Não existe maior aventura, senão aquela que nos incita a explorar as profundezas de nosso próprio Ser.
Não existe maior coragem, senão aquela que nos leva a assumir nossos erros e medos.
Não existe maior sabedoria, senão no conhecimento de sabermos quem somos.
Só com persistência, fé e verdadeiro amor poderemos cultivar a capacidade de nos abstrair de tudo o que nos é externo, permitindo assim envolvermo-nos num constante silenciar interno.

English version:

Bigger adventure does not exist, than the one that in stirs us up to explore the deepening of our purpose to be.
Bigger courage does not exist, than the one that takes us to assume our errors and fears.
Bigger wisdom does not exist, than in the knowledge to know who we are.
Only with persistence, faith and true love we will be able to cultivate the capacity of abstracting ourselves from everything there’s external, allowing us to involving in one constant internal silence.

quinta-feira, 23 de abril de 2015


I’ve always been a lover of the Samurai culture from ancient Japan. Surely I most have been one of them in a long ago previous lifetime… The values, the courage, the honor have always been one of the strongest and passionate on all human history. But all ancient cultures have their own valuable history, from which we all could learn so much and better than in nowadays.

The fables of the ancient Greeks were always felt as amazing, as well as amazing were the way in how they have been able to bring forth their ability to connect with Divine powers.
Each sentence of their fables still keeps the power to transport us to the realm of the Gods and Goddess like if they were still alive within us like in ancient times. Could we have a pure and good intent heart and we would know how to cross this realm and beyond it.

The ancient Egyptian culture was one of the best to deal and understand death. They knew the world of the spirits was just a transition for the world of the living. They left us a tremendous heritage, so great, that we hardly understand how precious the remains they left us are.

The ancient North American Indians so called Amerindians walked on this earth in peace with nature which they call tenderly of Mother Earth. They had the ability to connect with the world of the spirits from which they could receive the guidance of their ancestors. Among them the world have known great warriors, mans of integrity with no greed to take from earth what only to earth was belonging. Besides the willing to live in peace with all creatures all they wanted were to live in their own land. Their wisdom and knowledge’s could seem simple, but may we do not fool ourselves, because their wisdom never have been less but equivalent to the greatest ones.

The ancient Celts can be considered the true owners of the wonders of magic. They had great physicians among them and their erudite ways of life should be consider nothing more than true knowledge proves.

I could go on and on. I could also speak about the Persian ancient culture, about the Essenes, and I could go far more and bring forth the ancient Maya culture or far more with ancient Atlantis. But what all this ancient cultures could possible have had in common?

For us today, some of them seem so full of myths and mysteries, but they knew something that we have forgotten. They all had true knowledge! They valued wisdom in all forms of evidence. Not all was good although. Their cultures also had some minor habits and behaviors that seem to not be justify, but hey, what would they say about ours if they could come from the past, confronting the present ways of life? Barbaric no sense! Don’t you think?

Actually, they are not very different from us, if we put aside what we have forgotten. That, by the way, was the riches of all riches if we could give to it the right value. In fact, life has so much to unfold to us that has been forgotten that we don’t are even aware that the same Souls have been always here, coming again and again. Tremendous, isn’t?

It could be if you believed!

We have been so busy. Some of us work simply for surviving, others working to full their pockets. Some of us, have no time to even dream with a better life. Others are using their time to find ways to keep their pockets full. So, when will we have time and how will we remember what we have forgotten?
This will only happen when we’ll be totally willing to do it!
Consciously choosing to walk that road!

Every time I look back in time, I see how huge is our lacking of the values of honor and courage and many others that this two alone would bring together if our personalities could know what really this simple words means. But we, in our illusion of delusion, believe to be the greatest of all in all human history when discarding and dismissing all the true values like if we didn’t need them. It seems to me that progress had become a virus that we all have been helping to feed… All cultures have become contaminated by this virus and ancient values seem to vanish out from our fingers, and we have been allowing this all the way long…

But indeed, we have become the greatest of all, and certainly in the future to come, we will be known as the greatest experts of all human history, destroyers of their own planet and erasures of all kind of life that lived in it. In the future, we will not be known for being one of the greatest civilizations that have existed here, having the progress by our side for achieving the best of evolution, but, as the most destructive human civilization living in one of what should have been the most peaceful time in history. Where the progress should have be an allied to join all countries and not a weapon to destroy them. It seems that we have learned well to grab the worse and bad of all human history, instead of choosing to grab the best they had and have left as their heritage. Like a spoiled child, we only have taking what suit us best in our egoistic view perspective. Greed is a blindfold that doesn’t let us realize how destructive we have been. And we will only stop when nothing has been left to destroy…

All the great civilizations were lost and with them their wisdom was putted aside no longer able to fit in a world that has become full of greed and lacked of true values. For greed true wisdom will be its greater enemy, because wisdom knows how to identify the real from the unreal. True wisdom will always be a catalyst of true values Even still, we can find a tiny link to this lost wisdom in few great books whose authors were able to bring forth when allowing connecting with their own inner being. But no one will ever find all the wisdom and necessary ability to connect with it when not allowing going inside their own inner being. To cross our own darkness is the only way to reach the light that makes us to come here again and again, until we finally be able to remember who we are for real.

Most of the countries that have been great “holders” of the wisdom of ancient times have lost its ways, when choosing to discard the old wisdom values by embracing the progress with all the greed it brings. As we have been progressing outwardly, we have been losing perspective of what should be the true human evolution. Everywhere we look, we see how far we reach when all shows an external progress blinding us and taking from us the vision to see how this external progress, has become a huge inward loss. We have so many things grabbing our attention outwardly that we had become losers of the ability to look inwardly.

We have been living in a big illusion. Apparently seems that we have reached far, but we don’t see what we left behind because we can’t remember what we already had. If we could see, we would see how far we are still.

It seems that progress brought only insanity and insanity its equal to ignorance. So, no matter how far we believe to have reached, we could not be more far away of what should truly be our goal.

Humanity, you will be a sad view for tomorrow earth, unless you start to do something to truly change, starting from now!

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