I am the silence within the word.
I am the whole within the emptiness.
I am the atom that can be found in the water, I am in the air, and I am in the dust and in the wind.
I am in the Universe.
I am in the Creation.
I gained life in the beginning.
I will gain new life in the end.
I am all and I am nothing within everything.
I walk on earth, but I am beyond earth.
And I have been walking here so many times.
I have had so many faces.
And I had as well so many names.
But the life force from which I came from, knows me only by one name.
I am beyond all the faces I have had.
I am beyond all the names I was call upon.
I am the life and I am beyond life itself.
I am one with all that is.
I can be found within the light.
I can be found within the emptiness.
I can even be found within the dark if you may dare to look for me in there.
If you want to know who I am, look for me within your own heart.
The place where your soul sleeps wide awaken.
There, is the only place where you will recognize me.
And there, you will know the truth of who I Am.
Não existe maior aventura, senão aquela que nos incita a explorar as profundezas de nosso próprio Ser.
Não existe maior coragem, senão aquela que nos leva a assumir nossos erros e medos.
Não existe maior sabedoria, senão no conhecimento de sabermos quem somos.
Só com persistência, fé e verdadeiro amor poderemos cultivar a capacidade de nos abstrair de tudo o que nos é externo, permitindo assim envolvermo-nos num constante silenciar interno.
English version:
Bigger adventure does not exist, than the one that in stirs us up to explore the deepening of our purpose to be.
Bigger courage does not exist, than the one that takes us to assume our errors and fears.
Bigger wisdom does not exist, than in the knowledge to know who we are.
Only with persistence, faith and true love we will be able to cultivate the capacity of abstracting ourselves from everything there’s external, allowing us to involving in one constant internal silence.
Não existe maior coragem, senão aquela que nos leva a assumir nossos erros e medos.
Não existe maior sabedoria, senão no conhecimento de sabermos quem somos.
Só com persistência, fé e verdadeiro amor poderemos cultivar a capacidade de nos abstrair de tudo o que nos é externo, permitindo assim envolvermo-nos num constante silenciar interno.
English version:
Bigger adventure does not exist, than the one that in stirs us up to explore the deepening of our purpose to be.
Bigger courage does not exist, than the one that takes us to assume our errors and fears.
Bigger wisdom does not exist, than in the knowledge to know who we are.
Only with persistence, faith and true love we will be able to cultivate the capacity of abstracting ourselves from everything there’s external, allowing us to involving in one constant internal silence.
terça-feira, 3 de outubro de 2017
sábado, 30 de setembro de 2017
For Those Standing Between The Light And The Dark
On 28/09/2017, I raised my thoughts to God and asked about how someone was feeling about all I was feeling and saying to him, the reply has been: “He feels like, you are slipping from his fingers.” And I truly was.
The worse that people can do is to not give the right worth and meaning to those truly loving them. Not doing what it is required from them to be done to keep love alive and lighten their lives.
If they can’t love themselves, they can’t recognize true love when seeing it.
Darkness has a purpose in this realm of life, which is to be felt, seen, understood, and then skipping it by jumping out of it, choosing consciously to be in the light. There is a reason for people to stand in the dark. Darkness feeds them, while they feed back the dark with their fears, their burned cold heart, their negativity, their toxicity. All those that stands in the darkness by own choice don’t want to grab the responsibility of being in the light.
Oh, yes. Light demands responsibility! The kind of responsibility that not all of us, will bear having. Only those who have the ability to engage, to compromise and embrace their own soul, has.
Darkness grabs your soul, giving you in this way a feeling of being free from responsibility, but this is just an illusion. All that dark does is to keep you trapped in the features of your own personality that needs to be worked. The “small” defect patterns that the soul has not yet been able to transform in the being in which it becomes when descending into this physical form, to be able of transcending illusion and limitation on being. And when you get trapped you lose the power to engage and search for all that may help you to jump out. You may find it, but you will feel like you are having a bad time to be able to free yourself. Darkness puts on you a blindfold making to be difficult to think and see with clarity, when your inner guidance becomes so blurred, that you keep doing things but where no change will be effective.
The only thing you can do is to search for the one thing or person that has made you to go there in first place. What was the triggered feeling or will that have made you enter and stay there?
In no way you have not seen the dark. You have seen it, but silently that one thing in you, have made you to believe and to want to be the savior of the day. And so full of bravery you allowed yourself to enter in the darkness, staying there enough time to lose sight of your boundaries, and feeling yourself with no strength of your own to move out from it. Darkness makes use of decoys that look shining at your glance to attract you. But, darkness has no power of its own if your choice is to not give your own power away. If you stand still and firm through that heart of yours, keeping it clear and pure enough, to keep love pouring. In there is where is the connection with your soul and therefore with God as well, if you keep it flowing and pure enough.
There is a time for solitude, when you become the hermit that seeks for the inner wisdom, needing to retire himself from the world to find his own spiritual roots. Learning how to become grounded and balanced on this earth at the same time he sets its spirit free to flight high on upper realms, where the light of love embraces him totally, and to want to return to this down earth reality, will be something difficult to not struggle with. But, hey… who doesn’t want to feel truly at home!?
For some of us, being in the dark it is like being at home... we can only love them and respect their choice, never forgetting that we have to love ourselves as well in order to be able to move away from them, if being at the dark is not our choice. If darkness is not felt being our home, we need to move on, returning to our path. The path, that can and will, lead us to our true dear home.
Keeping ourselves in their presence when knowing that there, there's no place nor ground where our soul might prevail, is the same as give allowance to become intoxicated with toxins that lives in the places where the absence of light can be clearly noticed. They start to blur your light, taking from you more than you would be willing to give, if you loved yourself enough. Even those of us that can move in the dark in the same way we can move in the light, if we stay for long in the dark, we end deprived from our ability to nourish ourselves with the light of our soul. We can become so blurred that light can’t reach us. And if without someone that may be used by God, choosing to allow himself to serve the light to bring us back, by serving to us as a bridge, to help us to return back to our natural state of being, we can end lost, without finding the access to our sense of inner direction to guide us in our way out of the dark.
God will always give you a helping hand to help you to move out from the dark. It will depend only of you to use it well and wisely. You will not do this by keeping yourself wishing and willing to bring with you someone else, this is keeping the patterns in you that needs to be solved and that will be used by the dark as a decoy to keep you trapped, and this will miscarry the helping hand given to you, and if the helping hand was given to you, it was because it was time to move on while there was still potential to recover the track into the way back to your path.
What have we done with the helping hand? What have been the choices we made? What were we willing to do to bring change? What were we willing to let go? What were we willing to embrace and let in? If you personally can’t answer any of these questions, then you should know that’s why you are still there.
Those who choose to stand in the darkness by own choice, can’t stand to move in to the light.
The Love is Light!
We may love someone immensely in such a way, but we should love ourselves too. So there’s only one choice… Choose Yourself!
If you don’t, you should stop complaining and blaming whoever may be, but only you!
There is always another chance. But that, requires change from the way you think, from the way you feel, from the way you tent to act and from the way you see yourself and to others, by becoming responsible for your own luck!
There is no responsibility being embraced, where there’s no effective action. And responsibility always requires adequate actions. So, show a little of respect to your soul and strive!
I choose to keep my integrity!
I choose to keep my heart alive!
I choose to keep my light on!
I choose the love that truly loves!
I choose myself!
domingo, 12 de fevereiro de 2017
I ask to all benevolent beings of higher moral values of love and integrity.
I ask to the beloved higher being of the one that is my sacred divine companion.
I take here and now the power of my free will!
Please hear my statement!
May the strings that bound us here in the terrestrial realm serve the purpose to achieve the highest good!
I Am a being of total wholeness, complete on it's own and entire in all forms of existence.
Nothing and no one will have the power to push me down to a reality that doesn’t fit the wholeness of my entire being, not even my sacred divine counterpart!
Here I state before all of you, I am free and I am whole on my own!
May my statement be heard by all the highest members of the divine council of the entire Universe and beyond!
May the higher being of my divine counterpart give him acknowledge of my will, a decision that I make to guarantee that my higher purpose in this realm of existence, will not be shut down by influences of neediness, desires or dependencies of any sort toward him in this physical reality of our beings.
By the powers given by my birthright, I will follow my purpose on this present life on earth, and any situation, circumstance, life force energy and any other sort of influences that may not be accordingly in vibrational match with it, be it earthly, ethereal, mental, emotional, spiritual or from any other sphere, Will Be Removed and Kept Out of the reach of my circle of activity in this world and from my energetic field, as well as from the whole area of movement that my being will walk on to accomplish his higher purpose on every realm that makes part of its actions in behalf of all human live and all forms of existence beyond human.
So I state, and so it Shall Be!
sábado, 11 de fevereiro de 2017

“Yesterday I’ve told you: “If you lose what you have today, is because it was never yours to be. And tomorrow will give you a new dawn, and so will be after tomorrow, and so on...”
But then I realized, I was speaking to myself. I was trying to excuse my responsibility on the feeling of losing you… without you here that dawns to come were seeming and being felt to be so empty. Without color, no rainbow... Without Sunshine…”
In despair, I turned to myself, searching to find some wisdom that could soft the pain that was being felt.
Then I remembered a dream I had not long ago…
Why do I keep me in the “waiting room”, standing there next to others, keeping on waiting, for the choice I am the only one able to decide to make.
I was in believing that you were the one that would come, to take me from that waiting state with the fervor of your love.
But you were also there, in the same waiting room, and you could not even see me…
Oh God… how I want to cry…
My Soul, have pity of my endless self-lack of confidence on who I AM!
I keep forgetting that you are me. After all our wonderful encounters, I keep leaving you behind the door…
I don’t do it intentionally, is just the blindfold that falls down on me, and for moments I forget the existence of the strongest side of my being.
I forget to stand in front of the mirror to say “You are beautiful my wonderful being!”
I also forget to praise you with simple words like “ How courageous you are, and have always been!”
And most of the times I forget to remind myself of how profound and endlessly is your love for me…
Shame on me, for having forgotten that I used to sing my own melody…
Shame on me, for having forgotten that I used to dance while listening the singing of the birds on a lovely morning spring…
Now, I just mourn in my own pity…
Release it! RELEASE IT ALL! I listen, you saying to me…
But how? How can I release my shame, my powerless shame?
Love yourself! You replied to me… Accept all that you are! Embrace all the parts of your being! You kept saying…
But how, how can I do it?
Start by forgiving yourself!
Forgiving myself!? Hum… that’s something I would say to someone else, but have I being applying it to me…?
How many times do I listen my own inner voice?
How many times do you allow yourself to listen to your own inner voice?
Your soul is longing for your rising (ascension), as you have been longing for the kiss of your beloved.
It is one of the hardest path, but also one of the most lifting.
Incredible as it is. Painful as it is. All you will have is yourself all over the process of reuniting with the highest part of your own being. And there, you will find God in a state of permanent stillness within your being.
Strive, fight, endure, making sure you will get the best version of who you are.
Fall apart and then get up again, stronger than you have ever felted.
Leave the illusion behind, you didn’t have come here to go along with it. You came here to learn how to get rid of it.
Embrace the love within your being, because this one love is the ultimate truth of all that you are and have come here for.
Find that tiny spot of light that you have been trying to ignore, and embrace it totally.
In there, lays the answers you have been asked without even wanting to hear the answer.
All answers will be given in proper time. When you have matured enough to lay down all your defenses, breaking the wall of stubbornness. Releasing this belief that if you surrender and let go all of the control, you would lose yourself for good.
Guess what? All your being will melt in the most incredible and amazing energy of love, that you have never thought to be possible felt.
You will find yourself melting within another being, while this being will be melting within you, and this will release the God and Goddess from within out of both of you.
And for this you will not even need to have a physical reunion. All you have to do is to accept your loving nature. Listen to the smooth voice that speaks to you tenderly…
Embrace it with the most powerful love of all.
Without condition.
Without limitation.
Without judgment.
I have to let go of you, to ultimately find that you were always part of my own being. You always have been there, a constant presence.
A light beacon hidden by the mist of nebulous thoughts, standing there to remind me, that to love was my soul choice.
Not to hide from it.
Not to run from it.
But move in an outstanding dance, where the light of love sparkles in each movement.
Just to love
Just to be loved
To remember love is my true nature.
And that I can say to myself… I Love You!
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