taken it borrowed from Mother Earth, and when my time comes, I will change and I will become what in fact I really Am.
I work with Mother Earth, as Mother Earth works with me.
I work directly with the Archangels, Angels, Guardians and other Spiritual Entities and Living Forms, as they work with me. But I only give answer, to the command of my Heavenly Father!
Together with them, we form the army of God, bringing in this planet the will of God into life.
From He I came, and to Him I will return when the time has coming, and I can feel its approaching…
I do not feel ready, but will it be that someday I will feel?
Did I have ever felt?
In all centuries not even once I had felt… I was only disposing myself to God’s will, answering to His calling.
What do I really know, if not that in all my life, as I know myself in this present life, I did not wanted to be here, this world was too tough for me…the burden seemed to much heavy, and the price to pay, too high… Now I know, that it was not really I who didn’t wanted to be here, but just the personality ego that live in me, that by not speaking the same language, it couldn’t understand the intensity of the Love in latent form pulsing within me.
Well, this personality ego… it came along with this borrowed body and I couldn’t get rid of it… could I?
It also makes part of the plan!
The greater plan of all times!
And it is arriving…
I have been in a dormant state for such a long time… My superior Being in answer to the command of God, have kept me in this way.
You know…? There are reasons that I was not able to understand and I not even was questioning them, cause in somehow I knew that there was a superior reason to be like this, and as just as what you believe it is to be a good soldier, I was just bowing myself before to a higher command.
Oh, but don’t you ever think , not even once, that I was not able to think about what was happening, because I was totally, since early age, in the awareness that something was happening. But, Father’s will was to keep me in blindness knowing very well the abilities and the strength of the illusion in this world, and so, He made of me a blind soldier of His army placed on this planet Earth.
And I am just one of the so many that have been placed here waiting for His command.
And don’t think I am not afraid, cause I am! Is just that I am trying to hold and rely on with all my faith and trust in who Am I to my beloved Father.
Cause He better than I, recognizes well whom I Am.
Each one of us have been awakening at his own right time.
Each one of us, have been returning and living… building and destroying according to his own prominent task. And all were and are valuable!
Many are getting ready to a awake returning… and as well as I opened the wings of my truly form, many are now ready to open their wings, they are now being called as it is coming its time to rebirth, bringing the Divine Being consciously to operate through the human form.
I am not different from you as well as you are not different from me, only our abilities are according to our tasks, as such, it may seems that one or other is operating from a different level, but is not so… We Are all One, as such, linked to each other we are here to dignify our Father’s deeds.
To each one will be given according to its work and to the Supreme Being, that each of us IS, it is irrelevant if he has arrived in first or at last place, as he only cares about being here present, participating in this glorious time.
We are like children awakening to a new morning dawn. And… Oooh, how sweet is the voice of our Heavenly Father calling us to awaken…!
Brings out to life the eyes of your awakened heart, and you will see the bright light of the hands that are pulling you out from bed!
Cleans your ears from the disturbing noise of all sounds of illusion, and you will hear His voice calling you, with all the sweetness of the most loving Father…
Don’t be afraid, the Love can't at all do you harm!
Embrace your true Being! The one that brings along the promise that made at the presence of our Mighty Father.
In HIS name I give my testimony, and it is in HIS name that I am calling you to the duty of your tasks!
I am asking you to repeat along with me, uniting our voices as One only:
Sadhana - 01/02/2012