Não existe maior aventura, senão aquela que nos incita a explorar as profundezas de nosso próprio Ser.
Não existe maior coragem, senão aquela que nos leva a assumir nossos erros e medos.
Não existe maior sabedoria, senão no conhecimento de sabermos quem somos.
Só com persistência, fé e verdadeiro amor poderemos cultivar a capacidade de nos abstrair de tudo o que nos é externo, permitindo assim envolvermo-nos num constante silenciar interno.
English version:
Bigger adventure does not exist, than the one that in stirs us up to explore the deepening of our purpose to be.
Bigger courage does not exist, than the one that takes us to assume our errors and fears.
Bigger wisdom does not exist, than in the knowledge to know who we are.
Only with persistence, faith and true love we will be able to cultivate the capacity of abstracting ourselves from everything there’s external, allowing us to involving in one constant internal silence.
Não existe maior coragem, senão aquela que nos leva a assumir nossos erros e medos.
Não existe maior sabedoria, senão no conhecimento de sabermos quem somos.
Só com persistência, fé e verdadeiro amor poderemos cultivar a capacidade de nos abstrair de tudo o que nos é externo, permitindo assim envolvermo-nos num constante silenciar interno.
English version:
Bigger adventure does not exist, than the one that in stirs us up to explore the deepening of our purpose to be.
Bigger courage does not exist, than the one that takes us to assume our errors and fears.
Bigger wisdom does not exist, than in the knowledge to know who we are.
Only with persistence, faith and true love we will be able to cultivate the capacity of abstracting ourselves from everything there’s external, allowing us to involving in one constant internal silence.
quinta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2015
We always receive what we need. We only have to put us in a mode of openness and receptiveness, trusting that all is as it needs to be.
Laugh and tears are part of life. If not in this way, how would we evolve and mature?
We need to trust and be open to new realities. New possibilities and chances that will make life unfolds right before our eyes and senses, making us to feel and see what our heart longs to achieve in this life.
All answers will be given. All understanding will be achieved. Get out of your mind everytime it might be possible and place yourself inside your heart allowing that the love locked in it may come out, embracing you in the most involving and liberating love of all. The love that nurtures and liberates giving to you the freedom and joy that your soul wants you to have.
domingo, 1 de novembro de 2015
Apenas através do coração se poderá realizar algo tão maravilhoso quanto a magia natural. Pois o coração percebe e vê aquilo que a tua mente jamais poderá perceber ou ver por si só. Podemos chamar de sobrenatural aquilo que está para além deste mundo, e que só pode ser desvendado quando permitimos que o nosso intelecto se assemelhe ao de uma criança conseguindo deter assim a percepção adequada para tocar esse lado mágico, que eleva o nosso espirito a um estado de bênção e deslumbramento puros. Precisas deter a leveza e abertura de uma criança para partir à descoberta do desconhecido, permitindo-te a fascinar e a deslumbrar, pois só assim a magia nos poderá ser revelada através do coração, tocando-nos profundamente.
Que a palavra magia não nos assuste, levando a nossa imaginação para algo recôndito de natureza negativa, porque provindo do coração jamais se poderá assemelhar a algo obscuro e nefasto mas apenas poderá ser algo positivo. Existem muitas formas de magia, mas aquela que aqui menciono, e aquela que mais interesse deverá suscitar-nos, é a versão mais bela e pura, a magia natural que advém do interior do nosso coração, quando nos permitimos a criá-la a partir desse centro que nos liga à Alma e a Deus. Que possamos permitir-nos a criar essa magia a partir do interior do nosso Ser para o exterior com puro amor.
Tudo o que aqui criamos de forma invisível advém dessa capacidade de criar magia. A ligação do céu à terra não se trata de mera utopia mas é verdadeiramente um acto de magia de possível concretização. É um acto de permissão ao deixar-nos deslumbrar por esse sentir das energias que provêm dos mais altos patamares que sublimam a nossa existência na realidade física. Tudo tem o seu porquê. Tudo tem a sua razão de existir e nada, mesmo nada, surge sendo criado pelo acaso. Assim como tudo tem o seu tempo para surgir, para ser criado, para ganhar forma e expressar-se da forma mais natural. E a forma mais natural só pode advir da própria alma em si.
Mas é importante saber, há que sentir. Permitir-se a sentir cada passo, cada escolha. Tentar não cair no exagero. Na exasperação. Confiar. Crer que há algo mais para além do que é visível. Crer com verdadeira fé no invisível, porque ele está presente para nos apoiar, para nos dar a mão, para não nos deixar cair. Mas há que confiar. Há que crer que em nós existe algo que é magia pura e só assim ela se expressará de dentro para fora, concorrendo para o bem de todos.
Aquilo que se pode atingir ou tocar é algo que não tem fim. É como se não houvesse um fim para as experiencias que se podem abarcar. A nossa mente é que é tão limitada que nós acreditamos que não há nada além daquilo que é na verdade a nossa limitação. Mas em verdade não existe um fim, ou limite, esse fim é pura criação da nossa mente limitada.
Aquilo que podemos criar de forma ilimitada, quando temos a concorrência de nossa Alma guiando-nos os passos e o sentir, é simplesmente algo mágico. Através da Alma somos capazes de muito mais, mas teremos de elevar o nosso coração, trazendo-o para a frente deste campo de batalha que se apresenta como a nossa realidade física, mas que pode ir tão mais além desta…
Teremos de acreditar que através da alma somos capazes de muito mais. De experiências que transcenderão o banal. Mas para que elas possam ocorrer nós temos que nos abrir, temos que estar receptivos. Não podemos estar confinados a um estado de satisfação na limitação de tudo aquilo que para a nossa mente é possível. Porquê confinarmo-nos a esse estado, quando o mundo é muito mais amplo!? O mundo ligado ao invisível não tem alcance para uma mente limitada, porque ele é completamente extensível a um ponto que nós nem conseguimos sequer ter noção. Então há que desejar abarcar essa ilimitação de extensão sem medo, sem temor, sem qualquer receio. Colocar as dúvidas de lado e permitir-nos a somente dar o passo em frente e deixarmo-nos deslumbrar com a mente e o coração de uma criança que facilmente se abre, facilmente sorri, facilmente abraça aquilo que é novo, que é irreconhecível ao olhar mas soa familiar ao coração. Quando crianças simplesmente permitimo-nos a viver o momento e a interagir com o momento, permitindo-lhe a liberdade de fluir.
É isso que se requer num momento mágico. A capacidade de se deixar deslumbrar com a mente e o coração de uma criança. Não há nada a temer. Tudo o que existe, tudo o que poderá alguma vez existir é para nos levar mais longe, e para seguir connosco para a vida eterna. Para nos dar um alcance muito superior do que teremos se abarcarmos e tivermos em mente somente este mundo. Agindo dessa forma jamais alcançaremos e atingiremos esse alcance. Daí ser necessário a permissão de ir mais além. Confiar, sem nunca se permitir a deixar de sentir com o coração aquilo que se apresente, pois só assim saberão se a natureza de sua vibração energética se encontra ou não em sintonia. Se o que se apresentar encontrar-se em sintonia com o vosso coração, essa sintonia ressoará em vosso sentir e saberão ser correcto, ser real e não pura imaginação.
A magia pode ocorrer de uma forma poderosa ainda que invisivelmente a sua expressão e a sua influência ocorra de forma imperceptível, mas ela está lá e ela gera e provoca influência, passando alterações e transformação ao nosso ser e em tudo aquilo que nos rodeia, nesse sentido não devem subsistir dúvidas. Porque ela é real, mais real do que aquilo que alguma vez poderemos imaginar ou acreditar ser.
Aceder à realidade do que nós somos é um passo de pura magia. O reconhecimento. O sentir. O tocar. A capacidade de tocarmos essas e outras energias e as reconhecer-mos. Isso é pura magia que só pode advir de um coração aberto, que está em pleno, que está completamente a vibrar em sintonia com o seu Ser interno. É permitirmo-nos a ser completas crianças. A deter em nós o deslumbramento de uma criança. Viver em pleno, sentir em pleno, não nos abstermos de querer tocar aquele momento, aquilo que é sentido. Abraçar. Adentrar no desconhecido. Entrar nele, dando o passo sem medo, sem receio e a permitir que esse momento, aquilo que o momento nos trouxer, seja recebido com a receptividade de quem está completamente presente e vive no momento. Um momento mágico no qual podemos tocar níveis que estão para além deste mundo físico e material.
Apenas quando permitirmo-nos ligar à nossa alma conseguiremos alcançar esses níveis, pois é somente com a ligação da alma a este coração que temos aqui acoplado neste corpo físico, que esse alcance se tornará possível. É como se fosse um ponto de ligação onde a alma se liga directamente, e através desse ponto a alma pode passar capacidades, dons, energias, forças… fazer-nos aceder à nossa parte mais ampla que vive além do plano terreno e às energias a que poderemos ter acesso somente através dela. Elas não se escondem de nós só porque não as estamos a ver ou não as podemos sentir, elas estão presentes, nós é que temos que nos permitir a alcança-las. E para permitirmo-nos a alcançá-las teremos que ter a vontade de nos capacitar a elevar a nossa vibração energética. Sem esquecer que a capacidade de reter em nós o deslumbramento de uma criança será vital para animar a força de nosso Espirito. Essa fascinação que uma criança detém em si, num estado de amor e de receptividade pura. Simplesmente sem medo, sem qualquer receio do que vai encontrar. Há receptividade pura e plena e isso é pura magia que advém da alma.
Ir além do que é palpável, ir além do que é material, físico. Alcançar um estado a partir do qual se torna possível a percepção energética do que está além. É muito importante estarmos além do que é físico por muito que uma situação possa-nos arrastar mais para a densidade material, é necessário esforçarmo-nos para manter esse alcance, essa ligação de receptividade, pureza e amor. Sem deixarmo-nos de deslumbrar, permitirmo-nos a deslumbrar porque esse estado de deslumbramento permite-nos dar um salto. É como um salto quântico. Como mudar para um plano mais leve, superior. Não temos que nos preocupar para onde é que esse estado de deslumbramento nos irá levar, temos é que nos preocupar em possuí-lo. Sem nunca descurar estar alerta, porque é importante deter discernimento. Não agir como um tolo, mas usar um pouco a inteligência, porque existe o estado de deslumbramento puro em que nos ligamos a um nível superior, e existe o estado de ilusão no qual a densidade impera e a negatividade no alicia, tentando levar-nos a aderir a um nível inferior, e aí é preciso cuidado. Temos que nos permitir deixar ligar ao que é superior, elevado, positivo. E é através dessa pureza, desse amor que chegaremos lá. Sem segundas intenções, sem desejos egoícos, apenas pela pureza, pelo amor. Um pouco daquela pureza ingénua, mas não da falta de discernimento ou de inteligência. É saber reconhecer aquilo que estamos a tocar. Não há que ter receio, não há nada a recear, porque quando nós estamos de pleno coração no momento, nada do que é denso pode nos influenciar a sair desse estado de espirito, porque é um estado de espirito elevado onde a densidade não entra. Ela pode nos influenciar quando nos encontramos fora desse estado, mas apôs nós o atingirmos ela não tem como nos influenciar. Temos é que saber reconhecer se realmente nos encontramos nesse estado de pureza e de amor puro, ou se estamos a ser levados a pensar que nos encontramos num estado que na verdade não é real, sendo levados pela mente ao invés do coração. Há que sentir que aquilo que estamos a tocar é real através do sentir do coração que se manifesta. Por muito que não o possamos tocar fisicamente, podemos senti-lo através do que o coração nos transmite, e se for real, se for verdadeiro, nosso coração vibrará com tal satisfação que não deixará lugar a que dúvida alguma seja sentida. Quando for assim, não haverá nada a temer, apenas deveremos permanecer receptivos e deixarmo-nos deslumbrar. Agora se o coração não estiver a ser sentido se for uma coisa mais mental em que sentimos que algo nos está a forçar de alguma forma a acreditar em algo que não está a advir da parte que toca o coração, então aí é preciso cuidado. E daí a necessidade de se manter num estado de alerta e de discernimento constante.
Deus é pura luz. E a luz sempre é doada com amor. Não de uma forma coerciva. Nós recebemos a quantidade que nos permitirmos a receber. A luz que é puro amor jamais fere, jamais força a sua presença. Nós teremos de a desejar, dando-lhe a nossa permissão para permanecer. Luz é amor e amor é luz, não estão desassociados. E ambos se tornam na pura magia que provém do coração.
domingo, 19 de julho de 2015
I make the decision of being Love.
May come what it comes, I will be Love!
I make the decision of being Light.
May come what it comes, I will be Light!
I make the decision of being Peace.
May come what it comes, I will be Peace!
Each one of us is choosing what wants to be, to do and to feel at each moment. We have always this right, power and ability at our reach. May we want to grab it and make good use of it!
Whatever we may choose, it is, and will be only our own responsibility, and we will have and will end to deal with it. There is no escape from this.
Become more conscious, and you will have the needed awareness of what you have been choosing.
Judge less, giving to yourself a chance to really feel what’s in front of you, cause you are not really judging others but solely yourself. Because when you are not capable to look at yourself with the eyes of truth, others will show to you what you are denying to see coming from yourself. So, you can choose to keep the lies, or you can choose to start to see the truth and make the decision to become a better human being . No more a blind person that only sees what wants to see and surely will only see what pleases it.
When we are not able to look within us, our inner Being will keep in us the tendency for us to look around and find only those that are perfect to reflect in our way what we don’t want to see, nor accepting that what we see in them it is our own true and perfect reflection in the mirror. So we keep ourselves very busy judging others when in fact we are solely judging us, being the worse we can be while living in a human body in this physical earth.
To understand this words, we don’t need to be a scholar or an erudite, because this is not something we can intellectualize. This is simple understanding that can only be understood by those that has a simple mind and heart, and believe me that not even the greater scholar or the greater erudite for much intelligent or greatest IQ they may have can or will ever understand the simplicity of simply be simple of heart and mind. Because a simple mind and heart is always empty of judgment. Is always empty of greed. Is always empty of vanity. Instead of having a great ego, they have humbleness. And not even all the gold of this world together can ever shine more than one sole simple heart.
To have richness, may be a good thing, because it will give you the freedom you need to move in this world, but you cannot buy, for much that it could be the amount of richness that you may have, the happiness of a heart that is filled of simplicity.
For more that you may try, you cannot buy simplicity nor the joy that is at the reach of the touch of a simply heart.
Things are what they are, and you can not control it nor change it, unless you change yourself!
If you want love, you must become the love you need until you have no more the need that someone may come to bring you the love you want to have in your live. There is no one on this earth with the ability to give you the love that you are lacking.
If you wish to be light, you have to cross all the darkness you have been co-creating all this time, until you become able to dissipated it and finally see your own light shining within your own being. You don’t need to follow anyone. In fact you should question if someone with true light would need to gather followers… For what would they ever need followers, if supposedly they have fond their own light? Find your own light and bring it out to light the way!
And finally, if you want peace, you will need to find yourself. Find the true of who you are. Confront your true accepting who you are, and peace will follow.
If you know all this but just have not been able to succeed, don’t worry too much. Keep trying, persisting in this with true earning. Your heart will tell you and you will have no doubt that you have reach it when you get there.
Just make the decision for the right reasons to become Love. And you will be Love.
Make the decision for the right reasons to become Light. And you will be Light.
Make the decision for the right reasons to become peace. And you will be at Peace.
There is nothing intangible; there is only need to clarify your way of feeling.
There is nothing out of sight; there is only need to refine your way of vision.
There is nothing unreachable; there are only steps needed to be made.
You are and have within you all that you need, you just don’t know it or have not found it yet.
Stop trying to find it outside. All is within you and at your reach. Make the right moves and you’ll get there!
"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes." Carl Gustav Jung
Versão Poruguesa:
Eu faço a escolha de ser Amor.
Venha o que vier, eu serei Amor!
Eu faço a escolha de ser Luz.
Venha o que vier, eu serei Luz!
Eu faço a escolha de ser Paz.
Venha o que vier, eu serei Paz!
Cada um de nós escolhe o que quer ser, fazer e sentir a cada momento. Nós sempre temos este direito, poder e abilidade ao nosso alcance. Possamos querer agarrá-lo fazendo dele bom uso!
Qualquer que seja a nossa escolha, é, e será sempre unicamente da nossa própria responsabilidade, e nós teremos e iremos acabar por lidar com ela. Não há como escapar disso.
Torna-te mais consciente, e obterás a necessária consciência daquilo que tens vindo a escolher.
Julga menos, dando a ti mesmo uma oportunidade para realmente sentir o que tens à tua frente, porque em verdade não estás a julgar os outros senão a ti mesmo. Quando não és capaz de olhar para ti com o olhar da verdade, outros te mostrarão o que negas ver vindo de ti mesmo. Então, poderás escolher manter a mentira, ou poderás escolher por começar a ver a verdade e tomar a decisão de tornares-te um ser humano melhor. Não mais uma pessoa cega que apenas vê o que quer ver e que por certo só verá o que lhe agrada.
Quando não nos capacitamos a olhar dentro de nós mesmos, o nosso Ser interno manterá em nós a tendencia para olhar em nosso redor e encontrar apenas aqueles que serão perfeitos para reflectir de volta para nós o que não queremos ver, não aceitando que aquilo que identificamos neles é o nosso mais verdadeiro e perfeito reflexo no espelho. Assim nós nos mantemos muito ocupados a julgar os outros quando na verdade unicamente nos julgamos a nós próprios, sendo o pior que podemos ser enquanto vivendo num corpo humano neste mundo físico.
Para compreender estas palavras, não precisamos de ser um estudioso ou um erudito, porque isto não é algo que possamos intelectualizar. Isto é simples compreensão que pode apenas ser compreendida por aqueles que tenham em si uma mente e coração simples. E acredita que nem mesmo o maior dos estudiosos ou o maior dos eruditos por mais inteligentes que possam ser ou maior que seja o seu grau de inteligência eles poderão nunca vir a entender a simplicidade de simplesmente ser simples de mente e coração. Porque uma mente e coração simples sempre estará vazia de julgamento. Sempre estará vazia de ganância. Sempre estará vazia de vaidade. Em vez de deter um ego enorme, ela deterá humildade. E nem mesmo todo o ouro deste mundo junto poderá alguma vez brilhar mais que um único coração simples.
Deter riquezas pode ser algo bom, porque elas te darão a liberdade que precisas para te moveres neste mundo, mas não poderás comprar, por maior que seja a riqueza que possuas, a felicidade de um coração que está preenchido de simplicidade.
Por mais que tentes, não poderás comprar a simplicidade nem a felicidade que está somente ao alcance do toque de um coração simples.
As coisas são como são, e tu não as poderás controlar ou mudar, a não ser que mudes tu mesmo!
Se quiseres amor, terás de te tornar no amor que precisas até que não tenhas mais necessidade que alguém possa trazer-te o amor que queres ter na tua vida. Ninguém neste mundo terá a capacidade de te dar o amor que tu próprio não tens em ti.
Se desejas ser luz, terás de atravessar toda a escuridão que tens vindo a co-criar todo este tempo, até que te tornes capaz de a dissipar para finalmente veres a tua própria luz iluminar a partir do teu próprio ser. Nao precisas de seguir quem quer que seja. Na verdade deverás questionar se alguém com verdadeira luz precisaria de juntar seguidores... Por que razão precisariam eles de seguidores, se supostamente encontraram a sua própria luz? Encontra a tua própria luz e ela iluminará o caminho!
E finalmente, se quiseres paz, precisarás de te encontrar a ti mesmo. Encontra a verdade de quem tu és. Confronta a tua verdade aceitando ser quem és, e a paz virá de seguida.
Se já sabes tudo isto mas não tens sido bem sucedido, não te preocupes demais. Continua a tentar, persistindo nisto com verdadeira vontade. O teu coração te dirá e tu não terás duvidas de que o alcançaste quando lá chegares.
Apenas toma a decisão pelas razões certas para te tornares Amor. E Amor serás.
Toma a decisão pelas razoes certas para te tornares Luz. E Luz serás.
Toma a decisão pelas razões certas para te tornares Paz. E em Paz te sentirás.
Não existe nada que seja inantigivel; apenas necessitarás de clarificar o modo como sentes.
Não existe nada fora do alcance da visão; apenas necessitarás de refinar a tua visão.
Não existe nada que seja inalcançavel; apenas existem passos que serão necessários fazer mover.
Tu és e tens dentro de ti tudo de que precisas, apenas ainda não o sabes ou encontras-te.
Pára de procurar fora. Tudo está dentro de ti e ao teu alcance. Dá os passos certos e lá chegarás!
“A tua visão se tornará clara apenas quando olhares para dentro do teu próprio coração. Quem olha para fora, sonha; quem olha para dentro, acorda.” Carl Gustav Jung
May come what it comes, I will be Love!
I make the decision of being Light.
May come what it comes, I will be Light!
I make the decision of being Peace.
May come what it comes, I will be Peace!
Each one of us is choosing what wants to be, to do and to feel at each moment. We have always this right, power and ability at our reach. May we want to grab it and make good use of it!
Whatever we may choose, it is, and will be only our own responsibility, and we will have and will end to deal with it. There is no escape from this.
Become more conscious, and you will have the needed awareness of what you have been choosing.
Judge less, giving to yourself a chance to really feel what’s in front of you, cause you are not really judging others but solely yourself. Because when you are not capable to look at yourself with the eyes of truth, others will show to you what you are denying to see coming from yourself. So, you can choose to keep the lies, or you can choose to start to see the truth and make the decision to become a better human being . No more a blind person that only sees what wants to see and surely will only see what pleases it.
When we are not able to look within us, our inner Being will keep in us the tendency for us to look around and find only those that are perfect to reflect in our way what we don’t want to see, nor accepting that what we see in them it is our own true and perfect reflection in the mirror. So we keep ourselves very busy judging others when in fact we are solely judging us, being the worse we can be while living in a human body in this physical earth.
To understand this words, we don’t need to be a scholar or an erudite, because this is not something we can intellectualize. This is simple understanding that can only be understood by those that has a simple mind and heart, and believe me that not even the greater scholar or the greater erudite for much intelligent or greatest IQ they may have can or will ever understand the simplicity of simply be simple of heart and mind. Because a simple mind and heart is always empty of judgment. Is always empty of greed. Is always empty of vanity. Instead of having a great ego, they have humbleness. And not even all the gold of this world together can ever shine more than one sole simple heart.
To have richness, may be a good thing, because it will give you the freedom you need to move in this world, but you cannot buy, for much that it could be the amount of richness that you may have, the happiness of a heart that is filled of simplicity.
For more that you may try, you cannot buy simplicity nor the joy that is at the reach of the touch of a simply heart.
Things are what they are, and you can not control it nor change it, unless you change yourself!
If you want love, you must become the love you need until you have no more the need that someone may come to bring you the love you want to have in your live. There is no one on this earth with the ability to give you the love that you are lacking.
If you wish to be light, you have to cross all the darkness you have been co-creating all this time, until you become able to dissipated it and finally see your own light shining within your own being. You don’t need to follow anyone. In fact you should question if someone with true light would need to gather followers… For what would they ever need followers, if supposedly they have fond their own light? Find your own light and bring it out to light the way!
And finally, if you want peace, you will need to find yourself. Find the true of who you are. Confront your true accepting who you are, and peace will follow.
If you know all this but just have not been able to succeed, don’t worry too much. Keep trying, persisting in this with true earning. Your heart will tell you and you will have no doubt that you have reach it when you get there.
Just make the decision for the right reasons to become Love. And you will be Love.
Make the decision for the right reasons to become Light. And you will be Light.
Make the decision for the right reasons to become peace. And you will be at Peace.
There is nothing intangible; there is only need to clarify your way of feeling.
There is nothing out of sight; there is only need to refine your way of vision.
There is nothing unreachable; there are only steps needed to be made.
You are and have within you all that you need, you just don’t know it or have not found it yet.
Stop trying to find it outside. All is within you and at your reach. Make the right moves and you’ll get there!
"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes." Carl Gustav Jung
Versão Poruguesa:
Eu faço a escolha de ser Amor.
Venha o que vier, eu serei Amor!
Eu faço a escolha de ser Luz.
Venha o que vier, eu serei Luz!
Eu faço a escolha de ser Paz.
Venha o que vier, eu serei Paz!
Cada um de nós escolhe o que quer ser, fazer e sentir a cada momento. Nós sempre temos este direito, poder e abilidade ao nosso alcance. Possamos querer agarrá-lo fazendo dele bom uso!
Qualquer que seja a nossa escolha, é, e será sempre unicamente da nossa própria responsabilidade, e nós teremos e iremos acabar por lidar com ela. Não há como escapar disso.
Torna-te mais consciente, e obterás a necessária consciência daquilo que tens vindo a escolher.
Julga menos, dando a ti mesmo uma oportunidade para realmente sentir o que tens à tua frente, porque em verdade não estás a julgar os outros senão a ti mesmo. Quando não és capaz de olhar para ti com o olhar da verdade, outros te mostrarão o que negas ver vindo de ti mesmo. Então, poderás escolher manter a mentira, ou poderás escolher por começar a ver a verdade e tomar a decisão de tornares-te um ser humano melhor. Não mais uma pessoa cega que apenas vê o que quer ver e que por certo só verá o que lhe agrada.
Quando não nos capacitamos a olhar dentro de nós mesmos, o nosso Ser interno manterá em nós a tendencia para olhar em nosso redor e encontrar apenas aqueles que serão perfeitos para reflectir de volta para nós o que não queremos ver, não aceitando que aquilo que identificamos neles é o nosso mais verdadeiro e perfeito reflexo no espelho. Assim nós nos mantemos muito ocupados a julgar os outros quando na verdade unicamente nos julgamos a nós próprios, sendo o pior que podemos ser enquanto vivendo num corpo humano neste mundo físico.
Para compreender estas palavras, não precisamos de ser um estudioso ou um erudito, porque isto não é algo que possamos intelectualizar. Isto é simples compreensão que pode apenas ser compreendida por aqueles que tenham em si uma mente e coração simples. E acredita que nem mesmo o maior dos estudiosos ou o maior dos eruditos por mais inteligentes que possam ser ou maior que seja o seu grau de inteligência eles poderão nunca vir a entender a simplicidade de simplesmente ser simples de mente e coração. Porque uma mente e coração simples sempre estará vazia de julgamento. Sempre estará vazia de ganância. Sempre estará vazia de vaidade. Em vez de deter um ego enorme, ela deterá humildade. E nem mesmo todo o ouro deste mundo junto poderá alguma vez brilhar mais que um único coração simples.
Deter riquezas pode ser algo bom, porque elas te darão a liberdade que precisas para te moveres neste mundo, mas não poderás comprar, por maior que seja a riqueza que possuas, a felicidade de um coração que está preenchido de simplicidade.
Por mais que tentes, não poderás comprar a simplicidade nem a felicidade que está somente ao alcance do toque de um coração simples.
As coisas são como são, e tu não as poderás controlar ou mudar, a não ser que mudes tu mesmo!
Se quiseres amor, terás de te tornar no amor que precisas até que não tenhas mais necessidade que alguém possa trazer-te o amor que queres ter na tua vida. Ninguém neste mundo terá a capacidade de te dar o amor que tu próprio não tens em ti.
Se desejas ser luz, terás de atravessar toda a escuridão que tens vindo a co-criar todo este tempo, até que te tornes capaz de a dissipar para finalmente veres a tua própria luz iluminar a partir do teu próprio ser. Nao precisas de seguir quem quer que seja. Na verdade deverás questionar se alguém com verdadeira luz precisaria de juntar seguidores... Por que razão precisariam eles de seguidores, se supostamente encontraram a sua própria luz? Encontra a tua própria luz e ela iluminará o caminho!
E finalmente, se quiseres paz, precisarás de te encontrar a ti mesmo. Encontra a verdade de quem tu és. Confronta a tua verdade aceitando ser quem és, e a paz virá de seguida.
Se já sabes tudo isto mas não tens sido bem sucedido, não te preocupes demais. Continua a tentar, persistindo nisto com verdadeira vontade. O teu coração te dirá e tu não terás duvidas de que o alcançaste quando lá chegares.
Apenas toma a decisão pelas razões certas para te tornares Amor. E Amor serás.
Toma a decisão pelas razoes certas para te tornares Luz. E Luz serás.
Toma a decisão pelas razões certas para te tornares Paz. E em Paz te sentirás.
Não existe nada que seja inantigivel; apenas necessitarás de clarificar o modo como sentes.
Não existe nada fora do alcance da visão; apenas necessitarás de refinar a tua visão.
Não existe nada que seja inalcançavel; apenas existem passos que serão necessários fazer mover.
Tu és e tens dentro de ti tudo de que precisas, apenas ainda não o sabes ou encontras-te.
Pára de procurar fora. Tudo está dentro de ti e ao teu alcance. Dá os passos certos e lá chegarás!
“A tua visão se tornará clara apenas quando olhares para dentro do teu próprio coração. Quem olha para fora, sonha; quem olha para dentro, acorda.” Carl Gustav Jung
quarta-feira, 17 de junho de 2015
Quando aplicamos a meditação do terceiro olho podemos pensar estar a olhar para o interior uma vez que os nossos olhos estão naquele momento fechados para o mundo físico, mas ao usarmos este tipo de meditação, quer o percebamos ou não, continuamos a persistir no olhar para fora de nós. Pois muito embora, ao aplicar a meditação do terceiro olho não estejamos a olhar directamente para o mundo físico, igualmente ao olharmos para o mundo espiritual fazendo uso da meditação do terceiro olho, também não estaremos a olhar directo para o nosso ser interno.
O termo “meditação” sugere um olhar para dentro de ti, funcionando como um catalisador para o alcance da visão ao mais intimo pormenor desse ser que apelidas de ser interno. Qualquer que seja a realidade mais vivida, quer esta seja física ou espiritual, meditar na sua mais verdadeira acepção, implica estar receptivo a olhar para dentro do teu próprio ser, numa tentativa de ver e ouvir somente a tua essência.
O chakra do terceiro olho é o chakra que nos habilita a ver o mundo espiritual, mas para que essa visão possa ser considerada fidedigna, é necessário que todos os chakras superiores possam encontrar-se em perfeito estado de equilíbrio. Sendo o mundo espiritual um mundo muito real tal como o mundo físico, ele acaba por funcionar como uma espécie de reflexo. Como tal, é bom que tenhas o cuidado de “arrumar um pouco a casa” dando-lhe alguma “organização” de forma a que semelhante reflexo possa ser encontrado.
Muitos são os que possuem enorme sagacidade para ver o mundo espiritual, com uma sede e curiosidade em querer ver aquilo para o qual nem sequer tiveram o cuidado de preparar-se devidamente. Somente aqueles que fizerem um trabalho prévio aprendendo a olhar para dentro deles mesmos estão se preparando para poder olhar com olhos de ver para o mundo espiritual que os rodeia. Seria de muito bom tom possuir compreensão do quão importante é que primeiro evidenciemos esforços sinceros para buscarmos encontrar o nosso ser interno, porque somente depois, ele próprio nos mostrará o mundo espiritual que nos rodeia e do qual realmente provimos.
Se no mundo físico gostamos de estar e visitar locais onde nos sentimos bem e tudo fazemos para evitar os locais de que não gostamos, porque havemos de querer testar a nossa sorte ou destino deixando ao critério do acaso aquilo que poderemos vir a encontrar, quando não fazemos a mínima ideia do que pode vir a apresentar-se? Não devemos ter medo, é certo. Mas devemos fazer uso de alguma dose de bom senso e discernimento, fazendo por nos certificar de que minimamente sabemos onde nos estamos a meter.
A inabilidade para ver o mundo espiritual acreditemos ou não, é uma protecção que nos ajuda a manter o nosso equilíbrio mental e psicológico, porque a linha que separa o estado de sanidade do estado de insanidade é muito frágil e estes podem com facilidade confundir-se entre si.
Se esta faculdade fosse acedida facilmente sem qualquer preparação prévia haveria muito pessoal a enlouquecer a um ritmo tremendo. Não se pode adentrar algo para o qual não estamos minimamente preparados. A curiosidade não trabalha a nosso favor neste campo, é preciso muito mais para entrar nesse mundo desconhecido sem correr o risco de podermos desequilibrar-nos. Para entrar nesse mundo desconhecido è preciso estar preparado detendo a compreensão de que quando falamos do mundo espiritual este engloba uma multiplicidade de universos completos, que embora sendo distintamente diferentes uns dos outros, comunicam e intercedem entre si simultaneamente. Como tal, devemos querer somente entrar nele de coração presente, deixando que seja o coração a comandar a nossa vontade, nunca a mente. Esta pelo contrário deverá evadir-se o mais possível, mantendo-se num estado de simples observador para não ficar suscetível a trazer-nos confusão mental, e possamos então, realmente ver e sentir o mundo espiritual que nos rodeia.
Nessa multiplicidade existente no universo espiritual somente o coração pode apresentar-se como algo válido, caso contrário não haverá sequer permissão para olharmos os muitos “segredos” e “maravilhas” que ele guarda na sua invisibilidade protectora.
Mas cada um de nós sendo um universo em si mesmo, terá de procurar e confiar na sua própria luz, prestar-se a ouvir a sua voz interior que o orientará no caminho necessário a percorrer até que o vislumbre da sua essência mais pura possa ser vivido em pleno.
Tal como em qualquer demanda ou peregrinação, que o caminho se faça em segurança, pleno de entrega, confiança, amor e alegria!
English version:
When we apply the third eye meditation, as our eyes are closed to the physical world when doing it, we may think to be looking at the inside, but while doing this kind of meditation, whether we realize it or not, we still persist to look out of us. For although, by applying the third eye meditation we are not looking directly into the physical world, as well as when looking into the spiritual world by making use of the third eye meditation, we will not be looking directly to our inner being.
The term "meditation" suggests a look inside of you, acting as a catalyst for achieving the vision at the most intimate detail of this being that you named of inner being. Whatever be the most vivid reality, whether it be physical or spiritual, meditate in its truest sense, implies being receptive to look within your own being, in an attempt to see and hear only your essence.
The third eye chakra is the chakra that enables us to see the spiritual world, but for that view could be considered reliable, it is necessary that all the upper chakras can be found in perfect state of balance. Being the spiritual world a very real world as the physical world, it turns out to function as a kind of reflex. As such, it's nice that you have the careful to "pack up your home" giving it some "organization" so that similar reflection can be found.
Many are those with enormous sagacity to see the spiritual world, with a thirst and curiosity in wanting to see that for which they not even took care to prepare properly. Only those who do previous work learning to look within themselves are prepared to be able to look with eyes that can real see the spiritual world that surrounds them. It would be of very good sense having understanding of how important it is to first evidence sincere efforts to seek to find our inner being, because only then, he himself will show us the spiritual world surrounding us and from which We have come.
If in the physical world we like to be and visit places where we feel good and if we do everything to avoid those places we may not like, why then should we want to test our luck or fate leaving to chance the discretion of what we may find when we not even can make a clue of what may appear? We should not be afraid, it is certain. But we must make use of some amount of common sense and good discernment, making at the least to be sure that we know where we're getting into.
The inability to see the spiritual world believe it or not, is a protection that helps us to maintain our mental and psychological in balance, because the line between a healthy state of sanity from the state of insanity is very fragile and they can easily be confused between each other.
If that ability was easily accessible without any prior preparation there would be many people that would go crazy at a tremendous rate. We cannot access something for which we are not at all prepared. Curiosity does not work in our favor in this field, much more is needed to enter this unknown world without running the risk that we may get out of balance. To enter into this unknown world will be need to be convenient prepared, understanding that when we speak of the spiritual world it encompasses a multitude of complete universes, which while being distinctly different from each other, communicate and intercede with each other simultaneously. As such, we should only want to go into it with our heart full present, leave it to the heart to command our will, never leave it to our mind. The interference of our mind should be out as much as possible, while remaining in a state of simple observer to not be susceptible to bring in confusion, and then, may we really be able to see and feel the spiritual world around us.
In that existing multiplicity on the spiritual universe only the heart can present itself as something valid, otherwise there will not be even permission to look at the many "secrets" and "wonders" that the spiritual keeps in its protective invisibility.
But each of us being a universe in itself, will have to seek and rely on its own light, be open to listen to our inner voice that will guide us on the path necessary to fulfill until the glimpse of its purest essence can be lived in full.
As with any quest or pilgrimage, may the path be made in security, full of delivery, trust, love and joy!
O termo “meditação” sugere um olhar para dentro de ti, funcionando como um catalisador para o alcance da visão ao mais intimo pormenor desse ser que apelidas de ser interno. Qualquer que seja a realidade mais vivida, quer esta seja física ou espiritual, meditar na sua mais verdadeira acepção, implica estar receptivo a olhar para dentro do teu próprio ser, numa tentativa de ver e ouvir somente a tua essência.
O chakra do terceiro olho é o chakra que nos habilita a ver o mundo espiritual, mas para que essa visão possa ser considerada fidedigna, é necessário que todos os chakras superiores possam encontrar-se em perfeito estado de equilíbrio. Sendo o mundo espiritual um mundo muito real tal como o mundo físico, ele acaba por funcionar como uma espécie de reflexo. Como tal, é bom que tenhas o cuidado de “arrumar um pouco a casa” dando-lhe alguma “organização” de forma a que semelhante reflexo possa ser encontrado.
Muitos são os que possuem enorme sagacidade para ver o mundo espiritual, com uma sede e curiosidade em querer ver aquilo para o qual nem sequer tiveram o cuidado de preparar-se devidamente. Somente aqueles que fizerem um trabalho prévio aprendendo a olhar para dentro deles mesmos estão se preparando para poder olhar com olhos de ver para o mundo espiritual que os rodeia. Seria de muito bom tom possuir compreensão do quão importante é que primeiro evidenciemos esforços sinceros para buscarmos encontrar o nosso ser interno, porque somente depois, ele próprio nos mostrará o mundo espiritual que nos rodeia e do qual realmente provimos.
Se no mundo físico gostamos de estar e visitar locais onde nos sentimos bem e tudo fazemos para evitar os locais de que não gostamos, porque havemos de querer testar a nossa sorte ou destino deixando ao critério do acaso aquilo que poderemos vir a encontrar, quando não fazemos a mínima ideia do que pode vir a apresentar-se? Não devemos ter medo, é certo. Mas devemos fazer uso de alguma dose de bom senso e discernimento, fazendo por nos certificar de que minimamente sabemos onde nos estamos a meter.
A inabilidade para ver o mundo espiritual acreditemos ou não, é uma protecção que nos ajuda a manter o nosso equilíbrio mental e psicológico, porque a linha que separa o estado de sanidade do estado de insanidade é muito frágil e estes podem com facilidade confundir-se entre si.
Se esta faculdade fosse acedida facilmente sem qualquer preparação prévia haveria muito pessoal a enlouquecer a um ritmo tremendo. Não se pode adentrar algo para o qual não estamos minimamente preparados. A curiosidade não trabalha a nosso favor neste campo, é preciso muito mais para entrar nesse mundo desconhecido sem correr o risco de podermos desequilibrar-nos. Para entrar nesse mundo desconhecido è preciso estar preparado detendo a compreensão de que quando falamos do mundo espiritual este engloba uma multiplicidade de universos completos, que embora sendo distintamente diferentes uns dos outros, comunicam e intercedem entre si simultaneamente. Como tal, devemos querer somente entrar nele de coração presente, deixando que seja o coração a comandar a nossa vontade, nunca a mente. Esta pelo contrário deverá evadir-se o mais possível, mantendo-se num estado de simples observador para não ficar suscetível a trazer-nos confusão mental, e possamos então, realmente ver e sentir o mundo espiritual que nos rodeia.
Nessa multiplicidade existente no universo espiritual somente o coração pode apresentar-se como algo válido, caso contrário não haverá sequer permissão para olharmos os muitos “segredos” e “maravilhas” que ele guarda na sua invisibilidade protectora.
Mas cada um de nós sendo um universo em si mesmo, terá de procurar e confiar na sua própria luz, prestar-se a ouvir a sua voz interior que o orientará no caminho necessário a percorrer até que o vislumbre da sua essência mais pura possa ser vivido em pleno.
Tal como em qualquer demanda ou peregrinação, que o caminho se faça em segurança, pleno de entrega, confiança, amor e alegria!
English version:
When we apply the third eye meditation, as our eyes are closed to the physical world when doing it, we may think to be looking at the inside, but while doing this kind of meditation, whether we realize it or not, we still persist to look out of us. For although, by applying the third eye meditation we are not looking directly into the physical world, as well as when looking into the spiritual world by making use of the third eye meditation, we will not be looking directly to our inner being.
The term "meditation" suggests a look inside of you, acting as a catalyst for achieving the vision at the most intimate detail of this being that you named of inner being. Whatever be the most vivid reality, whether it be physical or spiritual, meditate in its truest sense, implies being receptive to look within your own being, in an attempt to see and hear only your essence.
The third eye chakra is the chakra that enables us to see the spiritual world, but for that view could be considered reliable, it is necessary that all the upper chakras can be found in perfect state of balance. Being the spiritual world a very real world as the physical world, it turns out to function as a kind of reflex. As such, it's nice that you have the careful to "pack up your home" giving it some "organization" so that similar reflection can be found.
Many are those with enormous sagacity to see the spiritual world, with a thirst and curiosity in wanting to see that for which they not even took care to prepare properly. Only those who do previous work learning to look within themselves are prepared to be able to look with eyes that can real see the spiritual world that surrounds them. It would be of very good sense having understanding of how important it is to first evidence sincere efforts to seek to find our inner being, because only then, he himself will show us the spiritual world surrounding us and from which We have come.
If in the physical world we like to be and visit places where we feel good and if we do everything to avoid those places we may not like, why then should we want to test our luck or fate leaving to chance the discretion of what we may find when we not even can make a clue of what may appear? We should not be afraid, it is certain. But we must make use of some amount of common sense and good discernment, making at the least to be sure that we know where we're getting into.
The inability to see the spiritual world believe it or not, is a protection that helps us to maintain our mental and psychological in balance, because the line between a healthy state of sanity from the state of insanity is very fragile and they can easily be confused between each other.
If that ability was easily accessible without any prior preparation there would be many people that would go crazy at a tremendous rate. We cannot access something for which we are not at all prepared. Curiosity does not work in our favor in this field, much more is needed to enter this unknown world without running the risk that we may get out of balance. To enter into this unknown world will be need to be convenient prepared, understanding that when we speak of the spiritual world it encompasses a multitude of complete universes, which while being distinctly different from each other, communicate and intercede with each other simultaneously. As such, we should only want to go into it with our heart full present, leave it to the heart to command our will, never leave it to our mind. The interference of our mind should be out as much as possible, while remaining in a state of simple observer to not be susceptible to bring in confusion, and then, may we really be able to see and feel the spiritual world around us.
In that existing multiplicity on the spiritual universe only the heart can present itself as something valid, otherwise there will not be even permission to look at the many "secrets" and "wonders" that the spiritual keeps in its protective invisibility.
But each of us being a universe in itself, will have to seek and rely on its own light, be open to listen to our inner voice that will guide us on the path necessary to fulfill until the glimpse of its purest essence can be lived in full.
As with any quest or pilgrimage, may the path be made in security, full of delivery, trust, love and joy!
quinta-feira, 23 de abril de 2015
I’ve always been a lover of the Samurai culture from ancient Japan. Surely I most have been one of them in a long ago previous lifetime… The values, the courage, the honor have always been one of the strongest and passionate on all human history. But all ancient cultures have their own valuable history, from which we all could learn so much and better than in nowadays.
The fables of the ancient Greeks were always felt as amazing, as well as amazing were the way in how they have been able to bring forth their ability to connect with Divine powers.
Each sentence of their fables still keeps the power to transport us to the realm of the Gods and Goddess like if they were still alive within us like in ancient times. Could we have a pure and good intent heart and we would know how to cross this realm and beyond it.
The ancient Egyptian culture was one of the best to deal and understand death. They knew the world of the spirits was just a transition for the world of the living. They left us a tremendous heritage, so great, that we hardly understand how precious the remains they left us are.
The ancient North American Indians so called Amerindians walked on this earth in peace with nature which they call tenderly of Mother Earth. They had the ability to connect with the world of the spirits from which they could receive the guidance of their ancestors. Among them the world have known great warriors, mans of integrity with no greed to take from earth what only to earth was belonging. Besides the willing to live in peace with all creatures all they wanted were to live in their own land. Their wisdom and knowledge’s could seem simple, but may we do not fool ourselves, because their wisdom never have been less but equivalent to the greatest ones.
The ancient Celts can be considered the true owners of the wonders of magic. They had great physicians among them and their erudite ways of life should be consider nothing more than true knowledge proves.
I could go on and on. I could also speak about the Persian ancient culture, about the Essenes, and I could go far more and bring forth the ancient Maya culture or far more with ancient Atlantis. But what all this ancient cultures could possible have had in common?
For us today, some of them seem so full of myths and mysteries, but they knew something that we have forgotten. They all had true knowledge! They valued wisdom in all forms of evidence. Not all was good although. Their cultures also had some minor habits and behaviors that seem to not be justify, but hey, what would they say about ours if they could come from the past, confronting the present ways of life? Barbaric no sense! Don’t you think?
Actually, they are not very different from us, if we put aside what we have forgotten. That, by the way, was the riches of all riches if we could give to it the right value. In fact, life has so much to unfold to us that has been forgotten that we don’t are even aware that the same Souls have been always here, coming again and again. Tremendous, isn’t?
It could be if you believed!
We have been so busy. Some of us work simply for surviving, others working to full their pockets. Some of us, have no time to even dream with a better life. Others are using their time to find ways to keep their pockets full. So, when will we have time and how will we remember what we have forgotten?
This will only happen when we’ll be totally willing to do it!
Consciously choosing to walk that road!
Every time I look back in time, I see how huge is our lacking of the values of honor and courage and many others that this two alone would bring together if our personalities could know what really this simple words means. But we, in our illusion of delusion, believe to be the greatest of all in all human history when discarding and dismissing all the true values like if we didn’t need them. It seems to me that progress had become a virus that we all have been helping to feed… All cultures have become contaminated by this virus and ancient values seem to vanish out from our fingers, and we have been allowing this all the way long…
But indeed, we have become the greatest of all, and certainly in the future to come, we will be known as the greatest experts of all human history, destroyers of their own planet and erasures of all kind of life that lived in it. In the future, we will not be known for being one of the greatest civilizations that have existed here, having the progress by our side for achieving the best of evolution, but, as the most destructive human civilization living in one of what should have been the most peaceful time in history. Where the progress should have be an allied to join all countries and not a weapon to destroy them. It seems that we have learned well to grab the worse and bad of all human history, instead of choosing to grab the best they had and have left as their heritage. Like a spoiled child, we only have taking what suit us best in our egoistic view perspective. Greed is a blindfold that doesn’t let us realize how destructive we have been. And we will only stop when nothing has been left to destroy…
All the great civilizations were lost and with them their wisdom was putted aside no longer able to fit in a world that has become full of greed and lacked of true values. For greed true wisdom will be its greater enemy, because wisdom knows how to identify the real from the unreal. True wisdom will always be a catalyst of true values Even still, we can find a tiny link to this lost wisdom in few great books whose authors were able to bring forth when allowing connecting with their own inner being. But no one will ever find all the wisdom and necessary ability to connect with it when not allowing going inside their own inner being. To cross our own darkness is the only way to reach the light that makes us to come here again and again, until we finally be able to remember who we are for real.
Most of the countries that have been great “holders” of the wisdom of ancient times have lost its ways, when choosing to discard the old wisdom values by embracing the progress with all the greed it brings. As we have been progressing outwardly, we have been losing perspective of what should be the true human evolution. Everywhere we look, we see how far we reach when all shows an external progress blinding us and taking from us the vision to see how this external progress, has become a huge inward loss. We have so many things grabbing our attention outwardly that we had become losers of the ability to look inwardly.
We have been living in a big illusion. Apparently seems that we have reached far, but we don’t see what we left behind because we can’t remember what we already had. If we could see, we would see how far we are still.
It seems that progress brought only insanity and insanity its equal to ignorance. So, no matter how far we believe to have reached, we could not be more far away of what should truly be our goal.
Humanity, you will be a sad view for tomorrow earth, unless you start to do something to truly change, starting from now!
The fables of the ancient Greeks were always felt as amazing, as well as amazing were the way in how they have been able to bring forth their ability to connect with Divine powers.
Each sentence of their fables still keeps the power to transport us to the realm of the Gods and Goddess like if they were still alive within us like in ancient times. Could we have a pure and good intent heart and we would know how to cross this realm and beyond it.
The ancient Egyptian culture was one of the best to deal and understand death. They knew the world of the spirits was just a transition for the world of the living. They left us a tremendous heritage, so great, that we hardly understand how precious the remains they left us are.
The ancient North American Indians so called Amerindians walked on this earth in peace with nature which they call tenderly of Mother Earth. They had the ability to connect with the world of the spirits from which they could receive the guidance of their ancestors. Among them the world have known great warriors, mans of integrity with no greed to take from earth what only to earth was belonging. Besides the willing to live in peace with all creatures all they wanted were to live in their own land. Their wisdom and knowledge’s could seem simple, but may we do not fool ourselves, because their wisdom never have been less but equivalent to the greatest ones.
The ancient Celts can be considered the true owners of the wonders of magic. They had great physicians among them and their erudite ways of life should be consider nothing more than true knowledge proves.
I could go on and on. I could also speak about the Persian ancient culture, about the Essenes, and I could go far more and bring forth the ancient Maya culture or far more with ancient Atlantis. But what all this ancient cultures could possible have had in common?
For us today, some of them seem so full of myths and mysteries, but they knew something that we have forgotten. They all had true knowledge! They valued wisdom in all forms of evidence. Not all was good although. Their cultures also had some minor habits and behaviors that seem to not be justify, but hey, what would they say about ours if they could come from the past, confronting the present ways of life? Barbaric no sense! Don’t you think?
Actually, they are not very different from us, if we put aside what we have forgotten. That, by the way, was the riches of all riches if we could give to it the right value. In fact, life has so much to unfold to us that has been forgotten that we don’t are even aware that the same Souls have been always here, coming again and again. Tremendous, isn’t?
It could be if you believed!
We have been so busy. Some of us work simply for surviving, others working to full their pockets. Some of us, have no time to even dream with a better life. Others are using their time to find ways to keep their pockets full. So, when will we have time and how will we remember what we have forgotten?
This will only happen when we’ll be totally willing to do it!
Consciously choosing to walk that road!
Every time I look back in time, I see how huge is our lacking of the values of honor and courage and many others that this two alone would bring together if our personalities could know what really this simple words means. But we, in our illusion of delusion, believe to be the greatest of all in all human history when discarding and dismissing all the true values like if we didn’t need them. It seems to me that progress had become a virus that we all have been helping to feed… All cultures have become contaminated by this virus and ancient values seem to vanish out from our fingers, and we have been allowing this all the way long…
But indeed, we have become the greatest of all, and certainly in the future to come, we will be known as the greatest experts of all human history, destroyers of their own planet and erasures of all kind of life that lived in it. In the future, we will not be known for being one of the greatest civilizations that have existed here, having the progress by our side for achieving the best of evolution, but, as the most destructive human civilization living in one of what should have been the most peaceful time in history. Where the progress should have be an allied to join all countries and not a weapon to destroy them. It seems that we have learned well to grab the worse and bad of all human history, instead of choosing to grab the best they had and have left as their heritage. Like a spoiled child, we only have taking what suit us best in our egoistic view perspective. Greed is a blindfold that doesn’t let us realize how destructive we have been. And we will only stop when nothing has been left to destroy…
All the great civilizations were lost and with them their wisdom was putted aside no longer able to fit in a world that has become full of greed and lacked of true values. For greed true wisdom will be its greater enemy, because wisdom knows how to identify the real from the unreal. True wisdom will always be a catalyst of true values Even still, we can find a tiny link to this lost wisdom in few great books whose authors were able to bring forth when allowing connecting with their own inner being. But no one will ever find all the wisdom and necessary ability to connect with it when not allowing going inside their own inner being. To cross our own darkness is the only way to reach the light that makes us to come here again and again, until we finally be able to remember who we are for real.
Most of the countries that have been great “holders” of the wisdom of ancient times have lost its ways, when choosing to discard the old wisdom values by embracing the progress with all the greed it brings. As we have been progressing outwardly, we have been losing perspective of what should be the true human evolution. Everywhere we look, we see how far we reach when all shows an external progress blinding us and taking from us the vision to see how this external progress, has become a huge inward loss. We have so many things grabbing our attention outwardly that we had become losers of the ability to look inwardly.
We have been living in a big illusion. Apparently seems that we have reached far, but we don’t see what we left behind because we can’t remember what we already had. If we could see, we would see how far we are still.
It seems that progress brought only insanity and insanity its equal to ignorance. So, no matter how far we believe to have reached, we could not be more far away of what should truly be our goal.
Humanity, you will be a sad view for tomorrow earth, unless you start to do something to truly change, starting from now!
terça-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2015
When I listen native people speaking I feel from most of them a kind of bitterness... I’ve been feeling this same bitterness in many native American people in their talks or writings, and it makes me sad because it shows how lost they feel when not being able to bring the appropriate sense of meaning of being who they are to the heart of their people, like not knowing what to do to feel the “alivingness of being and belonging with true sense and meaning”. Maybe these are not the right words to explain what it is felt within me, maybe this bitterness is my own bitterness that shows off coming from others…
We all are here for a reason. We all came to born in a specific culture and country for a valuable reason. Cause each one of us is a little piece of the grand puzzle. And each little piece has a meaning for being placed where it is. Not to be placed there to act alone, but to connect with others. To find the understanding of what has put them into that particular place, of what values their existence in that same place. We all are acting like a singular string that needs to be played with other singular strings. This singular string can not create a perfect harmonic sound when standing there alone with no outer connections, no affinities, nor without a reason to love what it is. The past can’t define us, nor what we do for living. Only the present can do this, in what we choose to think, to speak or to write, and our actions or absence of action in the physical world shows it out. And even if past, present and future may be one, we can and should only define us for what we are in this present moment. So, are we acting according to what truly define us?
If we are not able to find the reason that brought us here, or if we have find it , but keep without being able to understanding it, we can always choose to accept it as it is. Trying to work with it until becomes clear to us, that it was important to be like it was. Believe it or not, there’s always a reason for things turn out as they have been. Because what has brought our spirit to rebirth in a physical form here is so far beyond of what can be reachable by common understanding. This is something not to be explained. It is to be felt.
I Can not say I am sure of many things, but I’m sure of one thing, it is not the personality, the gender, or the physical form that can connect us to certain time of history, to places or people, to the prison or freedom of mind. Only the spirit can do that. But like a bird it has to be set free to move freely in his natural environment. And a free spirit can not be free when confined to a space, place or time, he has to be truly free to overcome all that confines the physical form but cannot keeps confining as well what should be left free. The Spirit.
Our spirit will only put us in the right place when we be able to overcome all our quarrels with the physical world. When what moves us is not emotions like hatred, fury, madness, discrimination, racism or envy. For sure these emotions will put us in the wrong place but only to teach us in the right way. And is up to us to learn and move. Is when we refuse to learn that our spirit keeps putting us in a environments that make us deal directly with all that can bring to live those kind of emotions, because we so well master all of them.
To be put in a place of love, understanding and acceptance you first need to learn to master this other kind of uplifting emotions. Until then, you will be put in places where you will feel you don’t want to be, and to feel things you do not want or should not want to feel. It is only up to you to refuse to feel them by stop giving them energy, or keep feeding them.
No matter what your beliefs are, the power to choose to where you want to direct your energy, it’s only yours. And you can do this in the wrong but easier way, or you can do it in the long, not easy, but right way. In each way it will be a persistent work road.
I choose to bring here the Native American Indian nation, because I feel so close to them, as being my own people. And most important is the fact that they are the people that more have fight to keep their identity. Also, we must try to keep in mind something else that we all should already know. For spirit there are no limitations, not for attain the good nor will be to attain what we may feel to be the bad. But everything has a purpose.
Many Native American people have lost connection with their culture. They have lost their sense of being. They have lost their identity as a people and cultural nation. We see many of them acting and speaking with hatred or bitterness. So many are putting them selves to a place of alienation by taking drugs and alcoholic drinks and many reasons can be given to explain this. One is to say that when not being able to be who they are, instead of becoming what the government wants them to be, they prefer to become nothing in order to survive. I can’t argue with this statement, in fact I can understand and respect it. But, there are other reasons that could be told, but those concerns only the spirit that gives life, so they will not be mentioned here. But after what has been said, I dare to say that for a good listener will be enough half a word…
For much that I may believe that America could supposedly become the heart center of all nations, I can’t deny that this could be said for any other country on earth. But the American nation as well as any other nation will need to clean its blood shed. And in order to clean the blood trace that was shed, it will be need to forgive the past. Taking American as example, this can only happen when those belonging to first nation become able to find the way back to their own heart by making peace with the past, and also by recovering all the values that once have made of them an honored nation of warriors and keepers of the true wisdom. They also will have to accept that many fragments of this wisdom have been kept by keepers that will come from places out of its borders. But they will not be felt as strangers… Only by joining all the fragments will the puzzle be completed.
What have been happening with the Native American Indians can as well apply to all of us, no matter how different may be the history and culture of the Country where we have born, with a single difference. Many nations have long ago let go the connection with their identity, while the Native American Indians still keep refusing to let go their identity. That’s why they keep open the chance to make of America the heart center of all nations
It’s up to each one of us to think about this and understand its real meaning.
We all are here for a reason. We all came to born in a specific culture and country for a valuable reason. Cause each one of us is a little piece of the grand puzzle. And each little piece has a meaning for being placed where it is. Not to be placed there to act alone, but to connect with others. To find the understanding of what has put them into that particular place, of what values their existence in that same place. We all are acting like a singular string that needs to be played with other singular strings. This singular string can not create a perfect harmonic sound when standing there alone with no outer connections, no affinities, nor without a reason to love what it is. The past can’t define us, nor what we do for living. Only the present can do this, in what we choose to think, to speak or to write, and our actions or absence of action in the physical world shows it out. And even if past, present and future may be one, we can and should only define us for what we are in this present moment. So, are we acting according to what truly define us?
If we are not able to find the reason that brought us here, or if we have find it , but keep without being able to understanding it, we can always choose to accept it as it is. Trying to work with it until becomes clear to us, that it was important to be like it was. Believe it or not, there’s always a reason for things turn out as they have been. Because what has brought our spirit to rebirth in a physical form here is so far beyond of what can be reachable by common understanding. This is something not to be explained. It is to be felt.
I Can not say I am sure of many things, but I’m sure of one thing, it is not the personality, the gender, or the physical form that can connect us to certain time of history, to places or people, to the prison or freedom of mind. Only the spirit can do that. But like a bird it has to be set free to move freely in his natural environment. And a free spirit can not be free when confined to a space, place or time, he has to be truly free to overcome all that confines the physical form but cannot keeps confining as well what should be left free. The Spirit.
Our spirit will only put us in the right place when we be able to overcome all our quarrels with the physical world. When what moves us is not emotions like hatred, fury, madness, discrimination, racism or envy. For sure these emotions will put us in the wrong place but only to teach us in the right way. And is up to us to learn and move. Is when we refuse to learn that our spirit keeps putting us in a environments that make us deal directly with all that can bring to live those kind of emotions, because we so well master all of them.
To be put in a place of love, understanding and acceptance you first need to learn to master this other kind of uplifting emotions. Until then, you will be put in places where you will feel you don’t want to be, and to feel things you do not want or should not want to feel. It is only up to you to refuse to feel them by stop giving them energy, or keep feeding them.
No matter what your beliefs are, the power to choose to where you want to direct your energy, it’s only yours. And you can do this in the wrong but easier way, or you can do it in the long, not easy, but right way. In each way it will be a persistent work road.
I choose to bring here the Native American Indian nation, because I feel so close to them, as being my own people. And most important is the fact that they are the people that more have fight to keep their identity. Also, we must try to keep in mind something else that we all should already know. For spirit there are no limitations, not for attain the good nor will be to attain what we may feel to be the bad. But everything has a purpose.
Many Native American people have lost connection with their culture. They have lost their sense of being. They have lost their identity as a people and cultural nation. We see many of them acting and speaking with hatred or bitterness. So many are putting them selves to a place of alienation by taking drugs and alcoholic drinks and many reasons can be given to explain this. One is to say that when not being able to be who they are, instead of becoming what the government wants them to be, they prefer to become nothing in order to survive. I can’t argue with this statement, in fact I can understand and respect it. But, there are other reasons that could be told, but those concerns only the spirit that gives life, so they will not be mentioned here. But after what has been said, I dare to say that for a good listener will be enough half a word…
For much that I may believe that America could supposedly become the heart center of all nations, I can’t deny that this could be said for any other country on earth. But the American nation as well as any other nation will need to clean its blood shed. And in order to clean the blood trace that was shed, it will be need to forgive the past. Taking American as example, this can only happen when those belonging to first nation become able to find the way back to their own heart by making peace with the past, and also by recovering all the values that once have made of them an honored nation of warriors and keepers of the true wisdom. They also will have to accept that many fragments of this wisdom have been kept by keepers that will come from places out of its borders. But they will not be felt as strangers… Only by joining all the fragments will the puzzle be completed.
What have been happening with the Native American Indians can as well apply to all of us, no matter how different may be the history and culture of the Country where we have born, with a single difference. Many nations have long ago let go the connection with their identity, while the Native American Indians still keep refusing to let go their identity. That’s why they keep open the chance to make of America the heart center of all nations
It’s up to each one of us to think about this and understand its real meaning.
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