O homem que é grande, vê e sente com o coração.
Com seu Amor tudo abarca.
O homem que é pequeno, vê e sente com a mente.
Com sua lógica tudo racionaliza.
Pois se o homem grande abraça e se imbuí de Deus, entregando-se à sua soberania.
O homem pequeno O despreza, arrancando-O de si como a uma erva daninha.
E por essa razão o homem pequeno o amor relega e o grande o acalenta.
Não preciso de falar ao homem grande, pois esse saberá quem Sou!
Saberá ver-me, tocar-me e de mim imbuir-se!
Mas, ao pequeno, que ignorando o Amor da minha existência,
Com um punhal de frieza meu coração traspassa.
Oh, homem incapaz de entregares-te abertamente ao amor!
Por ti mesmo serás incapaz de tocar no coração a existência daquele que Eu Sou!
Limitando-te, jamais poderás sentir no coração dos outros esta presença!
Jamais poderás tocar com teu olhar esta grandeza!
Inibes-te a ti próprio de sentir o Amor de Deus que a Ele exige a entrega e o despojamento de ti mesmo.
E contentando-te com tua ignorância, te acompanhas da incapacidade de Amar sem inibição aqueles que a ti seu Amor oferecem.
Confinas-te à escassez de Deus acreditando que Amar far-te-á perder a razão e a credibilidade...
Mas, que razão ou credibilidade julgarás tu deter, quando em ti repreendes a permanente renovação dessa energia que é o meu Amor?
Desconhecerás por certo, de que só a capacitação de assim amar poderá um dia arrancar-te às profundezas da tua pequenez?
Como podes envergonhar-te por me amares?
Amor e vergonha não podem caminhar juntos numa mesma estrada!
Se assim for, tamanha será a tua culpa pelo aniquilamento do amor...
E como triste é a dor em meu coração, triste será a tua sentença...
Por ti o coração sangra na dor e se pergunta...
Irás tu algum dia merecer minha salvação?
English version:
The man who is high, sees and feels with the heart.
With his love embraces everything.
The man who is small, sees and feel with the mind.
With his logic rationalizes everything.
For if the high man, embraces and imbue itself of God, surrendering itself to its sovereignty.
The little man despises Him, yanking Him out of himself as a weed.
And for that reason the little man relegates love and the high man cherish.
No need to talk to the high man, because these will know who I Am!
He will know to see me, touch me and to imbue of me!
But, to the small, that ignoring the love of my existence,
With a cold dagger pierces my heart.
Oh, man unable to deliver yourself openly to love!
By yourself you will be unable to touch in the heart the existence of who I Am!
Limiting yourself, you will never feel my presence in the hearts of others!
You will never touch with your sight this greatness!
Restricting yourself to feel the love of God, that to Him, requires the giving and the stripping of yourself.
And contenting yourself with your ignorance, you will be accompanied of the inability to love those who offer to you their love.
Limiting yourself in the lack of the belief that God's love will make you lose credibility and reason...
But, what reason or credibility are you believing to own , when in you rebuke the permanent renewal of the energy that is my Love?
Ignoring, for certain, that only with the qualification of loving in this way will you one day be able to rip out of yourself the depths of your littleness?
How can you be ashamed for loving me?
Love and shame can not walk together on the same road!
If so, great will be your fault for the annihilation of love...
As sad is the pain in my heart, sad will be your sentence...
For you my heart bleeds in grief and inquires ...
Will you ever earn my salvation?
Não existe maior aventura, senão aquela que nos incita a explorar as profundezas de nosso próprio Ser.
Não existe maior coragem, senão aquela que nos leva a assumir nossos erros e medos.
Não existe maior sabedoria, senão no conhecimento de sabermos quem somos.
Só com persistência, fé e verdadeiro amor poderemos cultivar a capacidade de nos abstrair de tudo o que nos é externo, permitindo assim envolvermo-nos num constante silenciar interno.
English version:
Bigger adventure does not exist, than the one that in stirs us up to explore the deepening of our purpose to be.
Bigger courage does not exist, than the one that takes us to assume our errors and fears.
Bigger wisdom does not exist, than in the knowledge to know who we are.
Only with persistence, faith and true love we will be able to cultivate the capacity of abstracting ourselves from everything there’s external, allowing us to involving in one constant internal silence.
Não existe maior coragem, senão aquela que nos leva a assumir nossos erros e medos.
Não existe maior sabedoria, senão no conhecimento de sabermos quem somos.
Só com persistência, fé e verdadeiro amor poderemos cultivar a capacidade de nos abstrair de tudo o que nos é externo, permitindo assim envolvermo-nos num constante silenciar interno.
English version:
Bigger adventure does not exist, than the one that in stirs us up to explore the deepening of our purpose to be.
Bigger courage does not exist, than the one that takes us to assume our errors and fears.
Bigger wisdom does not exist, than in the knowledge to know who we are.
Only with persistence, faith and true love we will be able to cultivate the capacity of abstracting ourselves from everything there’s external, allowing us to involving in one constant internal silence.
sábado, 25 de fevereiro de 2012
domingo, 19 de fevereiro de 2012
A hora desponta e deveis aprontar-vos a recebe-la.
Preparai-vos, pois que uma vez passada não mais volverá!
Sacudi o pó de vossas vestes mas, lembrai-vos igualmente de remover de vossos olhos e língua toda a espécie de iniquidade.
Só assim vosso coração será purificado e poderá estar atento ao amanhecer que se prepara para despertar uma nova aurora.
Somente através de vosso coração, vendo e sentindo, a podereis identificar...
Preparai-vos pois, para que a luz do novo dia não vos passe despercebida, e possais ver-me nela tocando-vos.
E quando um desses de entre vós reconhecer quem Eu Sou ao ser por mim tocado...
Então, eu me tornarei naquele que vim para ser.
E nesse mesmo instante pagareis vossas cotas que há muito ficaram em dívida, e da incumbência vos libertareis detendo vossa parte concluída.
Mas, ai daquele de vós que suas cotas não quiser pagar, o reino do Pai vos fechará as portas e quando perante elas vos apresentardes, Vos dirão:
“Vossa entrada aqui não é concedida, já que vos haveis esquecido do trato com o Pai, Ele se vos há esquecido de abrir as portas. Volvei para onde as portas vos estarão abertas já que aqui, elas se vos apresentam fechadas!”
E vós suplicareis por perdão, mas ser-vos-á demasiado tarde para ser concedido.
Atentei pois, na hora que acompanha o despontar do novo sol, na qual vossos ouvidos e olhos terão de estar e permanecer bem abertos e limpos, para que não deixeis passar despercebido aquele que virá chamar-vos ao que estais incumbidos de realizar, pois a hora uma outra vez se não vos voltará a apresentar.
Atentai! Atentai, pois a hora se aproxima e em passos largos se move, e se a ela não estiverdes atentos de estreito ela se vos passará.
E sentireis após sua passagem que para vós tarde demais será para volver ao prometido.
E apenas as sombras da penitência envolvidas pelo arrependimento vos servirão de companhia.
Atentei para que tal não vos suceda, e quando à morada do Pai vos dirigirdes, possais deparar-vos com as portas abertas.
Eu Sou a sombra e a luz, o homem e a mulher dentro de ti.
Eu Sou o mar e a terra, a serpente e a águia.
Que aquele que ousar ver, veja!
Que aquele que ousar ouvir, ouça!
E dentro de si mesmo encontrará o Amor que EU SOU!
English version:
The hour is emerging and you must prepare yourselves to receive it.
Prepare yourselves, because once passed it will no longer return!
Shakes the dust from your clothes but, also remember to remove of your eyes and tongue every kind of wickedness.
Only then, your heart will be purified and will become aware of the daybreak that is preparing to awaken a new morning dawn.
Only through your heart, seeing and feeling, you will be able to identify it...
Prepare yourselves therefore, so that the light of the new day does not go unnoticed, and you may see me trough it touching unto you.
And when one of those among you, while being touched by me, recognize who I Am…
Then, I will become into what I came for being.
And at that very moment you will pay your debts that are at so long time in debt and from the task will be free detaining your part of the agreement complete.
But, be aware those of you who does not want to pay their debts, to you, Father's kingdom will close its doors and when you present yourselves before them, to you will be said:
"Your entrance here is not allowed, since you has forgotten the agreement with the Father, To you He has forgotten to open its doors. Turn around into where the doors will be open to you, since that here, to you they are closed! "
And you will be begging for forgiveness, but for you will be too late to be given.
Beware therefore, for the time that is coming with the dawning of the new sun, where your ears and eyes must be and stay very clean and open, for you to not let go unnoticed the time when he, who will call you to what you are tasked to accomplish does it, because the time of this calling, will not submit again.
Beware! Beware, for the hour is approaching and moves in large steps, and if to it you are not aware, it will pass by you of narrow.
And after its passage, you will feel that shall be too late for you to turn back to what was promised .
Then, only the shadows of the penitence involved by the regret, will serve as companion to you.
Beware that this does not happen to you, and when in front at the Father home you arrive, may you find it with the doors wide open.
I Am the shadow and the light, the man and the woman within you.
I Am the sea and the earth, the serpent and the eagle.
That those who dare to see, see!
That those who dare to hear, hear!
And you will find within yourself the Love that I AM!
Preparai-vos, pois que uma vez passada não mais volverá!
Sacudi o pó de vossas vestes mas, lembrai-vos igualmente de remover de vossos olhos e língua toda a espécie de iniquidade.
Só assim vosso coração será purificado e poderá estar atento ao amanhecer que se prepara para despertar uma nova aurora.
Somente através de vosso coração, vendo e sentindo, a podereis identificar...
Preparai-vos pois, para que a luz do novo dia não vos passe despercebida, e possais ver-me nela tocando-vos.
E quando um desses de entre vós reconhecer quem Eu Sou ao ser por mim tocado...
Então, eu me tornarei naquele que vim para ser.
E nesse mesmo instante pagareis vossas cotas que há muito ficaram em dívida, e da incumbência vos libertareis detendo vossa parte concluída.
Mas, ai daquele de vós que suas cotas não quiser pagar, o reino do Pai vos fechará as portas e quando perante elas vos apresentardes, Vos dirão:
“Vossa entrada aqui não é concedida, já que vos haveis esquecido do trato com o Pai, Ele se vos há esquecido de abrir as portas. Volvei para onde as portas vos estarão abertas já que aqui, elas se vos apresentam fechadas!”
E vós suplicareis por perdão, mas ser-vos-á demasiado tarde para ser concedido.
Atentei pois, na hora que acompanha o despontar do novo sol, na qual vossos ouvidos e olhos terão de estar e permanecer bem abertos e limpos, para que não deixeis passar despercebido aquele que virá chamar-vos ao que estais incumbidos de realizar, pois a hora uma outra vez se não vos voltará a apresentar.
Atentai! Atentai, pois a hora se aproxima e em passos largos se move, e se a ela não estiverdes atentos de estreito ela se vos passará.
E sentireis após sua passagem que para vós tarde demais será para volver ao prometido.
E apenas as sombras da penitência envolvidas pelo arrependimento vos servirão de companhia.
Atentei para que tal não vos suceda, e quando à morada do Pai vos dirigirdes, possais deparar-vos com as portas abertas.
Eu Sou a sombra e a luz, o homem e a mulher dentro de ti.
Eu Sou o mar e a terra, a serpente e a águia.
Que aquele que ousar ver, veja!
Que aquele que ousar ouvir, ouça!
E dentro de si mesmo encontrará o Amor que EU SOU!
English version:
The hour is emerging and you must prepare yourselves to receive it.
Prepare yourselves, because once passed it will no longer return!
Shakes the dust from your clothes but, also remember to remove of your eyes and tongue every kind of wickedness.
Only then, your heart will be purified and will become aware of the daybreak that is preparing to awaken a new morning dawn.
Only through your heart, seeing and feeling, you will be able to identify it...
Prepare yourselves therefore, so that the light of the new day does not go unnoticed, and you may see me trough it touching unto you.
And when one of those among you, while being touched by me, recognize who I Am…
Then, I will become into what I came for being.
And at that very moment you will pay your debts that are at so long time in debt and from the task will be free detaining your part of the agreement complete.
But, be aware those of you who does not want to pay their debts, to you, Father's kingdom will close its doors and when you present yourselves before them, to you will be said:
"Your entrance here is not allowed, since you has forgotten the agreement with the Father, To you He has forgotten to open its doors. Turn around into where the doors will be open to you, since that here, to you they are closed! "
And you will be begging for forgiveness, but for you will be too late to be given.
Beware therefore, for the time that is coming with the dawning of the new sun, where your ears and eyes must be and stay very clean and open, for you to not let go unnoticed the time when he, who will call you to what you are tasked to accomplish does it, because the time of this calling, will not submit again.
Beware! Beware, for the hour is approaching and moves in large steps, and if to it you are not aware, it will pass by you of narrow.
And after its passage, you will feel that shall be too late for you to turn back to what was promised .
Then, only the shadows of the penitence involved by the regret, will serve as companion to you.
Beware that this does not happen to you, and when in front at the Father home you arrive, may you find it with the doors wide open.
I Am the shadow and the light, the man and the woman within you.
I Am the sea and the earth, the serpent and the eagle.
That those who dare to see, see!
That those who dare to hear, hear!
And you will find within yourself the Love that I AM!
terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2012
Pai, Tu nos destes a vida.
E com ela, todo o Amor de Teu Coração.
E aqui estamos nós diante de Ti...
Em que tipo de vergonhosos pobres espíritos nos tornamos?
E ainda assim, Tu nos presenteias todos os dias derramando Tua Luz sobre nós…
Limpando nossos corações Tu nos mostras como é ser-se um Ser Caridoso.
Sustentando-nos e protegendo-nos, enquanto alimentas nossos corações com Teu Amor.
Vergonhosos, vergonhosos nós somos!
Não vendo o que carregamos dentro de nós…
Injustiça desenvergonhada somos nós para carregar Tua Luz…
Limpa de nós estes sentimentos de desmerecimento de Ti.
E ajuda-nos a Ter-te presente em nossos corações todo o tempo.
Vendo e sentindo as formas que se moldam de Teu Amor e Luz curando nossos corações.
Possamos ver…
Possamos sentir…
Possamos ser Amor…
Possamos ser Luz…
Tal como a terra recebe o cristal no seu centro como uma dádiva…
Tal como o oceano recebe a rosa sobre suas águas pacificas…
Possamos nós aceitar nos tornar o que viemos Ser.
Sempre transportando em nosso interior Teu Amor e Luz.
English version:
Father, You have given us life.
And with It, all the Love of Thy Heart.
And here we stand before You...
In what kind of shameless poor spirits have we become?
And still, you are gifting us everyday with Thy Light upon us.
Clearing our hearts you are showing us how is be a loving Being,
Sustaining us and protecting us, while feeding our hearts with Thy Love.
Shameless, shameless we are!
Not seeing what we have within us...
Unfairness unashamed are we to carry Thy Light…
Clears from us all this unworthy feelings of you.
And help us to be with you in our hearts all the time.
Seeing and feeling the shaping forms of Thy Love and Light healing our hearts.
May we see…
May we feel…
May we be Love…
May we be Light…
Like the earth receives the crystal at its center as a gift...
Like the sea receives a rose on its peaceful waters…
May we accept to be what we have to become.
Always carrying within us Thy Love and Light.
E com ela, todo o Amor de Teu Coração.
E aqui estamos nós diante de Ti...
Em que tipo de vergonhosos pobres espíritos nos tornamos?
E ainda assim, Tu nos presenteias todos os dias derramando Tua Luz sobre nós…
Limpando nossos corações Tu nos mostras como é ser-se um Ser Caridoso.
Sustentando-nos e protegendo-nos, enquanto alimentas nossos corações com Teu Amor.
Vergonhosos, vergonhosos nós somos!
Não vendo o que carregamos dentro de nós…
Injustiça desenvergonhada somos nós para carregar Tua Luz…
Limpa de nós estes sentimentos de desmerecimento de Ti.
E ajuda-nos a Ter-te presente em nossos corações todo o tempo.
Vendo e sentindo as formas que se moldam de Teu Amor e Luz curando nossos corações.
Possamos ver…
Possamos sentir…
Possamos ser Amor…
Possamos ser Luz…
Tal como a terra recebe o cristal no seu centro como uma dádiva…
Tal como o oceano recebe a rosa sobre suas águas pacificas…
Possamos nós aceitar nos tornar o que viemos Ser.
Sempre transportando em nosso interior Teu Amor e Luz.
English version:
Father, You have given us life.
And with It, all the Love of Thy Heart.
And here we stand before You...
In what kind of shameless poor spirits have we become?
And still, you are gifting us everyday with Thy Light upon us.
Clearing our hearts you are showing us how is be a loving Being,
Sustaining us and protecting us, while feeding our hearts with Thy Love.
Shameless, shameless we are!
Not seeing what we have within us...
Unfairness unashamed are we to carry Thy Light…
Clears from us all this unworthy feelings of you.
And help us to be with you in our hearts all the time.
Seeing and feeling the shaping forms of Thy Love and Light healing our hearts.
May we see…
May we feel…
May we be Love…
May we be Light…
Like the earth receives the crystal at its center as a gift...
Like the sea receives a rose on its peaceful waters…
May we accept to be what we have to become.
Always carrying within us Thy Love and Light.
domingo, 12 de fevereiro de 2012
Venho a vós como a ponte que liga o céu à terra.
E estou aqui para libertar todos os cativos,
Que imbuídos de coragem não temam vir até minha presença EU SOU.
Eu dou-vos a liberdade ao devolver-vos a parte de vós que haveis esquecido.
EU SOU vosso irmão. Um irmão há muito tempo por vós esquecido...
E ainda que não vos possais lembrar de mim,
Eu reconheço cada um de vós, sabendo quem sois além do vosso aspecto terreno.
Estamos ligados por fios invisíveis,
Que ligam cada um de nossos corações à Fonte Suprema...
A morada do Pai e de cada um de seus filhos.
E através da vossa presença EU SOU, Ele chama-vos a regressar a casa.
Incumbido da tarefa de vos devolver as vossas Asas,
Eu aqui estou e a cada um de vós eu vos entregarei o que vos vim trazer.
A lembrança de quem sois através da remoção dos véus que vos impõem o esquecimento a que tendes estado subjugados.
Com todo o Amor do Pai eu vos entrego o que é vosso por legitimidade.
Devolvo a vós a recordação de quem sois, para que possais a partir de agora
Deter todo o conhecimento do que vos trouxe aqui.
E verei cada um de vós regressar ao seu estado original de Ser.
E a partir deste momento ireis fazer as escolhas apropriadas.
Ouvireis vosso coração e somente a Ele ireis responder.
E daqui em diante, Ele vos proverá com todas as lembranças que até hoje não vos haveis permitido de recordar.
Vos fará reviver a promessa que haveis feito a vosso Pai,
Quando ainda detentores de toda a vossa sabedoria existencial.
E dela vos voltareis a sentir incumbidos e evidenciareis os passos que vos levarão a realizá-la.
Perante o Pai haveis dado vossa palavra sagrada,
E heis que chegou a hora, e Ele através de minha presença EU SOU vos chama.
“Vinde! Vinde a mim!
Erguei-vos acima de vossas misérias!
Retomai vossas asas e deixai que elas vos recordem de quem sois.
E sabereis porque razão aqui vos encontrais.
A força poderosa existente em vossas asas envolverá vossos corações, e os libertará de toda a escravidão a que vos tens condicionado.
E vos elevareis acima de todas as cousas menores que vós.
E quando ousares olhar, ficareis surpresos...
Tamanha a dádiva que trago até vós e em vossas mãos entrego!
Haveis dado vosso consentimento, para que hoje eu aqui estivesse aguardando vossa chegada.
E eu aqui estou perante vós para vos receber de braços abertos.
E agora que eu aqui estou, que fareis?
Ireis deixar-vos envolver por mim?
Ireis permitir-vos a preencher o vazio em vós de mim?
Ireis consentir que somente o amor por mim vos indique o caminho?
Que fareis, quando eu aqui me apresento perante vós com todo o amor que vos tenho?
Ireis aceitar receber-me em vós, ou continuareis a professar meu nome em vossos lábios renegando-me de vossos corações?
Movido pelo amor que vos tenho, eu vim, e aqui me apresento.
Por vossa chegada ficarei aguardando, confiante de que ouvireis vosso grito interior impulsioná-los a vir até mim.
E quando a mim chegardes, vós me reconhecereis e sabereis eu ser vosso irmão há muito aguardado.
E com vossas Almas rejubilando, festejareis minha chegada.
No entanto sabei, que tão somente, estareis a festejar vossa própria chegada.
Porque o reino do Pai é de todos aqueles que se reconhecem como seus filhos.
Legítimos e Amados Filhos.
E mais vos digo, nunca fostes vós a esperar minha chegada, mas sim eu a esperar vosso regresso a mim.
E vos pergunto: Estareis vós prontos para regressar a mim?
Será esta hora chegada, a hora em que meu coração unido ao coração de todos os Anjos, irá finalmente alegrar-se ao ver-vos chegar?
Não importa o tempo que foi esperado por este ansiado momento, importa isto sim,
Que agora possais reconhecer-vos por completo como os filhos legítimos e amados do Pai.
E quando vierdes a mim detentores desse conhecimento, podereis então, reconhecer-me como Ele e o mesmo que vós.
E a Ele nos uniremos em Unidade Sublime e total!
Mas, se não vos podeis reconhecer a vós próprios como ireis poder reconhecer-me a mim?
Amados, eu aqui estou e vos espero a chegada!
Não importa o tempo que levardes a chegar até mim, pois meu amor jamais me fará desistir de vós.
Que os que podem sentir se apresentem, e os que podem ver assumam suas posições.
O momento pede-nos que avancemos, e todos os que se apresentarem e assumirem suas posições avançarão.
Aqueles de entre vós que hesitarem e tolhidos por suas incertezas forem bloqueados pelo medo, assim como, aqueles que aguardando a permissão da mente não se permitirem a ouvir a voz do coração, serão incapazes de tomar as necessárias decisões ficando na defensiva a aguardar que outros lhes apresentem as soluções e respostas que eles próprios precisam encontrar dentro de seus corações.
A estes eu me dirijo: Saibam, o plano precisa prosseguir, e prosseguirá quer vós nele vos incluas ou dele vos excluas.
Independente de qual seja vossa escolha, e vossa posição no plano, este não recuará só porque vós nele não vos incluis.
Outros virão, que detendo energias semelhantes às vossas assumirão suas posições, e isto permitirá que o plano avance ainda que um pouco diferente do determinado.
Aquilo que julgais ser possível, o é na verdade possível, apenas tendes que vos colocar no caminho de coração entregue por completo, de outra forma nada do que possais esperar se evidenciará perante vós.
Enquanto não estiveres presentes por completo de coração, não podereis encontrar o que tendes vindo a procurar, pois só com o coração por completo presente podereis identificar e sentir com a Alma.
Pois aquilo que vós sabeis de alguma forma que tendes de encontrar, não poderá ser identificado, uma vez que só se revelará perante a Alma. E está poderá apenas irromper por entre um coração completamente desperto.
De pouco adianta fazerdes muito pelos outros, esperando vossos feitos serem reconhecidos pelo Pai, se por vós não fizerdes o suficiente.
Neste preciso momento a tarefa mais importante que vos trouxe aqui, clama que vos comprometeis em cumpri-la e perante o Pai vos deveis apresentar fazendo-o saber que estais prontos a cumprir com o prometido. E ainda que possais não deter completa certeza de qual é vossa tarefa no plano Divino, mas em vosso coração sentis que uma voz vos chama e orienta a seguir uma determinada direcção, sabei que bastará que vos coloqueis disponíveis evidenciando vossos passos nessa mesma direcção e a lembrança vos será dada no momento adequado.
Prestai atenção a essa voz, e sereis colocados no local certo no momento oportuno.
Para que tal suceda, só precisais de confiar no processo. Sabei que ele só os poderá levar aonde vós precisais de estar, e a nenhum outro lugar.
Podeis ouvir vossa mente, mas acima de tudo, tereis de confiar em vosso coração. Pois somente ele vos revelará o vosso propósito na terra.
Sede Paz e Amor, e de Paz e Amor serão banhados!
English version:
I'm coming to you as a bridge connecting heaven to earth.
And I'm here to free all the captives,
That imbued with courage does not fear to come to my I Am presence.
I'll give you the freedom when returning to you the part of you that you have forgotten.
I AM your brother. A brother long forgotten by you...
And even if you may not be able to remember me,
I recognize every one of you, knowing who you are beyond your earthly aspect.
We are connected by invisible strings,
Connecting each of our hearts to the Supreme Source ...
The address of the Father and each one of their children.
And through your I AM presence, He calls you to return home.
Was given to me the task of returning your wings back to you,
Here Am I, and to each one of you I will deliver what I came to bring.
The memory of who you are by removing the veils that to you are imposing
The forgetfulness to which you have been subdued.
With all the Father's Love I will deliver to you what is yours by legitimacy.
I give back to you the remembrance of who you are, so that you can from now on hold all the knowledge of what has brought you to here.
And I will see each one of you returning to your original state of Being.
And from now on you will make the appropriate choices.
You will hear your heart and just to Him you will answer.
And hereafter, He shall provide you with all the memories that until today
You have not allowed yourselves to remember.
He will make you to revive the promise that you have made to your Father,
While you were still holding all of your existential wisdom.
And of it, you will return to feel responsible,
and proceeding to the steps that will take you to accomplish it.
Before the Father, you has given your sacred word,
And now the time has come, and He through the I AM presence is calling you.
"Come! Come to me!
Rise up above your misery!
Hold your wings and let them remind you of who you are.
And you will know why are you find yourselves here.
The powerful force that exists in your wings will involve your hearts, and will release them from all slavery to which you have conditioned.
And you will raise above all things that are smaller than you.
And when you dare to look, you shall be surprised...
Such is, the gift that I bring to you and in your hands I deliver!
You have given your agreement, so that today I were here awaiting your arrival.
And here I Am before you to welcome you with open arms.
And now that I Am here, what will you do?
Will you let to become involved by me?
Will you allow fill the void in you of me?
Will you agree that only the love you have for me will lead the way?
What will you do, when I'm standing here before you with all the love I have for you?
Will you accept to receive me in you? Or are you going to continue to profess my name on your lips, renouncing me from your hearts?
Moved by the love I have for you, I came, and here I stand.
I will be waiting for your arrival, confident that you will hear the cry within you pushing you to come to me.
And when you come to me, you will recognize me and will know me as being your brother long-awaited.
And with rejoicing in your souls, you will celebrate my arrival.
However knows, that you will solely be celebrating your own arrival.
For the kingdom of Father is of all those who recognize themselves as being His children.
Legitimate and Beloved Sons.
And I say more, has never been you whom was awaiting for my arrival, but rather I who was expecting your return to me.
And I wonder: Are you ready to return to me?
Will it be that with this hour, has arrived the time at which my heart attached to the heart of all Angels, will finally rejoice in seeing you arriving?
It does not matter how much time has been passing ahead of you for this longed-for moment, but in fact what matters, is that now you might recognize yourselves as the rightful and beloved sons of the Father.
And when you come to me, already holders of such knowledge, you will be able to recognize me as He and the same as you.
And to Him we will unite in total and amazing Oneness!
But, if you are not able to recognize yourself, how will you be able to recognize me?
Beloved, I am here and I am awaiting your arrival. No matter what time you take to get to me, because my love for you will never make me give up from you.
That those of you who can feel may arise, and those of you who can see may take your positions. The moment calls for us to move forward and all who present themselves and take their positions will move on.
Those of you who are hesitant and restrained by their uncertainties will be blocked by fear, as well as those awaiting permission from the mind are not allowing themselves to hear the voice of their heart, and they will stay unable to take the necessary decisions and by staying on the defensive will wait for others to provide them with the solutions and answers that they must find within their own hearts.
To these, I say: Know, the plan must continue, and will pursue regardless of you want to become included on it or to become excluded from it. No matter whatever be your choice and your position in the plan, it will not retreat just because you have not included yourself on it.
Others will come, that by having similar energies will make part of it, and will be taking position, and this will allow to the plan keep moving, even if a little different from what was determined.
What you suppose is possible, it is indeed possible, only that you have to put yourself on the path with the heart completely delivered, otherwise none of what you may be expecting will show itself before you.
While you are not totally present in heart, you will not find what you have been looking for, because only with the heart fully present you will be able to identify and feel with the soul.
Well, what you somehow knows that you have to find, can not be identified since it will only be revealed before the Soul. And the Soul, can only bloom trough in a heart fully awakened.
It does little good you undertake much for others hoping that your achievements be recognized by the Father while not achieving to do the enough for yourself.
In this moment the most important task that has brought you here, claims your compromise to fulfill it, and before the Father you must submit yourself letting Him to know that you are ready to fulfill the promise you made. And even though you may not hold complete sure of what is your task in the Divine plan but, in your heart you feel that a voice is calling you and trying to guide you to follow a certain direction, knows that it will be enough if you put yourself available showing your steps toward to that direction and the remembrance you need, will be given at the appropriate time. Pay attention to what that voice are saying to you and you will be placed in the right place at the right time.
For this to happen, just will be need to trust in the process. Surely it can only take you to where you need to go, and to nowhere else. You may hear your mind, but above all, you will have to trust in your heart. Only by the heart can be revealed your purpose on earth.
Be Peace and Love, and with Peace and Love you will be imbued!
Venho a vós como a ponte que liga o céu à terra.
E estou aqui para libertar todos os cativos,
Que imbuídos de coragem não temam vir até minha presença EU SOU.
Eu dou-vos a liberdade ao devolver-vos a parte de vós que haveis esquecido.
EU SOU vosso irmão. Um irmão há muito tempo por vós esquecido...
E ainda que não vos possais lembrar de mim,
Eu reconheço cada um de vós, sabendo quem sois além do vosso aspecto terreno.
Estamos ligados por fios invisíveis,
Que ligam cada um de nossos corações à Fonte Suprema...
A morada do Pai e de cada um de seus filhos.
E através da vossa presença EU SOU, Ele chama-vos a regressar a casa.
Incumbido da tarefa de vos devolver as vossas Asas,
Eu aqui estou e a cada um de vós eu vos entregarei o que vos vim trazer.
A lembrança de quem sois através da remoção dos véus que vos impõem o esquecimento a que tendes estado subjugados.
Com todo o Amor do Pai eu vos entrego o que é vosso por legitimidade.
Devolvo a vós a recordação de quem sois, para que possais a partir de agora
Deter todo o conhecimento do que vos trouxe aqui.
E verei cada um de vós regressar ao seu estado original de Ser.
E a partir deste momento ireis fazer as escolhas apropriadas.
Ouvireis vosso coração e somente a Ele ireis responder.
E daqui em diante, Ele vos proverá com todas as lembranças que até hoje não vos haveis permitido de recordar.
Vos fará reviver a promessa que haveis feito a vosso Pai,
Quando ainda detentores de toda a vossa sabedoria existencial.
E dela vos voltareis a sentir incumbidos e evidenciareis os passos que vos levarão a realizá-la.
Perante o Pai haveis dado vossa palavra sagrada,
E heis que chegou a hora, e Ele através de minha presença EU SOU vos chama.
“Vinde! Vinde a mim!
Erguei-vos acima de vossas misérias!
Retomai vossas asas e deixai que elas vos recordem de quem sois.
E sabereis porque razão aqui vos encontrais.
A força poderosa existente em vossas asas envolverá vossos corações, e os libertará de toda a escravidão a que vos tens condicionado.
E vos elevareis acima de todas as cousas menores que vós.
E quando ousares olhar, ficareis surpresos...
Tamanha a dádiva que trago até vós e em vossas mãos entrego!
Haveis dado vosso consentimento, para que hoje eu aqui estivesse aguardando vossa chegada.
E eu aqui estou perante vós para vos receber de braços abertos.
E agora que eu aqui estou, que fareis?
Ireis deixar-vos envolver por mim?
Ireis permitir-vos a preencher o vazio em vós de mim?
Ireis consentir que somente o amor por mim vos indique o caminho?
Que fareis, quando eu aqui me apresento perante vós com todo o amor que vos tenho?
Ireis aceitar receber-me em vós, ou continuareis a professar meu nome em vossos lábios renegando-me de vossos corações?
Movido pelo amor que vos tenho, eu vim, e aqui me apresento.
Por vossa chegada ficarei aguardando, confiante de que ouvireis vosso grito interior impulsioná-los a vir até mim.
E quando a mim chegardes, vós me reconhecereis e sabereis eu ser vosso irmão há muito aguardado.
E com vossas Almas rejubilando, festejareis minha chegada.
No entanto sabei, que tão somente, estareis a festejar vossa própria chegada.
Porque o reino do Pai é de todos aqueles que se reconhecem como seus filhos.
Legítimos e Amados Filhos.
E mais vos digo, nunca fostes vós a esperar minha chegada, mas sim eu a esperar vosso regresso a mim.
E vos pergunto: Estareis vós prontos para regressar a mim?
Será esta hora chegada, a hora em que meu coração unido ao coração de todos os Anjos, irá finalmente alegrar-se ao ver-vos chegar?
Não importa o tempo que foi esperado por este ansiado momento, importa isto sim,
Que agora possais reconhecer-vos por completo como os filhos legítimos e amados do Pai.
E quando vierdes a mim detentores desse conhecimento, podereis então, reconhecer-me como Ele e o mesmo que vós.
E a Ele nos uniremos em Unidade Sublime e total!
Mas, se não vos podeis reconhecer a vós próprios como ireis poder reconhecer-me a mim?
Amados, eu aqui estou e vos espero a chegada!
Não importa o tempo que levardes a chegar até mim, pois meu amor jamais me fará desistir de vós.
Que os que podem sentir se apresentem, e os que podem ver assumam suas posições.
O momento pede-nos que avancemos, e todos os que se apresentarem e assumirem suas posições avançarão.
Aqueles de entre vós que hesitarem e tolhidos por suas incertezas forem bloqueados pelo medo, assim como, aqueles que aguardando a permissão da mente não se permitirem a ouvir a voz do coração, serão incapazes de tomar as necessárias decisões ficando na defensiva a aguardar que outros lhes apresentem as soluções e respostas que eles próprios precisam encontrar dentro de seus corações.
A estes eu me dirijo: Saibam, o plano precisa prosseguir, e prosseguirá quer vós nele vos incluas ou dele vos excluas.
Independente de qual seja vossa escolha, e vossa posição no plano, este não recuará só porque vós nele não vos incluis.
Outros virão, que detendo energias semelhantes às vossas assumirão suas posições, e isto permitirá que o plano avance ainda que um pouco diferente do determinado.
Aquilo que julgais ser possível, o é na verdade possível, apenas tendes que vos colocar no caminho de coração entregue por completo, de outra forma nada do que possais esperar se evidenciará perante vós.
Enquanto não estiveres presentes por completo de coração, não podereis encontrar o que tendes vindo a procurar, pois só com o coração por completo presente podereis identificar e sentir com a Alma.
Pois aquilo que vós sabeis de alguma forma que tendes de encontrar, não poderá ser identificado, uma vez que só se revelará perante a Alma. E está poderá apenas irromper por entre um coração completamente desperto.
De pouco adianta fazerdes muito pelos outros, esperando vossos feitos serem reconhecidos pelo Pai, se por vós não fizerdes o suficiente.
Neste preciso momento a tarefa mais importante que vos trouxe aqui, clama que vos comprometeis em cumpri-la e perante o Pai vos deveis apresentar fazendo-o saber que estais prontos a cumprir com o prometido. E ainda que possais não deter completa certeza de qual é vossa tarefa no plano Divino, mas em vosso coração sentis que uma voz vos chama e orienta a seguir uma determinada direcção, sabei que bastará que vos coloqueis disponíveis evidenciando vossos passos nessa mesma direcção e a lembrança vos será dada no momento adequado.
Prestai atenção a essa voz, e sereis colocados no local certo no momento oportuno.
Para que tal suceda, só precisais de confiar no processo. Sabei que ele só os poderá levar aonde vós precisais de estar, e a nenhum outro lugar.
Podeis ouvir vossa mente, mas acima de tudo, tereis de confiar em vosso coração. Pois somente ele vos revelará o vosso propósito na terra.
Sede Paz e Amor, e de Paz e Amor serão banhados!
English version:
I'm coming to you as a bridge connecting heaven to earth.
And I'm here to free all the captives,
That imbued with courage does not fear to come to my I Am presence.
I'll give you the freedom when returning to you the part of you that you have forgotten.
I AM your brother. A brother long forgotten by you...
And even if you may not be able to remember me,
I recognize every one of you, knowing who you are beyond your earthly aspect.
We are connected by invisible strings,
Connecting each of our hearts to the Supreme Source ...
The address of the Father and each one of their children.
And through your I AM presence, He calls you to return home.
Was given to me the task of returning your wings back to you,
Here Am I, and to each one of you I will deliver what I came to bring.
The memory of who you are by removing the veils that to you are imposing
The forgetfulness to which you have been subdued.
With all the Father's Love I will deliver to you what is yours by legitimacy.
I give back to you the remembrance of who you are, so that you can from now on hold all the knowledge of what has brought you to here.
And I will see each one of you returning to your original state of Being.
And from now on you will make the appropriate choices.
You will hear your heart and just to Him you will answer.
And hereafter, He shall provide you with all the memories that until today
You have not allowed yourselves to remember.
He will make you to revive the promise that you have made to your Father,
While you were still holding all of your existential wisdom.
And of it, you will return to feel responsible,
and proceeding to the steps that will take you to accomplish it.
Before the Father, you has given your sacred word,
And now the time has come, and He through the I AM presence is calling you.
"Come! Come to me!
Rise up above your misery!
Hold your wings and let them remind you of who you are.
And you will know why are you find yourselves here.
The powerful force that exists in your wings will involve your hearts, and will release them from all slavery to which you have conditioned.
And you will raise above all things that are smaller than you.
And when you dare to look, you shall be surprised...
Such is, the gift that I bring to you and in your hands I deliver!
You have given your agreement, so that today I were here awaiting your arrival.
And here I Am before you to welcome you with open arms.
And now that I Am here, what will you do?
Will you let to become involved by me?
Will you allow fill the void in you of me?
Will you agree that only the love you have for me will lead the way?
What will you do, when I'm standing here before you with all the love I have for you?
Will you accept to receive me in you? Or are you going to continue to profess my name on your lips, renouncing me from your hearts?
Moved by the love I have for you, I came, and here I stand.
I will be waiting for your arrival, confident that you will hear the cry within you pushing you to come to me.
And when you come to me, you will recognize me and will know me as being your brother long-awaited.
And with rejoicing in your souls, you will celebrate my arrival.
However knows, that you will solely be celebrating your own arrival.
For the kingdom of Father is of all those who recognize themselves as being His children.
Legitimate and Beloved Sons.
And I say more, has never been you whom was awaiting for my arrival, but rather I who was expecting your return to me.
And I wonder: Are you ready to return to me?
Will it be that with this hour, has arrived the time at which my heart attached to the heart of all Angels, will finally rejoice in seeing you arriving?
It does not matter how much time has been passing ahead of you for this longed-for moment, but in fact what matters, is that now you might recognize yourselves as the rightful and beloved sons of the Father.
And when you come to me, already holders of such knowledge, you will be able to recognize me as He and the same as you.
And to Him we will unite in total and amazing Oneness!
But, if you are not able to recognize yourself, how will you be able to recognize me?
Beloved, I am here and I am awaiting your arrival. No matter what time you take to get to me, because my love for you will never make me give up from you.
That those of you who can feel may arise, and those of you who can see may take your positions. The moment calls for us to move forward and all who present themselves and take their positions will move on.
Those of you who are hesitant and restrained by their uncertainties will be blocked by fear, as well as those awaiting permission from the mind are not allowing themselves to hear the voice of their heart, and they will stay unable to take the necessary decisions and by staying on the defensive will wait for others to provide them with the solutions and answers that they must find within their own hearts.
To these, I say: Know, the plan must continue, and will pursue regardless of you want to become included on it or to become excluded from it. No matter whatever be your choice and your position in the plan, it will not retreat just because you have not included yourself on it.
Others will come, that by having similar energies will make part of it, and will be taking position, and this will allow to the plan keep moving, even if a little different from what was determined.
What you suppose is possible, it is indeed possible, only that you have to put yourself on the path with the heart completely delivered, otherwise none of what you may be expecting will show itself before you.
While you are not totally present in heart, you will not find what you have been looking for, because only with the heart fully present you will be able to identify and feel with the soul.
Well, what you somehow knows that you have to find, can not be identified since it will only be revealed before the Soul. And the Soul, can only bloom trough in a heart fully awakened.
It does little good you undertake much for others hoping that your achievements be recognized by the Father while not achieving to do the enough for yourself.
In this moment the most important task that has brought you here, claims your compromise to fulfill it, and before the Father you must submit yourself letting Him to know that you are ready to fulfill the promise you made. And even though you may not hold complete sure of what is your task in the Divine plan but, in your heart you feel that a voice is calling you and trying to guide you to follow a certain direction, knows that it will be enough if you put yourself available showing your steps toward to that direction and the remembrance you need, will be given at the appropriate time. Pay attention to what that voice are saying to you and you will be placed in the right place at the right time.
For this to happen, just will be need to trust in the process. Surely it can only take you to where you need to go, and to nowhere else. You may hear your mind, but above all, you will have to trust in your heart. Only by the heart can be revealed your purpose on earth.
Be Peace and Love, and with Peace and Love you will be imbued!
sexta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2012
Chegou a hora de romper com todas as correntes que amarram teu Ser à ilusão.
Compreende de que quiseram fazer de ti o que não és.
Levando-te a acreditar seres unicamente o que nunca foste somente.
E cegando-te, esconderam de ti a tua identidade.
E ensurdecendo-te, silenciaram de ti a tua verdade.
E castrando-te, inibiram de ti o teu Sentir.
E colocando-te à mercê da ignorância, impingiram-te uma sabedoria falsa.
Chegou a hora de abrir os olhos e ver aquilo que não querem que vejas.
Rompe com as amarras e agarra o teu SER verdadeiro.
Busca e explora a partir de ti mesmo.
E descobrirás Ser um mundo imenso a viver num pequeno mundo fechado.
No Universo procura a tua morada.
Em Deus encontra o teu reflexo no espelho.
E sabe que apenas em Deus te encontrarás vivo e completo.
“E assim é que:
Em Deus eu me procuro e acho.
Em Deus eu me esvazio do vazio e preencho.
Em Deus eu sou o Filho e o Pai.
Em Deus pertenço à Terra e ao Céu.
Em Deus eu me reconheço e assumo minha real identidade.
Em Deus eu obtenho tudo de que necessito para me libertar.
E em Deus Eu Decreto:
Sou livre de qualquer limite imposto pela dor.
Sou livre de qualquer limite imposto por estados emocionais castradores.
Sou livre de todo e qualquer limite imposto pelos condicionamentos da formação humana vinculada aos conceitos terrenos.
Sou livre de qualquer condicionamento mental.
Sou livre de qualquer condicionamento físico.
Sou livre de qualquer condicionamento emocional.
Sou livre de qualquer condicionamento espiritual.
Sou livre de todo e qualquer tipo de crença e conceito que possa vincular-me a estados de Ser com os quais não existe qualquer afinidade a partir do meu centro.
Aqui e Agora Eu me liberto de qualquer condicionamento que iniba meu estado de Ser real.
Desvinculo-me por completo da ilusão e de todas as amarras por ela impostas.
Alcanço o centro do poder de meu Ser através da abertura do meu coração.
E liberdade se torna Aqui e Agora meu estado pleno de SER O QUE EU SOU!
English version:
Get ready!
It's time to break all the chains that bind your Being in illusion.
Understands that some, have wanted to make of you what you are not.
Taking you to believe that you were only which you have never been solely.
And blinding you, hided from you your true identity.
And putting you unvoiced, have silenced your truth.
And by castrating you, have inhibited your Sense of Being.
And by putting you at the mercy of ignorance, was given to you an false wisdom.
It is time to open your eyes and see what they do not want you to see.
Breaks with the chains and hold your true Being.
Searches and explores starting from yourself.
And discover you Being a huge world, living in a small closed world.
In the universe seeks your home.
In God finds your reflection in the mirror.
And knows that only in God you will find yourself alive and complete.
"And that is how:
In God I look for and I find myself.
In God I can empty myself from my emptiness and fill the void.
In God I am the Son and the Father.
In God I belong to the Earth and Heaven.
In God I recognize myself and I take my real identity.
In God I get everything I need to set me free.
And in God, I decree:
I am free of any limit imposed by pain.
I am free of any limit imposed by the castration of the emotional states.
I am free of any constraints imposed by the limitation of human formation linked to the earthly concepts.
I am free of any mental conditioning.
I am free of any physical conditioning.
I am free of any emotional conditioning.
I am free of any spiritual conditioning.
I am free from any kind of beliefs and concepts that might link me to conditions, with which, there is no affinity from my center.
Here and now I release from myself from any conditioning that inhibits my real state of Being .
I untie myself from the illusion and from all constraints it imposes.
I reach out the center of power of my being through the opening of my heart.
And freedom becomes Here and Now my full state of BEING WHAT I AM!
Chegou a hora de romper com todas as correntes que amarram teu Ser à ilusão.
Compreende de que quiseram fazer de ti o que não és.
Levando-te a acreditar seres unicamente o que nunca foste somente.
E cegando-te, esconderam de ti a tua identidade.
E ensurdecendo-te, silenciaram de ti a tua verdade.
E castrando-te, inibiram de ti o teu Sentir.
E colocando-te à mercê da ignorância, impingiram-te uma sabedoria falsa.
Chegou a hora de abrir os olhos e ver aquilo que não querem que vejas.
Rompe com as amarras e agarra o teu SER verdadeiro.
Busca e explora a partir de ti mesmo.
E descobrirás Ser um mundo imenso a viver num pequeno mundo fechado.
No Universo procura a tua morada.
Em Deus encontra o teu reflexo no espelho.
E sabe que apenas em Deus te encontrarás vivo e completo.
“E assim é que:
Em Deus eu me procuro e acho.
Em Deus eu me esvazio do vazio e preencho.
Em Deus eu sou o Filho e o Pai.
Em Deus pertenço à Terra e ao Céu.
Em Deus eu me reconheço e assumo minha real identidade.
Em Deus eu obtenho tudo de que necessito para me libertar.
E em Deus Eu Decreto:
Sou livre de qualquer limite imposto pela dor.
Sou livre de qualquer limite imposto por estados emocionais castradores.
Sou livre de todo e qualquer limite imposto pelos condicionamentos da formação humana vinculada aos conceitos terrenos.
Sou livre de qualquer condicionamento mental.
Sou livre de qualquer condicionamento físico.
Sou livre de qualquer condicionamento emocional.
Sou livre de qualquer condicionamento espiritual.
Sou livre de todo e qualquer tipo de crença e conceito que possa vincular-me a estados de Ser com os quais não existe qualquer afinidade a partir do meu centro.
Aqui e Agora Eu me liberto de qualquer condicionamento que iniba meu estado de Ser real.
Desvinculo-me por completo da ilusão e de todas as amarras por ela impostas.
Alcanço o centro do poder de meu Ser através da abertura do meu coração.
E liberdade se torna Aqui e Agora meu estado pleno de SER O QUE EU SOU!
English version:
Get ready!
It's time to break all the chains that bind your Being in illusion.
Understands that some, have wanted to make of you what you are not.
Taking you to believe that you were only which you have never been solely.
And blinding you, hided from you your true identity.
And putting you unvoiced, have silenced your truth.
And by castrating you, have inhibited your Sense of Being.
And by putting you at the mercy of ignorance, was given to you an false wisdom.
It is time to open your eyes and see what they do not want you to see.
Breaks with the chains and hold your true Being.
Searches and explores starting from yourself.
And discover you Being a huge world, living in a small closed world.
In the universe seeks your home.
In God finds your reflection in the mirror.
And knows that only in God you will find yourself alive and complete.
"And that is how:
In God I look for and I find myself.
In God I can empty myself from my emptiness and fill the void.
In God I am the Son and the Father.
In God I belong to the Earth and Heaven.
In God I recognize myself and I take my real identity.
In God I get everything I need to set me free.
And in God, I decree:
I am free of any limit imposed by pain.
I am free of any limit imposed by the castration of the emotional states.
I am free of any constraints imposed by the limitation of human formation linked to the earthly concepts.
I am free of any mental conditioning.
I am free of any physical conditioning.
I am free of any emotional conditioning.
I am free of any spiritual conditioning.
I am free from any kind of beliefs and concepts that might link me to conditions, with which, there is no affinity from my center.
Here and now I release from myself from any conditioning that inhibits my real state of Being .
I untie myself from the illusion and from all constraints it imposes.
I reach out the center of power of my being through the opening of my heart.
And freedom becomes Here and Now my full state of BEING WHAT I AM!
quarta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2012
I am here to give you my testimony.
As a Human Being of planet Earth I was born in Portugal, as such, I can be seen as Portuguese, but I am not totally from this world.
A Soul living in the body of a woman, but more than a woman, I am a living Being that breaths and feels.
I could say I am Love, but I am much more than what Love is, or may become in this world…
I could say that I Am made of greatness in all Glory’s form! But, what do you understand to be like greatness in all Glory‘s form?
In this body, I need to breathe, without the body I am myself the own breath that needs not to breathe…
But, I am a Being, a living energy field that pulses and irradiates in ways that the mind designed to this bodies, hardly can conceive and even less understand…
I have a body, but this body is not mine. I just have taken it borrowed from Mother Earth, and when my time comes, I will change and I will become what in fact I really Am.
I work with Mother Earth, as Mother Earth works with me.
I work directly with the Archangels, Angels, Guardians and other Spiritual Entities and Living Forms, as they work with me. But I only give answer, to the command of my Heavenly Father!
Together with them, we form the army of God, bringing in this planet the will of God into life.
From He I came, and to Him I will return when the time has coming, and I can feel its approaching…
I do not feel ready, but will it be that someday I will feel?
Did I have ever felt?
In all centuries not even once I had felt… I was only disposing myself to God’s will, answering to His calling.
What do I really know, if not that in all my life, as I know myself in this present life, I did not wanted to be here, this world was too tough for me…the burden seemed to much heavy, and the price to pay, too high… Now I know, that it was not really I who didn’t wanted to be here, but just the personality ego that live in me, that by not speaking the same language, it couldn’t understand the intensity of the Love in latent form pulsing within me.
Well, this personality ego… it came along with this borrowed body and I couldn’t get rid of it… could I?
It also makes part of the plan!
The greater plan of all times!
And it is arriving…
I have been in a dormant state for such a long time… My superior Being in answer to the command of God, have kept me in this way.
You know…? There are reasons that I was not able to understand and I not even was questioning them, cause in somehow I knew that there was a superior reason to be like this, and as just as what you believe it is to be a good soldier, I was just bowing myself before to a higher command.
Oh, but don’t you ever think , not even once, that I was not able to think about what was happening, because I was totally, since early age, in the awareness that something was happening. But, Father’s will was to keep me in blindness knowing very well the abilities and the strength of the illusion in this world, and so, He made of me a blind soldier of His army placed on this planet Earth.
And I am just one of the so many that have been placed here waiting for His command.
And don’t think I am not afraid, cause I am! Is just that I am trying to hold and rely on with all my faith and trust in who Am I to my beloved Father.
Cause He better than I, recognizes well whom I Am.
Each one of us have been awakening at his own right time.
Each one of us, have been returning and living… building and destroying according to his own prominent task. And all were and are valuable!
Many are getting ready to a awake returning… and as well as I opened the wings of my truly form, many are now ready to open their wings, they are now being called as it is coming its time to rebirth, bringing the Divine Being consciously to operate through the human form.
I am not different from you as well as you are not different from me, only our abilities are according to our tasks, as such, it may seems that one or other is operating from a different level, but is not so… We Are all One, as such, linked to each other we are here to dignify our Father’s deeds.
To each one will be given according to its work and to the Supreme Being, that each of us IS, it is irrelevant if he has arrived in first or at last place, as he only cares about being here present, participating in this glorious time.
We are like children awakening to a new morning dawn. And… Oooh, how sweet is the voice of our Heavenly Father calling us to awaken…!
Brings out to life the eyes of your awakened heart, and you will see the bright light of the hands that are pulling you out from bed!
Cleans your ears from the disturbing noise of all sounds of illusion, and you will hear His voice calling you, with all the sweetness of the most loving Father…
Don’t be afraid, the Love can't at all do you harm!
Embrace your true Being! The one that brings along the promise that made at the presence of our Mighty Father.
In HIS name I give my testimony, and it is in HIS name that I am calling you to the duty of your tasks!
I am asking you to repeat along with me, uniting our voices as One only:
Sadhana - 01/02/2012
As a Human Being of planet Earth I was born in Portugal, as such, I can be seen as Portuguese, but I am not totally from this world.
A Soul living in the body of a woman, but more than a woman, I am a living Being that breaths and feels.
I could say I am Love, but I am much more than what Love is, or may become in this world…
I could say that I Am made of greatness in all Glory’s form! But, what do you understand to be like greatness in all Glory‘s form?
In this body, I need to breathe, without the body I am myself the own breath that needs not to breathe…
But, I am a Being, a living energy field that pulses and irradiates in ways that the mind designed to this bodies, hardly can conceive and even less understand…
I have a body, but this body is not mine. I just have taken it borrowed from Mother Earth, and when my time comes, I will change and I will become what in fact I really Am.
I work with Mother Earth, as Mother Earth works with me.
I work directly with the Archangels, Angels, Guardians and other Spiritual Entities and Living Forms, as they work with me. But I only give answer, to the command of my Heavenly Father!
Together with them, we form the army of God, bringing in this planet the will of God into life.
From He I came, and to Him I will return when the time has coming, and I can feel its approaching…
I do not feel ready, but will it be that someday I will feel?
Did I have ever felt?
In all centuries not even once I had felt… I was only disposing myself to God’s will, answering to His calling.
What do I really know, if not that in all my life, as I know myself in this present life, I did not wanted to be here, this world was too tough for me…the burden seemed to much heavy, and the price to pay, too high… Now I know, that it was not really I who didn’t wanted to be here, but just the personality ego that live in me, that by not speaking the same language, it couldn’t understand the intensity of the Love in latent form pulsing within me.
Well, this personality ego… it came along with this borrowed body and I couldn’t get rid of it… could I?
It also makes part of the plan!
The greater plan of all times!
And it is arriving…
I have been in a dormant state for such a long time… My superior Being in answer to the command of God, have kept me in this way.
You know…? There are reasons that I was not able to understand and I not even was questioning them, cause in somehow I knew that there was a superior reason to be like this, and as just as what you believe it is to be a good soldier, I was just bowing myself before to a higher command.
Oh, but don’t you ever think , not even once, that I was not able to think about what was happening, because I was totally, since early age, in the awareness that something was happening. But, Father’s will was to keep me in blindness knowing very well the abilities and the strength of the illusion in this world, and so, He made of me a blind soldier of His army placed on this planet Earth.
And I am just one of the so many that have been placed here waiting for His command.
And don’t think I am not afraid, cause I am! Is just that I am trying to hold and rely on with all my faith and trust in who Am I to my beloved Father.
Cause He better than I, recognizes well whom I Am.
Each one of us have been awakening at his own right time.
Each one of us, have been returning and living… building and destroying according to his own prominent task. And all were and are valuable!
Many are getting ready to a awake returning… and as well as I opened the wings of my truly form, many are now ready to open their wings, they are now being called as it is coming its time to rebirth, bringing the Divine Being consciously to operate through the human form.
I am not different from you as well as you are not different from me, only our abilities are according to our tasks, as such, it may seems that one or other is operating from a different level, but is not so… We Are all One, as such, linked to each other we are here to dignify our Father’s deeds.
To each one will be given according to its work and to the Supreme Being, that each of us IS, it is irrelevant if he has arrived in first or at last place, as he only cares about being here present, participating in this glorious time.
We are like children awakening to a new morning dawn. And… Oooh, how sweet is the voice of our Heavenly Father calling us to awaken…!
Brings out to life the eyes of your awakened heart, and you will see the bright light of the hands that are pulling you out from bed!
Cleans your ears from the disturbing noise of all sounds of illusion, and you will hear His voice calling you, with all the sweetness of the most loving Father…
Don’t be afraid, the Love can't at all do you harm!
Embrace your true Being! The one that brings along the promise that made at the presence of our Mighty Father.
In HIS name I give my testimony, and it is in HIS name that I am calling you to the duty of your tasks!
I am asking you to repeat along with me, uniting our voices as One only:
Sadhana - 01/02/2012
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