A terra mudou. Os ciclos da vida como os conhecemos têm vindo a mudar. A realidade que nos confronta está a mudar, e a mudança ocorreu e continuará a ocorrer ainda que muitos de nós dela não possam aperceber-se.
Nada mais é o que foi e jamais voltará a ser. A hora que se apresenta é de aceitação pela transformação que ocorre no interior da Alma da terra, e muitos de nós estamos a transformar-nos junto com ela de unidas que nossas Almas estão como seres de origem distintas que se apoiam em conjunto como parte de um Todo.
Os alertas soaram sonantemente através de um soar da trombeta que tem vindo a soar junto dos corações daqueles que alcançaram a delicada tarefa de unir o coração (sentir da Alma) à mente humana .
Abençoados os que podem assistir a tão maravilhosa visão, na qual o Arcanjo Miguel se mostra chefiando uma legião de Anjos guerreiros e junto da presença do Arcanjo Gabriel se apresentou anunciando a chegada d’Aquele que é o mais aguardado de todos os tempos, prostrando-se perante Ele após sua chegada...
Jamais existirão palavras que possam descrever fielmente a imagem e a energia de seres tais, cuja magnificência transcende a maior das capacidades de compreensão do ser humano comum.
Felizes aqueles que acreditarem ainda que não possam ver, pois sua fé os salvará das amarras da ilusão. Assim como infelizes serão aqueles que não conseguirem alcançar a fé suficiente para acreditar naquilo que seus olhos demasiados embargados de insipidez os não permitem a ver. Não que mereçam viver em infelicidade, já que a Ser algum será imposto tamanho desmerecimento, mas porque não puderam alcançar o quanto Deus os honrou ao colocá-los no caminho de outros que podiam relatar o que suas Almas os permitiram a antever.
Maior não será a Glória daquele que vê daquela do que não vê, porque muitos são os olhos que podem ver cujos corações não estão abertos o bastante para puderem sentir, já que a Glória, essa só a Deus pertence e a Ele deverá ser entregue na totalidade.
Os que puderam receber os avisos em pessoa, ainda que entregues em segunda mão por um canal receptor colocado propositadamente num determinado evento e localização realizado no final do verão do ano de 2011, foram avisados de que não estavam aqui para colectar louvores mas para servir ao Pai, e para não se deixarem sucumbir perante desejos primitivos mas tão somente à vontade Divina. Mas alguns a quem este aviso foi entregue em mão, permitiram-se a sucumbir, perdendo-se perante um ego que os ensurdeceu e cegou ao sentir da Alma.
Cinco foram os eleitos a receber esse chamado nesse distinto evento. Cada qual dos cinco possuindo capacidades distintas necessárias, e passíveis de actuar em conjunto. Alguns ainda não estavam preparados, mas outros estavam mais do que preparados, possuindo os necessários conhecimentos e experiências anteriores que já os tinham colocado em posições semelhante... Houve algumas demonstrações de sede por saber qual o passo seguinte, mas sem evidencia de esforços para sequer dar o passo anterior por completo, por essa razão sua sede não pôde ser saciada por seus mentores. Se eles pudessem ver o rosto de decepção de seus mentores... Muito provavelmente, desconhecem que o caminho avança somente quando capazes de declarar assumir as suas posições e dão o passo nesse sentido, e só depois da declaração feita e assumida e do passo completado, nossos mentores nos passarão as instruções e orientações que nos levarão até ao próximo passo. Afinal, muitos têm sido os que têm falhado ao longo do caminho, e riscos deixaram de ser corridos por aqueles que nos orientam, por essa razão eles só nos dão conhecimento do que se tratará o próximo passo, apôs o anterior estar por completo concluído. E isto, devido a muitos desses que falharam terem feito um mau uso do conhecimento que lhes havia sido passado de antemão.
Conseguem imaginar quantos planos foram por água abaixo devido às imperfeições com que nós deixamos que o ego humano nos condicione?
Sim, porque somos nós os únicos responsáveis pelo que nos sucede quando sempre temos a opção de escolha para mudar as nossas formas pensamento. Cada um é livre de fazer sua escolha. Prosseguir ou manter-se alienado... Ser um tolo ou tornar-se um farol... Caminhar errante ou responsabilizar-se por seus passos...
Os que falham em suas escolhas, embora ainda que não completamente prescindíveis, outros virão e assumirão as suas posições sendo capacitados a diminuir as consequências das faltas cometidas por estes quando em incumprimento com o contrato de suas Almas. Afinal, seremos nós capazes de ser assim tão tolos, ao ponto de acreditar que o universo espiritual não está preparado para avançar com um plano B? Nossos mentores conhecem bem os escolhos que confinam o ser humano na terra, quando muitos deles também andaram por cá, e é precisamente essa a razão do ditado: “Deus não escolhe os capacitados, capacita os escolhidos!” Por isso, outros virão e se tornarão nos elementos que formarão a base que dá suporte aos elementos que são os pontos de ligação entre as diferentes esferas e realidades. E o plano poderá prosseguir.
Desses eleitos em concreto, quatro estão dispostos em Portugal e um no Brasil. Prova de que os tempos unem estes dois Países mais do que linguisticamente. De referir que aquele que está localizado no Brasil, ainda que fale e perceba a linguagem, essa não é sua origem de nascença. O que pouco importa, já que muitos serão levados a deslocar-se para longe de suas origens humanas quando se predispuserem a ouvir o chamado de suas Almas. Muitos já o fizeram, ainda que desconheçam a razão real de sua deslocação geográfica.
Mas, este evento foi apenas um dos muitos eventos que têm vindo a ocorrer ao longo dos tempos e pelo mundo afora, assim como estes foram apenas alguns poucos dos muitos que têm vindo a receber chamados através daqueles que servem de canais específicos por possuírem dons inatos que os predispõem a essa posição.
E agora?
A lei do livre arbítrio continuará a reger a nossa vida através das escolhas que fazemos, quer sejam feitas de plena ou nula consciência. Os alertas foram explícitos, e aqueles de nós que possuem tarefas a apreender neste momento actual e aceitem continuar a assumir o compromisso com a sua responsabilidade serão orientados a prosseguir e a assumir as acções adequadas a cada momento. Devendo empreender esforços para que seus corpos subtis possam ficar capacitados a mover-se entre as diferentes realidades a que terão acesso à medida que forem aumentando o seu nível vibratório.
Quanto aos que optam por manter-se sem capacidade para evidenciar sequer o menor dos esforços para sair do nível ilusório e efectuar mudanças em seus corpos subtis de forma a adquirir a necessária capacidade para movimentarem-se para os novos níveis vibratórios, serão os responsáveis por se manterem presos a uma realidade desgastada pelo tempo. Mas, a eles apenas cabe essa decisão, devendo ser amados e respeitados em igual medida.
Aos que prosseguem, convém que saibam que não devem deter-se por nada nem por ninguém, e que não temam estar sozinhos nesta caminhada, pois muito poucos serão os capacitados a acompanhá-los na jornada que se lhes avizinha. Ainda assim, jamais estarão sozinhos havendo inúmeros seres que se expressam através de outros planos, níveis de consciência e realidades paralelas que estarão a acompanha-los de perto, e dos quais receberão toda a ajuda, apoio e protecção que necessitarem.
O que se seguirá?
O Sol continuará a irromper ao amanhecer, acariciando os grãos da terra que jazem como sem vida e os iluminará trazendo mais um dia, e a vida prosseguirá.
E se para a grande maioria o amanhecer trará um dia igual a muitos outros, para outros cada amanhecer lhes dará a possibilidade de sentir a benção da gratidão de serem um dos que conseguiram romper com a ilusão e estão sendo amparados a cada passo do caminho, tornando-se num farol que iluminará o caminho de muitos, ainda que de uma forma anónima e quase que silenciosa. Pois que, o silêncio, tem muitas formas de se fazer ouvir ao que se predispõe a ouvir através do sentir do coração, e a estes, está consignado o Novo Mundo.
English version:
The earth has changed. The cycles of life as we have known them are being changing. The reality that confronts us is changing, and the change occurred and will continue to occur even though many of us can not understand it.
Nothing is what it was and never will be again the same. The hour that presents is of acceptance by the transformation that takes place within the soul of the earth, and many of us are transforming along with it, as our souls are united as beings of different origins that in conjunction are giving support as part of a whole.
The alert has sounded highly by a sounding of trumpet that has been sounded to the hearts of those who have achieved the delicate task of uniting the heart (feel of the Soul) with the human mind.
Blessed are those who may attend such a wonderful vision, in which the Archangel Michael is shown heading a legion of Angels warriors and with the presence of the Archangel Gabriel came to announce the arrival of Him who is the most anticipated of all time, bowing before Him at His arrival …
There is no words to describe faithfully the image and energy of those beings, whose greatness transcends the largest capacities of understanding of the common human being.
Blessed are those who believe even without seeing, because their faith will save them from the bonds of the illusion. Just as unhappy are those who can not achieve the enough faith to believe what their eyes embargoed of insipidity do not allow them to see. Is not that they deserve to live in misery, since to no Being will be imposed such unworthiness, but because they can not achieve as God has honored them by placing them in the way of others that in the possession of Soul vision, could describe what their vision makes possible to see.
Biggest will not be the Glory of those who sees from that of those who does not see, because there are many eyes that can see whose hearts are not open enough to feel, since that Glory only belongs to God and to Him only should be delivered in full .
Those who could receive the warnings in person, even if delivered by second hand through a receiver channel purposely placed in a particular location and event held in late summer of 2011, were told to them that they were not here to collect praise but to serve the Father and not to let themselves succumb to primitive desires but just to Divine will. But some of those to whom this warning was delivered by hand, have allowed themselves to succumb, losing themselves to an ego that has blinded and deafened them to the senses of the Soul.
Five were the chosen in this distinguished event to receive that call. Each of the five having different capacities necessary, and capable of acting together. Some were not yet ready, but others were more than ready, possessing the necessary knowledge and past experiences that have had them placed in a similar position... There were some demonstrations of thirst for knowing what the next step was, but without not even make the evidence of efforts to complete the needed previous step, for that reason their thirst can not be satisfied by their mentors. If they could see the face of disappointment of their mentors... Probably unaware that their path only will forward when able to declare to assume their positions and given the complete step, and only after, our mentors will pass to us the instructions and guidelines that will lead us to the next step. After all, many were those who have failed along the way, and those who guide us no longer are letting all to loose, for this reason they only give us the knowledge of what it will be the next step, after the previous become fully accomplished. And this because many of those that have failure have made a bad use of the knowledge received that had been passed to them.
Can you imagine how many plans were dashed because of the imperfections with which we let the human ego be a limitation to us?
Yes, because we are the only ones responsible for what happens to us when we always have the option to choose to change our thought forms. Everyone is free to make their choice. To pursue or remain alienated... To be a fool or become a beacon... To walking wandering or become responsible for their own steps...
Those who fail in their choices, even while still not completely expendables, others will take their positions, being able to reduce the consequences of the faults committed by them when in default with the contract of their souls. After all, are we able to be so foolish as to believe that the spiritual universe is not prepared to move forward with a plan B? Our mentors are well aware of the pitfalls that confine the human beings on earth, when many of them also in some space of time went on here, and this is precisely the reason for saying "God does not choose the efficient ones, but rather, qualifies the chosen ones!" So others will come and become the elements that form the foundation that supports the elements which are the connection points between the different spheres and realities. And the plan can proceed.
Of those elected in concrete, four are placed in Portugal and one in Brazil. Proof that the link of these two countries is more than just linguistically. Note that the one that is located in Brazil, and even speaking the language, this is not their origin of birth. What matters little, since many will be taken to move away from their human origins when in predisposing to hear the call of their Soul. Many have already done so, even in unaware of the real reason of their geographical shift.
But this event was just one of many events that have taken place over time and around the world, and these were just a few of the many who have been receiving the call through those that serves as specific channels possessing innate gifts that predispose them to this position.
And now?
The law of the free will, will still continue to govern our lives through the choices we make, whether made in full conscience or without any conscience. The warnings were explicit, and those of us who have tasks to fulfill in this present moment of the now and agree to commit with their responsibility will be instructed to continue and to take the appropriate action at each moment. Should make efforts so that your subtle bodies might become able to move between the different realities to that will have access as they increases their level of vibration.
As for those who choose to remain unable to show even the smallest of efforts to exit the level illusory and make subtle changes in their bodies in order to acquire the necessary capacity to move to the new vibrational levels, will be responsible for remain stuck into a reality worn by time. But, only to them should fit that decision, and should be loved and respected in equal measure.
Those who proceed, they must know that should not be kept hold by anything or anyone, and do not be afraid to be alone in this journey, because very few will be able to accompany them on this journey that presents ahead. Still, those of you pursuing this path, will never be alone when countless beings who express themselves through other plans, levels of consciousness and parallel realities will be accompanying by closely, and of them you will receive all the help, support and protection you need.
What will follow?
The Sun will continue to reborn every morning, stroking the grains of the sand lying as lifeless and will brighten them bringing another day, and life will pursue.
And if for the vast majority will dawn a day like many others, for some, each sunrise will give to them the opportunity to experience the blessing of gratitude of being one of those who managed to break the illusion and are being supported at every step of the way for becoming a beacon that will light the way for many, even if in an anonymous and almost silent way. Silence has many ways to become heard by those that are predisposed to feel through the heart, and is for these, that it is being enshrined the New World.
Não existe maior aventura, senão aquela que nos incita a explorar as profundezas de nosso próprio Ser.
Não existe maior coragem, senão aquela que nos leva a assumir nossos erros e medos.
Não existe maior sabedoria, senão no conhecimento de sabermos quem somos.
Só com persistência, fé e verdadeiro amor poderemos cultivar a capacidade de nos abstrair de tudo o que nos é externo, permitindo assim envolvermo-nos num constante silenciar interno.
English version:
Bigger adventure does not exist, than the one that in stirs us up to explore the deepening of our purpose to be.
Bigger courage does not exist, than the one that takes us to assume our errors and fears.
Bigger wisdom does not exist, than in the knowledge to know who we are.
Only with persistence, faith and true love we will be able to cultivate the capacity of abstracting ourselves from everything there’s external, allowing us to involving in one constant internal silence.
Não existe maior coragem, senão aquela que nos leva a assumir nossos erros e medos.
Não existe maior sabedoria, senão no conhecimento de sabermos quem somos.
Só com persistência, fé e verdadeiro amor poderemos cultivar a capacidade de nos abstrair de tudo o que nos é externo, permitindo assim envolvermo-nos num constante silenciar interno.
English version:
Bigger adventure does not exist, than the one that in stirs us up to explore the deepening of our purpose to be.
Bigger courage does not exist, than the one that takes us to assume our errors and fears.
Bigger wisdom does not exist, than in the knowledge to know who we are.
Only with persistence, faith and true love we will be able to cultivate the capacity of abstracting ourselves from everything there’s external, allowing us to involving in one constant internal silence.
domingo, 13 de maio de 2012
sábado, 12 de maio de 2012
English version:
The year of 2012 brought us into the space of time called of "doomsday" that although it have not started this year, this year is reaching its greatest extent.
But Jesus Christ did not came or will come to separate the wheat from the chaff, he poured down the essence of Christ upon those who have reached a satisfactory level of vibratory increase that allowed to receive it, and this has given voice and body to what was called of Holy Spirit.
For this reason some of us have received revelations that led them to believe they were Jesus in person ... all was indicating as being so.
To these were given experiences that have made them to feel on the skin of Jesus Christ, and was in through these experiences that they have felt living some of the few steps that the Master Jesus gave on earth. They experienced firsthand emotions and seen through the eyes of the master himself. And to each one was given to receive from the master, according to their innate abilities and gifts of the Soul.
The experiences were so strong and real that some were lost in halfway, and many others almost get lost in the confusion generated by the exaltation of personality in the wanting to accept to be, by the ego, or the reduction of the same personality in a rejection of not wanting to be, moved by a feeling of unworthiness.
If on one hand the experiences were so strong that left no edges for doubt, on the other hand the good sense was welcome so that neither the ego or the feeling of unworthiness would lead the best.
They are those that came with the task of serving, in a way, as emissaries of God on earth, to who has been given to receive a percentage of the Christ energy, and these were those who first had to pass through a test of faith, which made them to go through a period slightly turbulent, to some of them, this has occurred during most of its current life on earth.
Let obtain the references we need for this present moment, by reading the prophecies of Isaiah, which make clear the ideals of God's laws that must be evidenced in the earth.
Let us review also the story of Abraham, the whole course of her journey on earth before and after the revelations he received.
Fact or Fiction? Each one of us must discern.
At the time of Sodom and Gomorrah, God sent angels to earth to verify the people who could be saved from destruction to which they were confined.
Right now, God holds in the land sufficient Angels incarnate in human bodies that are carry out a similar task to that exercised by the Angels who were sent to Sodom and Gomorrah.
When talking about "Doomsday" we are referring to the separation of the wheat from the chaff, but nothing that could be predicted it is happening in the same way than expected. These emissaries, Angels of God, are not here to separate the wheat from the chaff, but to confront each of us before our truth.
God in his infinite mercy and love, it's giving to each one of us, their children, the possibility of being faced with our truth and to reflect on our conduct on earth.
Task a little ungrateful, this task of the emissaries of God, to whom was entrusted with the task of confronting each of the sons of God, his brothers, showing them where they are going against the will and the laws of God. Which they must show imbued with this love of the Father without trial, in which many will see them only as executers, and identify trial in their words and actions, not understanding their task, while remaining in closed state in the stubborn blindness in which they are confined by illusion.
This separation of the wheat from the chaff includes to all but hold great importance for those who are at the forefront of the spiritual path, which is well clear in his walk on earth. And these has to show for them the real reasons behind the move of its apparent spirituality.
Armed with an understanding of what it is the separation of the wheat from the chaff, in that on this process will not be done any infringement of the law of God, each one must make use of his free will and all of his discernment, and here, I fear that many of us may persist in remaining in their mode of alienation without making any valuable changes...
Those who have strongly marked a spiritual path without included the action of the task in their lives, will be the seconds among the first to be confronted with their truth, and the seconds to own greater responsibility towards the spiritual realm. For, how greater be the understanding and knowledge of the spiritual laws of God, the greater the duty to impose themselves to deliver themselves to a commitment toward God, with added responsibilities.
These emissaries of God, will have to come before each of the sons of God, their brothers, and devoid of judgment, act as a kind of barometer that will measure the ability of responsibility with that each acts at the different levels and areas to be tested. With greater focus on weaknesses demonstrated in past lives and that must be overcome for that the Soul may ascend. All of us somehow we have to pass tests that will test how our Spirit is able to work with tenacity in order to overcome his lower personality.
It's a bit like separating those who still have difficulties to improve, of those that can evidence all the possible efforts to improve. All faults will be exposed with subtlety in a way that will not let room for doubt, and if the Spirit is on track, he will understand that it is being exposed to something that needs to be changed. If the proper choice of accepting to embrace his truth, committing with the responsibility and commitment to each step and action it's not taken, the emissaries will move away, nothing else being allowed to do, but just see from far without being emotionally captured beyond the permitted. Everyone here answers to God and his laws, and not even these emissaries of God or whoever be is above those laws. The intelligence of each of us will be put to the test by seeking the balance of the Being on the meet of the law with the Divine order.
Situations will occur giving the possibility to gain clear insight to what happens and the reasons that drive to the events. Those who will persist in an attitude of stubbornness in denying to the laws to wich they are subject, persisting in not wanting to see that they are going against God's laws, which are quite explicit, will suffer losses.
These losses can be eased or even deleted if learning the ability to assume the errors of the lower personality, waging it and engaging yourself directly with the change.
To each one will be given according to their works! And will not be the work built but the reason behind the action that led the labor to be built that will be place in the dock, in which the office of judge will be only of the responsibility of God present in the essence that animates each of us.
Those who know the laws of God will know what I mean, but many even that still holding a vast knowledge of these laws, consign this knowledge to a space confined to the inertia, and by ignoring them does not make of them the proper use, when allowing to become inebriated by the image of what their actions can give to them. His spirituality is more evident in the theoretical than in the practical way. They practice just actions, that mistakenly believing, are released from the responsibility and commitment of God's laws.
These will never be considered of being righteous, since their actions seek to obtain something more personal than the righteousness of God on earth, and they are driven to hide the attention of others from anything that might reveal to others their real intentions behind the path that dictates as spiritual.
This is the time for change, arrived, that was prophesied, and that have long been warned about. There is no more time, because time is now!
Each one is being placed before a test of faith, and it behooves to each of you get out of it successfully and unscathed. Recall from the proof of faith by which Abraham went by when he was told by God that he would need to give up from what he loved most, delivering it in a sacrifice to God!
Abraham was asked to deliver nothing more, nothing less than the life of his eldest son... Look around you and question which is the thing you love more and is more difficult to deliver, more difficult to completely open hand of it?
Each one will be confronted with a request to relinquish of what we most refuse to give up, and there's no doubt about it, because God will exactly ask to each one of us deliver to Him that of which we give greater importance in our lives.
To give Him that to which we are linked with greater attachment, and if we somehow refuse to do it, we will give prove to God that our love for Him is not strong enough for that we may diligently ensure the proof of faith that He asks us to fulfill.
That every one who has eyes to see, see!
That every one who has ears to hear listen!
That every one who can feel, feel!
And that every one of us can establish it's true commitment with the service to God.
Explanation of title:
Cleaning the house (Temple of the Soul), anoint (purify) the heart.
Cleaning the house means to literally clear all the subtle bodies in which the emotional body will have greater relevance, for that after being all clean, our hearts free from any hurt, pain or other, might become more fit to hone the ability to love, and then, be anointed by the Christ.
But Jesus Christ did not came or will come to separate the wheat from the chaff, he poured down the essence of Christ upon those who have reached a satisfactory level of vibratory increase that allowed to receive it, and this has given voice and body to what was called of Holy Spirit.
For this reason some of us have received revelations that led them to believe they were Jesus in person ... all was indicating as being so.
To these were given experiences that have made them to feel on the skin of Jesus Christ, and was in through these experiences that they have felt living some of the few steps that the Master Jesus gave on earth. They experienced firsthand emotions and seen through the eyes of the master himself. And to each one was given to receive from the master, according to their innate abilities and gifts of the Soul.
The experiences were so strong and real that some were lost in halfway, and many others almost get lost in the confusion generated by the exaltation of personality in the wanting to accept to be, by the ego, or the reduction of the same personality in a rejection of not wanting to be, moved by a feeling of unworthiness.
If on one hand the experiences were so strong that left no edges for doubt, on the other hand the good sense was welcome so that neither the ego or the feeling of unworthiness would lead the best.
They are those that came with the task of serving, in a way, as emissaries of God on earth, to who has been given to receive a percentage of the Christ energy, and these were those who first had to pass through a test of faith, which made them to go through a period slightly turbulent, to some of them, this has occurred during most of its current life on earth.
Let obtain the references we need for this present moment, by reading the prophecies of Isaiah, which make clear the ideals of God's laws that must be evidenced in the earth.
Let us review also the story of Abraham, the whole course of her journey on earth before and after the revelations he received.
Fact or Fiction? Each one of us must discern.
At the time of Sodom and Gomorrah, God sent angels to earth to verify the people who could be saved from destruction to which they were confined.
Right now, God holds in the land sufficient Angels incarnate in human bodies that are carry out a similar task to that exercised by the Angels who were sent to Sodom and Gomorrah.
When talking about "Doomsday" we are referring to the separation of the wheat from the chaff, but nothing that could be predicted it is happening in the same way than expected. These emissaries, Angels of God, are not here to separate the wheat from the chaff, but to confront each of us before our truth.
God in his infinite mercy and love, it's giving to each one of us, their children, the possibility of being faced with our truth and to reflect on our conduct on earth.
Task a little ungrateful, this task of the emissaries of God, to whom was entrusted with the task of confronting each of the sons of God, his brothers, showing them where they are going against the will and the laws of God. Which they must show imbued with this love of the Father without trial, in which many will see them only as executers, and identify trial in their words and actions, not understanding their task, while remaining in closed state in the stubborn blindness in which they are confined by illusion.
This separation of the wheat from the chaff includes to all but hold great importance for those who are at the forefront of the spiritual path, which is well clear in his walk on earth. And these has to show for them the real reasons behind the move of its apparent spirituality.
Armed with an understanding of what it is the separation of the wheat from the chaff, in that on this process will not be done any infringement of the law of God, each one must make use of his free will and all of his discernment, and here, I fear that many of us may persist in remaining in their mode of alienation without making any valuable changes...
Those who have strongly marked a spiritual path without included the action of the task in their lives, will be the seconds among the first to be confronted with their truth, and the seconds to own greater responsibility towards the spiritual realm. For, how greater be the understanding and knowledge of the spiritual laws of God, the greater the duty to impose themselves to deliver themselves to a commitment toward God, with added responsibilities.
These emissaries of God, will have to come before each of the sons of God, their brothers, and devoid of judgment, act as a kind of barometer that will measure the ability of responsibility with that each acts at the different levels and areas to be tested. With greater focus on weaknesses demonstrated in past lives and that must be overcome for that the Soul may ascend. All of us somehow we have to pass tests that will test how our Spirit is able to work with tenacity in order to overcome his lower personality.
It's a bit like separating those who still have difficulties to improve, of those that can evidence all the possible efforts to improve. All faults will be exposed with subtlety in a way that will not let room for doubt, and if the Spirit is on track, he will understand that it is being exposed to something that needs to be changed. If the proper choice of accepting to embrace his truth, committing with the responsibility and commitment to each step and action it's not taken, the emissaries will move away, nothing else being allowed to do, but just see from far without being emotionally captured beyond the permitted. Everyone here answers to God and his laws, and not even these emissaries of God or whoever be is above those laws. The intelligence of each of us will be put to the test by seeking the balance of the Being on the meet of the law with the Divine order.
Situations will occur giving the possibility to gain clear insight to what happens and the reasons that drive to the events. Those who will persist in an attitude of stubbornness in denying to the laws to wich they are subject, persisting in not wanting to see that they are going against God's laws, which are quite explicit, will suffer losses.
These losses can be eased or even deleted if learning the ability to assume the errors of the lower personality, waging it and engaging yourself directly with the change.
To each one will be given according to their works! And will not be the work built but the reason behind the action that led the labor to be built that will be place in the dock, in which the office of judge will be only of the responsibility of God present in the essence that animates each of us.
Those who know the laws of God will know what I mean, but many even that still holding a vast knowledge of these laws, consign this knowledge to a space confined to the inertia, and by ignoring them does not make of them the proper use, when allowing to become inebriated by the image of what their actions can give to them. His spirituality is more evident in the theoretical than in the practical way. They practice just actions, that mistakenly believing, are released from the responsibility and commitment of God's laws.
These will never be considered of being righteous, since their actions seek to obtain something more personal than the righteousness of God on earth, and they are driven to hide the attention of others from anything that might reveal to others their real intentions behind the path that dictates as spiritual.
This is the time for change, arrived, that was prophesied, and that have long been warned about. There is no more time, because time is now!
Each one is being placed before a test of faith, and it behooves to each of you get out of it successfully and unscathed. Recall from the proof of faith by which Abraham went by when he was told by God that he would need to give up from what he loved most, delivering it in a sacrifice to God!
Abraham was asked to deliver nothing more, nothing less than the life of his eldest son... Look around you and question which is the thing you love more and is more difficult to deliver, more difficult to completely open hand of it?
Each one will be confronted with a request to relinquish of what we most refuse to give up, and there's no doubt about it, because God will exactly ask to each one of us deliver to Him that of which we give greater importance in our lives.
To give Him that to which we are linked with greater attachment, and if we somehow refuse to do it, we will give prove to God that our love for Him is not strong enough for that we may diligently ensure the proof of faith that He asks us to fulfill.
That every one who has eyes to see, see!
That every one who has ears to hear listen!
That every one who can feel, feel!
And that every one of us can establish it's true commitment with the service to God.
Explanation of title:
Cleaning the house (Temple of the Soul), anoint (purify) the heart.
Cleaning the house means to literally clear all the subtle bodies in which the emotional body will have greater relevance, for that after being all clean, our hearts free from any hurt, pain or other, might become more fit to hone the ability to love, and then, be anointed by the Christ.
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