Não existe maior aventura, senão aquela que nos incita a explorar as profundezas de nosso próprio Ser.
Não existe maior coragem, senão aquela que nos leva a assumir nossos erros e medos.
Não existe maior sabedoria, senão no conhecimento de sabermos quem somos.
Só com persistência, fé e verdadeiro amor poderemos cultivar a capacidade de nos abstrair de tudo o que nos é externo, permitindo assim envolvermo-nos num constante silenciar interno.

English version:

Bigger adventure does not exist, than the one that in stirs us up to explore the deepening of our purpose to be.
Bigger courage does not exist, than the one that takes us to assume our errors and fears.
Bigger wisdom does not exist, than in the knowledge to know who we are.
Only with persistence, faith and true love we will be able to cultivate the capacity of abstracting ourselves from everything there’s external, allowing us to involving in one constant internal silence.

quarta-feira, 19 de junho de 2024

Honorable to the Soul / Honrado para a Alma

I am responsible for my choices. And when choosing, I have to look to what I am honoring with that choice that I am making.
I should ask myself… “Am I honoring my body or my Soul?”
The right choice for me is to choose to honor the soul. Because, whoever chooses to honor the body gives in to desires, and will certainly lose itself along the path.
But, whoever chooses to honor the soul, will make the right choice. Because at the end we will be returning to the Soul, as so, Soul is what we should honor. We will be returning to our Soul, not to our body. Once freed from the body, there will be no return to the same body. We can only return to our Soul.
All our choices should be taken turned to which we want to honor. And which will be… the body… or the Soul?
I choose to honor the Soul, because it is to the Soul that I will be, always, returning back.
Walk with those that make the same choice. Those are your tribe. Your soul companions.
The path to follow will get clearer when around and walking with those whom are making similar choices. Those who know who they are and what they want. And even if not having anyone to walk with, don’t stop walking strait, because you are never alone. If walking steady, the Universe will show you, how it has your back in every step you take.
Being honorable toward your Soul is the number one law of all laws.
Understand that for being with God you need first to be tuned with your Soul, and in order to be tuned with your Soul you need to honor it.

Portuguese translation:

Sou responsável pelas minhas escolhas. E na hora de escolher, tenho que prestar atenção para o que estou a honrar com essa escolha.
Eu devo questionar-me… “Estou a honrar o meu corpo ou a minha Alma?”
A escolha certa para mim é escolher honrar a Alma. Porque, quem escolhe honrar o corpo cede aos desejos, e certamente se perderá no caminho.
Mas, quem escolher honrar a Alma, fará a escolha certa. Porque no final, estaremos de volta para a Alma, e assim sendo, a Alma é o que devemos honrar.
Retornaremos para a nossa Alma, não para o nosso corpo. Uma vez libertados do corpo, não haverá retorno ao mesmo corpo. Só podemos retornar à nossa Alma.
Todas as nossas escolhas devem ser tomadas voltadas para aquilo que queremos honrar. E qual será… o corpo… ou a alma?
Eu opto por honrar a Alma, porque é para a Alma que estarei, sempre, a retornar.
Ande com aqueles que fazem a mesma escolha. Essa é a sua tribo. Seus companheiros de alma. O caminho a seguir ficará mais claro quando estiver rodeado e a caminhar com aqueles que fazem escolhas semelhantes. Aqueles que sabem quem são e o que querem. E mesmo não tendo com quem caminhar, não deixe de caminhar firme em seus passos, pois você nunca está sozinho. Se você caminhar com firmeza, o Universo lhe mostrará, como ele o protege em cada passo que você der.
Ser honrado para com sua Alma é a lei número um de todas as leis.
Entenda que para estar com Deus você precisa primeiro estar sintonizado com a sua Alma, e para estar sintonizado com sua Alma, você precisa honrá-la.

sábado, 29 de janeiro de 2022

Till We Meet Again, Brave Soul

Here we are almost at the end of the first month of 2022 and we have already been impacted with a loss of a dear soul brother. Thich Nhat Hanh.

Thay soul's has chosen to depart from the physical realm on the day 22/01/2022.

He was seen and venerated as a great Zen Buddhist master, and so as well, the number of his departure “22” is a master number. But also adding all numbers of the specific date we end having another master number “11”. Do you believe it is just a coincidence…? Think twice!

Also it was said that Thay departure occurred at midnight. Midnight is the time of transition between days. And so his spirit has started at that hour the transition from the physical realm to the spiritual realm, returning home.

He was such a gentle soul, so much was the light that he carried in him to share with the world. Despite all the suffering he experienced, he knew how to forgive and remained firm on the path of the heart. He was a true beacon of spiritual light that inspired many of us along the way.

His presence on this earth will be missed, as it will require some of us to rise up and take our place on the path we must follow. The path of the heart is not a easy one. It requires courage and perseverance in what we know to be our truth. To stand, no matter what it takes. It will require us to be brave. By honoring our heart, so our soul may find an open passage to express itself through the physical garment, being a human being on this earth but also a bridge between worlds.

Only by honoring our heart can the path of our soul also be honored.

Thay, shine your light in the spiritual realm, never ceasing to be the master we all need, keeping inspiring us from above. Thank You for having been here!

domingo, 9 de janeiro de 2022


From time to time there is a feeling bursting from our chest, making us feel something alive within us that burn, and the aching felt makes impossible to not feel its presence there. We may choose to not feel it by running away from it the fast we can, to hide from the pain we know will show itself if we dare to take a pick into it, so we run… we try to not feel it. We deny to say to ourselves “there’s something here trying to make us see underneath our conscious mind”. Because to our conscious mind only what we can touch is real, everything else is illusion or delusion. But is it so?

I have been running away for a long time from my soul. Has if I could… wasting years in a run that didn’t take me anywhere but to lose years of a life that is being wasting in a run to escape who I Am. I remember there was a time in my life when I felt the wonderful feeling of the discovering of my soul pieces. Lifetimes craved in my soul blueprint. And this was so until, aching pains started to flood my chest and I couldn’t stand to feel so much pain. I started to question “why there was the need and what was the purpose of feeling a pain coming from a past life”? I was in a different body, having experiences in a different gender to what concern with some of them, and dealing from what was being lived in the present life and also recalling previous experiences to gather all in a growing ball that would perhaps end to explode in something not pretty to see… It was not making sense to me, because the pain would grab and drag me along with it, and I would feel powerless, lost in the midst of it. Also confused for times, because the pain felt was coming from a specific previous life but was being felt like occurring in that precise moment, even if the situation occurring had nothing to do with the previous one, it would be felt coming alive from within me. There was no separation in time for the pain, it was simply felt being there and alive. Alive and kicking… Should I say!

I started my soul discovery path from hide myself from what I couldn’t understand and would bring to me a fear for the unknown, this occurred from being a child until I was adult and having two children. And it was my second child that made me to change to a different place. In this place I was able to gather strength and courage to step for real in my soul discovery, and then my soul discovery started and it was the best thing I could have had experienced.

I went from hiding, running and fear to a place I would feel myself in heaven and embracing my power. Not all was bright, good and wonderful, but all was about to living the experience of a life according to the epoch it was placed in time, and my feet were well grounded to understand and accept the time and the lived experience. As said, all was as need and right for the time and place it was lived. Then, the experiences turned into a difficult season, when all was felt was pain, and a specific one made me to step back. Some pains makes unbearable just to watch how it was, less having to feel the pain and accepting things now are different, even the pain might feel exactly the same. And the feeling of lost speaks so loud that nothing is heard but the yelling pain. It took me four years to process this pain. To be able to look at it from all possible angles, without becoming disturbed from the feeling of loss that it was bringing from the past life, and the differences of the life today that was making me to run away, not accepting that those coming from the past, had the same soul bringing them back to my path, so forgiveness and change could have place and healing could occur. But the love bound, the soul connection, as well as the behavior of the one we needed to forgive didn’t have changed, despite all the rest was different.

Taking time to process the pain is needed, but we tend to take more time than the necessary when giving more importance to what others may think or say, and denying the pain or allowing to being drag to it and loosing ourselves in the process. To “look” in the eyes of the pain it’s painful. That’s why it calls “pain”! But necessary if you want to remove the hook pain holds over you. A painful situation causes trauma precisely because it was hurtful to a extreme point, but denying to work with the fear the pain bring to our surface, is to strengthen the hook that link us to the trauma caused by the pain. We don’t heal the pain by running away or hiding ourselves from it, we only can heal it when allowing ourselves to be with it, knowing you’re the boss of you, not the pain you are caring with you, even if and when caring it for centuries.

Life is a stage and we live it as our conscious allow us to perform, and as the surroundings demand from us an action or reaction. Nothing is lost but everything changes. Scenery, body, gender and name may seem different but is linked to the past with a invisible cord that tie us up to all we are connected until we learn the lesson, change the action, remove the obstacle and improve ourselves involving into a different state of being, where no longer we tie us to what keep us trapped and hooked to people and places that keep us in a vicious loop circling without end. All may seem different but we keep trapped endlessly if not making peace with all that was, and all that is now, not allowing anymore the painful recordings we bring in our soul to keep us circling in a loop when dragging us time and time again to the same emotional feeling felt when living the experience in the first hand.

Life may be a mystery. And it sure is. But we can solve the mystery in our soul quest, gathering piece by piece. We have to deserve being deserving. we cannot kill a animal or a person just because and then proclaim being innocent. We all make mistakes, and we repeat the mistakes, over and over again for times. If we keep without question or behavior, then nothing will change, and we will be just behaving in the exact same way as before. There is no evolution when we keep ourselves in that state of being. We need to get out of the loop mode. It will not be easy to do so. We will need persistence. To gather courage and keep filling us with strength so we don’t give up on the first, second or third failure feeling, coming up telling us it’s easier to just keep us in the same track without adding any change to it. But our bigger mistake is to give up trying, and no matter how many times we may be defeated by the failure feeling, we must not give up trying. We may not be able to change the situations, people and place we are and have to deal at the moment, but we can change the way we feel about it. Second by second, we can find something in our life to be grateful for and hold the feeling, instead of keeping us feeling always miserable. If you hold to it a second can become a minute and it may take longer, but a minute can turn into one hour, and when you notice, something is changed. For much that your mind keeps telling you there is no point in doing so, I tell you, there is! Because the way to open the trap circle loop, is to move differently from what is told. Even if not believing that moving differently will bring change, if you don’t try, you will never know.

This new year of 2022, will be a year of realizations. A door will be open to those who dare to try something different. The door of change will be available to all who dare to try to pass over it, not by doing and repeating all already made before, but by defying the odds doing something different. It doesn’t matter how and what we will do, but how much we will believe that our efforts will make the difference to where we stand now, and where we will stand after realizing we made it differently.

Accept who you are. You have light and darkness in you. Give space to your light without shattering your darkness. There will be moments you will need the strength only your darkness can give you, and it will be need to give space to it on those moments. Just know that darkness cannot overpower your light if you know where you belong. If you know who rules, your darkness won’t take control, but will bring you a balance not possible to achieve in other way.

A bad person is one who doesn’t question his/her bad behavior and always finds excuses and someone to blame. So don’t think that just because you had a bad thought or did a bad action makes you a bad person. Because what makes a bad person is to not want to change what is wrong and to never question how you would feel if the same were made to you. If you act in this way I am sorry to tell you, but you are a bad person! And also, sorry to tell but this blog is not the place for you! In case you consciously know you don't act like this, then, congratulations! You are one of the good ones and you are welcome here!

Sometimes we need to stand our ground. Knowing who we are helps to understand why we tend to act and react in certain ways. In other words, don’t be a bad person, but don’t be a fool, either.

Life adds different aspects to it, you can´t achieve a healthy balance in life if you only give your attention to one aspect denying all others. One of the reasons people came together is precise because few are able to achieve balance in all four aspects, we most likely will be able to strengthen two or three of them but not likely all the four, so it helps when we find someone whose aspects more reinforced teams with ours bringing different pieces to the table that offers balance. Not to give but to add. Keep this in thought because, you need to do your personal work always, since no one can give what you deny to yourself. They only can add to what you already have and is accepted as it is. And the same works in opposite.

Don’t look to how it looks like, but pay attention to how it feels. There is where the truth lays.

All this said how will we deal if a “new” (if felt for the first time) or old pain surfaces and overcomes you? If someone you love dearly, but you believe not being appropriate, maybe because you have age gap, a race or status belief surfacing and taking power, if this person comes or returns to you, what will you do?

Will you repeat the same already done before, or will you try to give a chance to a different approach and choice despite the fear you may feel?

Ready for a 2022 renewed soul quest?

Let’s walk strait and confident!

sexta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2021


Time of change!
All is in need and requires a change.
If we feel it in our hearts, then that means the time has come.
We need to be inspired and to inspire others to live from the place where the heart finds its source.
Where the heart fills up itself from what feeds a hunger and thirsts that should not be left waiting.
The time has come for a while now, but now, right in this moment, it can't wait any longer for you to feel ready to answer the call that was sent.
Now it's the time to join in the flow.
Have you felt it in your heart?
Have you sensed it in your spirit?
Have you embraced it in your mind?
From the universe all is energy that composes when in the flow or decomposes when against the flow.
We decide where we want to be.
We decide how is going to be the world where we want to live.
Let's dare to dream and to build the world of our dreams.
A world of peace, respect and true values of equity for everyone.
A world where everyone has a place to be itself.
Not because it’s different from the rest.
But because, what makes being different, adds to the unity.
One world, One tribe!

Portuguese version:

É hora de mudar!
Tudo está em necessidade e requer uma mudança.
Se sentimos isso em nossos corações, isso significa que chegou a hora.
Precisamos ser inspirados e inspirar outros a viver do lugar onde o coração encontra sua fonte.
Onde o coração se enche daquilo que alimenta uma fome e uma sede que não devem ser deixadas à espera.
A hora já chegou, mas agora, neste preciso momento, não dá para esperar mais para que você se sinta pronto para atender a chamada que foi enviada.
Agora é a hora de entrar no fluxo.
Você sentiu isso em seu coração?
Você sentiu isso em seu espírito?
Você abraçou isso em sua mente?
Do universo, tudo é energia que se compõe quando está no fluxo ou se decompõe quando está contra o fluxo.
Nós decidimos onde queremos estar.
Nós decidimos como será o mundo onde queremos viver.
Ousemos sonhar e construir o mundo dos nossos sonhos.
Um mundo de paz, respeito e verdadeiros valores de equidade para todos.
Um mundo onde cada um tem um lugar para ser ele mesmo.
Não por ser diferente do resto.
Mas porque o que o faz ser diferente, contribui para a unidade.
Um mundo, Uma tribo!


domingo, 11 de julho de 2021


Cada um de nós faz suas escolhas em conformidade com o grau de consciência adquirido. Por vezes acreditando que nosso nível de consciência é superior ao que na realidade nos permitimos a alcançar com as nossas vivências de vida, reflexões e meditações. Se não temermos a olhar os outros como barómetro para medirmos nosso nível de consciência, saberemos que o que vemos neles, criticamos e julgamos serve-nos de reflexo. Poderemos nós aceitar isso? Ou iremos ter-nos em alta conta, negando-nos à humildade e rendendo-nos à arrogância, à presunção de acharmos estar na vanguarda do que à consciência diz respeito?

Basta olharmos ou sentir o estado em que nosso corpo se encontra, e saberemos o quanto estamos afastados da essência do espirito que em nosso corpo habita. Quanto mais forem as dores que nos afligem o corpo, maior será a distância a que nos impusemos estar de nossa verdadeira essência. E o estado de nosso corpo sempre nos demonstra o quanto nos afastamos do caminho que nos leva ao verdadeiro estado de consciência, que é pleno de escolhas ditadas pela sabedoria de Ser e viver em uníssono com a energia do Universo que nos rodeia. Ainda assim, vendo o que vemos, e sentindo o que sentimos, iremos nós continuar a crer que somos detentores de plena consciência?

Tolo é o homem que vive crendo que o mundo é somente aquilo que a luz de sua lamparina o deixa unicamente ver, acreditando nada mais existir para além do espaço que sua lamparina ilumina. Enquanto o homem sábio é aquele que mesmo sem ver, crê existir um mundo vivo muito para além do que a sua visão consegue alcançar. Somos o que somos. O que nos impomos a ser a cada momento. Porque cego não é quem não consegue ver, cego é quem se recusa a ver existir muito mais para além do que sua visão consegue alcançar. E sua visão sempre estará ligada ao estado de consciência em que se permite viver. Quanto mais limitado for seu estado de consciência maior será a cegueira em que se permite viver. Mas se em si cultiva a humildade do ser e do saber, não estará limitado e poderá imbuir-se de estados de consciência que o permitirão obter um maior alcance de visão e compreensão.

O Universo sempre nos apoia e orienta se soubermos render-nos à humildade do que somos, usando tudo e todos ao nosso redor para comunicar connosco. Estaremos nós nessa sintonia e aptos a ouvir e a receber as mensagens que o universo nos quer transmitir?

Sou aquilo que escolho ser a cada momento. E sabendo-o não me devo julgar nem criticar, mas simplesmente aceitar de que tudo o que pertence e merece estar presente no meu caminho o estará. Nada o poderá desviar ou impedir de vir a mim. Somente terei de crer que assim é, ainda que tudo ao meu redor possa evidenciar o contrário, estará na sintonia do que preciso aprender. Saber receber de braços abertos o que veio para ficar. E saber permitir a deixar ir o que não veio para ficar, com gratidão pelo que trouxe ou veio mostrar. Porque o que veio para ficar, vai querer ficar, enquanto o que não veio para ficar, irá certamente a dado momento, querer partir ou demonstrar ser inadequado. E sendo-o, devemos perceber que aqui a licção se resume a aprender a dizer NÃO ao que não nos serve. E seja para deter, largar ou recusar, tudo é aprendizado.

Sempre temos opção de escolha, e a escolha que fazemos nada mais será do que aquilo que conseguimos aceitar viver a cada momento, sendo-o reflexo da consciência que detemos.

Estaremos atentos ao que se passa no nosso interior, tanto quanto estamos ao que se passa ao nosso redor, vindo do exterior?

Quando caminhamos sozinhos e algo que ouvimos alguém dizer nos leva ao pensamento critico e a fazer julgamentos, demonstra-nos claramente que estamos num estado de consciência limitado. Porque quando sabemos que o Universo sempre nos fala, devíamos de caminhar atentos ao que nos faz refletir e não somente ao que nos faz pensar e torna-nos reativos e críticos. Pensar e refletir ditam dois estados de consciência muito diferentes. O pensamento é-o tantas vezes irrefletido, sem contenda, e a correnteza arrasta-te num torpedo emocional, no qual não tens como te separar, sendo simplesmente arrastado na corrente. Enquanto a reflexão, é contida e focada. A reflexão leva-te não somente a sentir as tuas emoções, mas a ver o que está por detrás da emoção, sem correntes, apenas sendo transportado por águas calmas que deixam-te ver e compreender o que antes, quando arrastado pela corrente, não tinhas como ver com claridade. Somente uma mente que já alcançou um estado de equilíbrio consegue deter e permanecer num estado de apaziguamento, ainda que vendo e sentido emoções que antes formavam uma correnteza da qual lhe era impossível escapar sem ser arrastado. Mas nada é permanente ou imutável, e todos vivemos momentos que nos fazem esquecer o que já foi alcançado. Mas aqui, não podemos esquecer que não nos devemos permitir a cair no julgamento ou na crítica, mas a saber perdoar-nos e a aceitar que sempre existirão correntes que teimarão em persistir no nosso caminho, cabe-nos a nós tornar o nosso aprendizado mais interiorizado de modo a fortalecer-nos, para não sermos continuamente arrastados por essas correntes.

Hoje, enquanto caminhava à beira da praia, pensando e refletindo num sonho que havia tido há duas semanas atrás e compreendendo que a mensagem transmitida, embora não tivesse sucedido como mostrado, em essência do que significava, se concretizou. Pensando em como quando o contei à pessoa que estava comigo no sonho, esta o negligenciou dizendo que nada tinha a ver consigo, negando e recusando ver que o sonho apenas alertou para a presença de energias actuantes em eminencia, e que ao serem negadas e negligenciadas actuaram sem impedimentos. Ao compreender ter sucedido o que foi mostrado no sonho, vi o que meus pensamentos me faziam sentir nesse preciso momento de compreensão, conseguindo manter o estado de atenção no que era importante reter.

Jamais devemos negligenciar uma mensagem quando esta nos é dada. E devemos ter noção que muitas vezes não conseguimos compreender inteiramente a mensagem que nos foi passada, podendo esta conter muita mais informação do que aquela que conseguimos reter no momento que a recebemos. Por essa razão devemos explorar todas as possibilidades existentes de mente receptiva e liberta de ideias preconcebidas e de certezas. Sem nunca esquecer que certos erros incorrem na perda de nosso tempo e energia que poderíamos aplicar de forma bem mais proveitosa e produtiva, se invés de persistir no erro, nossa escolha ponderasse assertivamente no que nos faz bem à Alma.

O universo comunica connosco em tantas formas quanto as que lhe proporcionamos, não apenas pelos sonhos, mas igualmente por tudo o que estiver ao seu alcance. De animais a pessoas. De números a situações… Cabe-nos estar atentos. Permitindo-nos a ver e a ouvir. Sabendo isso, pude ouvir o universo falar-me quando passando por diversas pessoas e algumas das palavras que as ouvi dizer, entoaram mais alto. De três conversas distintas três palavras ressoaram, e fui levada a refletir no seu significado para mim, e o que precisava compreender naquele preciso momento. Sendo as palavras retidas: “foco”; “pensamento” e “aprendizagem”.

Foco: Manter o foco somente naquilo que é realmente importante. No que foi vivido sendo sentido que acrescenta e é positivo para vivermos uma vida plena e em felicidade.

Pensamento: Não deixar-me ser arrastada pelos pensamentos, que nada acrescentam de positivo e apenas me arrastam numa correnteza emocional que me afastará do meu equilibrio e da minha essência real.

Aprendizagem: Compreender que tudo serve de aprendizagem e ainda que creiamos não precisar de algo, se veio a nós, é porque a nossa vibração energética assim o permitiu. Nada vem a nós que não esteja dentro da faixa vibratória do que precisamos aprender ou no que estamos a sintonizar-nos naquele momento.

Mas algo mais foi-me dado pelo universo, não uma mas duas vezes. Vi-o na primeira vez mas não estava atenta, e deixei que a mensagem se dissipasse. Mas como o Universo nunca descansa, foi-me trazida novamente a mensagem na forma de uma Joaninha.

Compreendendo que tudo tem um significado e uma razão de ser, e que todo o ser existente é uma simbologia de um arquétipo que num dado momento pode ser necessário compreender, não só como forma de instrução, mas igualmente do que possa estar a actuar no nosso insconsciente, fazendo-se necessário tornar consciente. E aqui, negar ou negligenciar o que é chamado à minha atenção, não é uma opção. Desse modo, fiz uma pesquisa sobre o significado espiritual e xamânico do que a joaninha representa como animal do poder, e o que encontrei foi de encontro à energia que havia sentido quando a joaninha se fez presente.

Ser consciente é não permitir-se a ser levado a crer saber e compreender mais do que se sabe e compreende, mas deter compreensão de que cada um deve-se aceitar tal como é, sem cair em competição por detenção de títulos de que só os que vivem em inconsciência, se vangloriam de deter.

As escolhas que fazemos a cada momento, no que dizemos, no que fazemos, como escolhemos reagir a uma dada situação, dizem e muito sobre o nosso estado de consciência. Tal como, a forma como decidimos proceder ao perceber o que fizemos, dissemos ou fomos levados a reagir, ou a escolher ditam o estado de consciência que estamos aptos a atingir. Quando erramos temos que ter a capacidade de corrigir o erro, porque é essa mesma capacidade e vontade de corrigir os nossos erros, que nos pode levar a ir além de onde estávamos no momento em que incorremos no erro.E pode suceder que corrigir um erro possa requerer prosseguir caminho cortando radicalmente com o que não faz qualquer sentido manter. Porque muitas vezes vemos a verdade mas negamos a nós próprios ver a verdade, persistindo em situações que não nos enriquecem, apenas nos esvaziam, e aqui a aprendizagem passa por aprender a reconhecer o nosso valor, a dar-nos mérito e a negar tudo o que não esteja em consonância energética com o que sabemos ser. Cortar com tudo o que prende ao passado, para que possamos caminhar num caminho que nos possa levar a um futuro para o qual a Alma nos conduz. Mas claro está, isso sucederá apenas depois das licções aprendidas, nunca antes.

Nossas escolhas sempre são uma expressão de nosso estado de consciência no preciso momento em que as fazemos, e às quais precisamos manter-nos atentos com consciência plena do que nos levou ou leva a incorrer nas escolhas de cada momento.


segunda-feira, 16 de março de 2020

In Your Heart Give Space To Love And Trust

You are loved, so feel God arms embracing you.

In God I am one with you.

In God there is no harm or fear, only peace and love to rely on.

So let's be the feeders of something very different from what is being put out there.

A grid full of love where God can be sit on and welcome us into its presence.

You can be drag to fear or you can make the choice to be part of something bigger.

Make part of the change by giving energy of love for strengthen a grid of light, letting your heart being full present, entirely present, to the only dialect that he knows.

The peaceful presence of love.

Being amplified, uplifted until there is no other space to sit on, than the space created by this love that embraces us all.

In God we are.

In love, we rely.

In peace, we free from fear.

In trust, we create a peaceful state of being.

In our hearts, we sit down.

In this space, there's nothing we can do than feel the love there's in it.

To deliver us to this feeling that, only love is.

And to be reminded that from love, we came, to love, we will return.

To our souls, there is only the love.

Let's fill our hearts with the only truth our Souls knows.

Love even the fear, until there's no more fear, only the love.

Portuguese translation:

Você é amado, então sinta os braços de Deus abraçando você.

Em Deus eu sou um com você.

Em Deus não há mal ou medo, apenas paz e amor em que confiar.

Então, vamos ser os alimentadores de algo muito diferente do que está sendo divulgado por aí.

Uma grade cheia de amor onde Deus pode se sentar e nos receber em sua presença.

Você pode ser arrastado para o medo ou pode optar por fazer parte de algo maior.

Faça parte da mudança, dando energia de amor para fortalecer uma grade de luz, deixando seu coração estar presente, totalmente presente, no único dialecto que ele conhece.

A presença pacífica do amor.

Sendo amplificado, elevado até que não haja outro espaço para sentar, a não ser o espaço criado por esse amor que envolve todos nós.

Em Deus nós somos.

No amor, nós confiamos.

Em paz, nos libertamos do medo.

Em confiança, criamos um estado de ser pacífico.

Nos nossos corações nos sentamos.

Nesse espaço, não podemos fazer nada além de sentir o amor que existe nele.

Para nos entregar a esse sentimento de que apenas o amor é.

E para ser lembrado que, por amor, viemos, por amor, retornaremos.

Para nossas almas, existe apenas o amor.

Vamos encher nosso coração com a única verdade que nossas almas conhecem.

Ame até o medo, até que não haja mais medo, apenas o amor.

sábado, 29 de junho de 2019


Whoever have been gone through a depression knows how easy is to think how his/her life doesn't matter, and when you believe in those thoughts, ending with your life doesn't feel like an issue, it feels more like a solutions. Depression is the inner battle between the light and the shadow occurring within your own being.

When you can't find outside of you, in your physical/material world, a motive to put a smile in your heart that will pour into your face and shine through your eyes, letting yourself to crawl in a life that doesn't bring to you that necessary spark to light your heart, and you let this going on and on, the result will go deeper than what you can imagine, in special if you have no sense in how this can, not just influence you in a physical, mental and physiological way, but also spiritually.

We all have a purpose in our physical existence. We didn't come here just to wander around and spend this physical existence to spend our days looking to the side.

There are learnings that goes beyond what society can offer you, and you can only learn this learning’s when open to something that transcends you, and only by listening to your heart can you be led to pursue a path that will show you something way bigger than life itself, which to pursue, you need to value the life that was given to you. Self love is the key. If you haven't self love, you will tend to make use of "tools", and when life takes from you those tools to shake you up, you will feel like being unable to strive to keep a life in which "you" are the reason to keep going.

You need to learn to love and accept yourself in the exact way you are, without the need to depend on someone else to show you love and acceptance. No one can find true love and acceptance when their own self love is conditioned by the love and acceptance others can show to them. As long as we are incapable to love and accept ourselves, those in our lives will love us with the same conditions.

We know we are conditioned when those in our life move away from us and we find ourselves struggling with the fact of being alone, like if our worth could only exist dependent on the existence of someone else in our life to show us what we need. Being like this, when we see ourselves alone we will tend to quickly look to find a substitute to love us. But guess what... whoever comes to your life next, can only show you what you can see in yourself, because unless you can see and identify your own worth by your own means, others can only serve you as mirrors, through which you will see using your own lens.

You are intended to be whole by yourself. Your wholeness is not dependent in having someone else by your side. Yes, life is way better when you can share your values and happiness with someone else. But may that person be, the one that respects and values you for who you are, because you can also respect and value yourself, and not because, you need someone to appreciate you. Someone able to look deep in your eyes, even if by doing it they stare to their own shadow and light, and without being afraid of what they see, but able to recognize and accept that you are just an extension of them. Someone capable to self love and acceptance will also love you and accept you, not for what you can give to them, but for what both can share to each other. It is not about what you can take, is about what you can add. That shows self love, acceptance and recognition of their worth as a person and personal values.

Look to what brings you joy. Even if you have to spend most of your day doing something that takes from you, find out something to do at the end of the day, or at least one or two times a week, that may bring a sense of spark of light reborn in your heart, so you can find the strength to face depression. Find your purpose. Learn your lessons. And most of all, love yourself. Self love is the armor to protect you against depression. Even if depression strikes you, not being dependent on others love and acceptance, but having your own fountain of light to pouring by itself without being conditioned, you will find easier to transpose the barriers that depression lifts around you, that will also facilitates to bring to your life those that will find enjoyable and gratification for having you in their life.

Whoever you may be, depression doesn't choose social classes, it can knock on anyone's door.

Don't exclude medical help, because if the depression hits you strong and deep, those who love you won't be able to help you no matter how hard they try, your receptive state will be so closed, that no help will reach you where it is most needed. Even so, you will kept consciousness and will be able to see they are trying to help, but not being able to let them in, this will increase your depressive state. Medical medicine will act on your cognitive and physiological state, opening your receptiveness to the help you need to find a way out from depression.

I had my share of depression that has hit me strong and ugly two years ago. I've seen my daughter trying to help me and falling apart when realizing she couldn't help me, and that increased even more my state of depression. I came to a point that thoughts of suicide were being a constant. And not even my spiritual knowledge served me to be able to get out of the depression. I had let the depression to enclosed me, and ended so tied up, that all my knowledge seemed to sort no effect when I was not even able to put in practice what I knew could set me free, all because I was not finding within me the right medicine. Self love!

I never looked for medical help, because for me I knew it wouldn’t work. I knew well what I needed but finding hard to bring it out, until a very special friend, finding out by intuition that I needed help, contacted me, pulling me out from the powerless state that I was in.

It happens I was open to his love because we have met to resolve a involving third party situation from a past life, something that had to do with forgiveness and compassion that we both needed to give to that third being.
Although we were not romantically involved, it was more a kind of unconditional love, our strong spiritual connection has able him to enter in my dark chambers to bring me to a lighter place, from which I was able to start working on self love, not being so tied up to those shadows that were encircle me. I will always be grateful for such a beautiful and benevolent being as he is, that has given from himself without taking anything in return.

Each one of us is different in the way we see, in the way we are capable to feel and even in the way we understand things. That's because we tend to feel and see through the lens we have acquired in our circumstances of life, in which our personality was molded and conditioned. But none the less, there is one thing that we all have in common. We all need to have it, no matters who we are and no matter from where we are coming from. The right amount of self love. That's our biggest defense weapon against depression. It is from where we gain our personal power, our charisma and from where the light of our inner being pours out.

Be responsible for your own life. Be responsible for your own self love and value. Find what brings you joy and stick on it. Look for what gives you a sense of feeling "alive" and embrace it with gratitude.

Whoever you are, your life matters!

sábado, 9 de junho de 2018


In recent years has been made public the fact of how so many celebrities decided to end with their lives. Many of them very well known celebrities with worldwide popularity. Who would ever believe they would chose to end with what the most common of mortals would agree to be a dream life? It happens that those are very sensible persons that can feel deeply within their core what many of us barely can. But those who can feel deeply can go very deep into a very dark chamber from which is so difficult to move out. In this dark chamber we don’t feel supported. We don’t feel seen. We don’t feel loved enough, to make our stay bearable to be managed. In this scenery a way out by giving up on life seems so much easier to embrace.

How to find a way out from that dark chamber, when nothing around us seems to bring relieve or to loosen those chains that keep us tight and imprison on that dark chamber? To where have gone the light that could light the way out from that dark chamber? Why all of the suddenly it have become so dark, that we can only find darkness within and around us? We start to have anxiety and panic attacks, because we can’t see a way out from all that darkness we feel coming to get us. We only see darkness. We only feel darkness. We practically feel like hell has been lifted and is swallowing us alive, and only on its womb our fall will stop. Will we manage this descended path into the darkness womb without deciding to take our life out during the way? Like if life itself is the only thing believed to be preventing us from escape from that dark chamber… so ending with life ends to be the only way out from what it seems to be our only fate. What state of mind is that, where hope is not found? What trap is that in which we fall down in such way, that give us no other choice but to end with life? Is it not possible to choose something different and least radical than to end with life?

Why not instead decide to move away from the job that only brings stress? Why not instead move away from the relationship that makes you feel like crap? What makes you believe that you don’t deserve to feel in an inviting joyful place, where you feel welcomed, respected, loved, embraced or chosen? If our only way out is to end with life to welcome death… are we really believing that after be given an end to our life we will encounter a different reality on the spiritual realm? Because to believe there is nothing else after life, is bullshit! To believe ending with our life will bring an end to our suffering is double bullshit! And to believe that to end with our life will bring an end to have to deal with darkness, that is triple bullshit! Do you know how much all that bullshit is? I hope so! The only reason why people can’t find another way out to end with their misery, it’s because the scope of their vision is so short that it does not let them foresee that they are giving up of the only possible thing that could let them work into bring an end to their misery. And that thing it’s choosing life. By choose to embrace life no matter what. By deciding you will love yourself no matter what it takes, because you are enough.

By ending with their life, they only have surrender and delivered their spirits to darkness. And guess what!? Do you believe their misery and pain has ended? It only has gained a different place and shape to be dealt with, in where they will realize they have given up of the only tool their souls has given to them, in which is possible to fight and conquer darkness. A physical body!

You may wonder what is that makes a physical body to be that special. Well, try to see larger and beyond the tiny scope of human vision. Can you do it?

Now, think on this, will you? What is that gives life to our bodies?

The spirit is our “breath” gift.

Where are we placed when in a human physical body?

In earth, of course!

And where is this planet earth placed?

On the universe, duh!

Exactly like our souls from which our spirit is a spark.

Do you want to keep going on? Or is this enough to make you think there is something more and beyond all that were taught to you!? Is this enough to make you to realize there is so much more you can’t see, and just because you can’t see and comprehend it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

In the whole universe there isn’t a sole single particle that does not reflect, expand, transform, mimics or influences another one. Even if this other particle may be on the opposite side of the universe, and you don’t need to be an expert on the things of universe matter to be able to realize this, you only need to open your mind for endless possibilities, like the endlessness of the universe. You may not have a clue on how “endlessness” it could be, and you don’t need to. You only have to accept “endlessness” as a possibility granted to you and offered to you as a birth right, and that’s because our souls resembles the whole universe. As like planets and stars are elements that forms the universe, so is your soul, with the difference that our souls is the “other particle” reflecting, expanding, transforming and mimicking the whole universe in itself. With this said, we can think of our human bodies as the “planet” within which, was placed the spirit to act like the living force. Exactly like oceans and nature are the living forces of planet earth. Without them life on earth would not be sustainable.

The problem is that even in today life with all the progress and in the middle of the 21st century, we are being kept even more distracted from our real nature. We are taught that in order to heal we need medicine when if we could embrace our real nature as a reality, we would have the natural ability to heal ourselves. But our society was built to take from us our soul gifts, our natural resource. That’s why in the same way destroys all the natural resources of the planet. If we want to recover our soul we have to reclaim for it, opening the space to embrace it from within us, exactly as in the same way we have to reclaim and protect the natural resources of the planet in order to keep it alive and healthy.

Life can’t be sustainable where there is no connection with natural resources. All particles have two poles, the positive and the negative. They are both needed to balance be achieved. If you take out the positive, you will take out the balance needed to keep the negative without bringing destruction. Magma is the destroying force of the planet, and so is our mind when we deprive ourselves from connecting with our hearts. But our planet needs the magma exactly as we need our minds, is just that there is need to find a balance, so the functions they support work in a sustainable way that provides for and enrich life.

For much that we may be having a difficult time, we can’t forget who we are. We need to keep reminding ourselves to return back to our heart center, because there is where we find our balance. People and situations can’t confine you unless you allow them. Bring back the remembrance than more than a human body, you are a soul, and only by connecting with your soul through your heart can you reclaim your soul gifts. Your soul has given to you a life force but what you will do with it, it’s up to you.

For those who are dealing with depression. To those who are struggle with the dark side of life. To those who are believing that living in pain and misery is becoming too overwhelming. I tell you, I know what that is! I know what it feels like when someone you have given all of yourself shows you that you are not their only option. That someone, to who you have opened all your heart, shows you that they have priorities that don’t include you, making you to feel you will never be enough. They are choosing to show you where they stand, and you don’t have to stand on the same level and place they are. You can choose to step out, knowing you deserve to be enough for someone. You deserve to be the only possible choice to someone. You deserve to be seen, respected, accepted and loved exactly as you are, because there isn’t anyone else exactly like you. If they can't see it then, they don’t deserve your presence. So keep your presence to the one who will make you feel to be wanted, no matter how you express who you are, because that is the one capable to see through and beyond what you bring out.

I know how it feels when you have to handle to keep working in a place where bullying is allowed because one of the bosses it’s the first to use bullying as an accepted behavior. Where you give all of yourself just for a pay check that doesn’t give you enough to deal with all the expenses of the month, but you keep yourself there afraid that you may not find another job, when you can't seem to see another option on the horizon, so you keep yourself in a place that is evidently consuming your spirit. You are too afraid to try anything from out of the reality you already have, because a different is felt being unknown, and understand it or not, you refuse to leave the one you already know because it has become your comfort zone. So stress comes to you in different sort of forms increasing your levels of anxiety that will only take you to a breaking point in which you liberate yourself or it will end with you.

So you are dealing with emotional stress, with material stress, then you feel physically exhausted, so add physical stress, and not being enough, you become susceptible to all kinds of negativity. The doors have been opened to the most deceiving and life force disruptions you can think off. If you may have psychic abilities, you will be able to see “things” I can guarantee you would prefer to ignore being a reality for your senses. Now, you can add spiritual stress and you have reached your breaking point. It will be leaving or die. What will you choose?

Now, think of not being able to realize what surrounds you (if not having awakened psychic abilities), how will you be able to understand that all that you are going through, may not be all coming from the people and the situations you have to deal with, but also, from that open door that you can’t realize has been open, and it may be writing the final chapter of your life if you allow it to take from you the “possibility” to see through and beyond people and situations.

Don’t blame others for your reality. You create your own reality. You are the one to open the doors at first place, and then, through those doors, you will find help, for good or bad. The good you will have to invite with your heart to come in and give you a helping hand. The bad will come in without being invited, making from your mind a slave, so be careful to whom you open your doors. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, because they act like keys that open the doors to whatever and to whoever may be in the same “tune”, being physical or not.

To all those who have lost their life when have allowed surrendering to mental slavery, may our heart desire for their spirits to find the way back to their souls. Being compassionate doesn't cost a thing, and we all can be compassionate to others souls.

No one can win to darkness by choosing to end with their life, but only by choosing to come back to the center of their own heart. That's the only place where our souls can remind us of who we are.


terça-feira, 3 de outubro de 2017


I am the silence within the word.

I am the whole within the emptiness.

I am the atom that can be found in the water, I am in the air, and I am in the dust and in the wind.

I am in the Universe.

I am in the Creation.

I gained life in the beginning.

I will gain new life in the end.

I am all and I am nothing within everything.

I walk on earth, but I am beyond earth.

And I have been walking here so many times.

I have had so many faces.

And I had as well so many names.

But the life force from which I came from, knows me only by one name.

I am beyond all the faces I have had.

I am beyond all the names I was call upon.

I am the life and I am beyond life itself.

I am one with all that is.

I can be found within the light.

I can be found within the emptiness.

I can even be found within the dark if you may dare to look for me in there.

If you want to know who I am, look for me within your own heart.

The place where your soul sleeps wide awaken.

There, is the only place where you will recognize me.

And there, you will know the truth of who I Am.

sábado, 30 de setembro de 2017

For Those Standing Between The Light And The Dark

On 28/09/2017, I raised my thoughts to God and asked about how someone was feeling about all I was feeling and saying to him, the reply has been: “He feels like, you are slipping from his fingers.” And I truly was.

The worse that people can do is to not give the right worth and meaning to those truly loving them. Not doing what it is required from them to be done to keep love alive and lighten their lives.

If they can’t love themselves, they can’t recognize true love when seeing it.

Darkness has a purpose in this realm of life, which is to be felt, seen, understood, and then skipping it by jumping out of it, choosing consciously to be in the light. There is a reason for people to stand in the dark. Darkness feeds them, while they feed back the dark with their fears, their burned cold heart, their negativity, their toxicity. All those that stands in the darkness by own choice don’t want to grab the responsibility of being in the light.

Oh, yes. Light demands responsibility! The kind of responsibility that not all of us, will bear having. Only those who have the ability to engage, to compromise and embrace their own soul, has.

Darkness grabs your soul, giving you in this way a feeling of being free from responsibility, but this is just an illusion. All that dark does is to keep you trapped in the features of your own personality that needs to be worked. The “small” defect patterns that the soul has not yet been able to transform in the being in which it becomes when descending into this physical form, to be able of transcending illusion and limitation on being. And when you get trapped you lose the power to engage and search for all that may help you to jump out. You may find it, but you will feel like you are having a bad time to be able to free yourself. Darkness puts on you a blindfold making to be difficult to think and see with clarity, when your inner guidance becomes so blurred, that you keep doing things but where no change will be effective.

The only thing you can do is to search for the one thing or person that has made you to go there in first place. What was the triggered feeling or will that have made you enter and stay there?

In no way you have not seen the dark. You have seen it, but silently that one thing in you, have made you to believe and to want to be the savior of the day. And so full of bravery you allowed yourself to enter in the darkness, staying there enough time to lose sight of your boundaries, and feeling yourself with no strength of your own to move out from it. Darkness makes use of decoys that look shining at your glance to attract you. But, darkness has no power of its own if your choice is to not give your own power away. If you stand still and firm through that heart of yours, keeping it clear and pure enough, to keep love pouring. In there is where is the connection with your soul and therefore with God as well, if you keep it flowing and pure enough.

There is a time for solitude, when you become the hermit that seeks for the inner wisdom, needing to retire himself from the world to find his own spiritual roots. Learning how to become grounded and balanced on this earth at the same time he sets its spirit free to flight high on upper realms, where the light of love embraces him totally, and to want to return to this down earth reality, will be something difficult to not struggle with. But, hey… who doesn’t want to feel truly at home!?
For some of us, being in the dark it is like being at home... we can only love them and respect their choice, never forgetting that we have to love ourselves as well in order to be able to move away from them, if being at the dark is not our choice. If darkness is not felt being our home, we need to move on, returning to our path. The path, that can and will, lead us to our true dear home.

Keeping ourselves in their presence when knowing that there, there's no place nor ground where our soul might prevail, is the same as give allowance to become intoxicated with toxins that lives in the places where the absence of light can be clearly noticed. They start to blur your light, taking from you more than you would be willing to give, if you loved yourself enough. Even those of us that can move in the dark in the same way we can move in the light, if we stay for long in the dark, we end deprived from our ability to nourish ourselves with the light of our soul. We can become so blurred that light can’t reach us. And if without someone that may be used by God, choosing to allow himself to serve the light to bring us back, by serving to us as a bridge, to help us to return back to our natural state of being, we can end lost, without finding the access to our sense of inner direction to guide us in our way out of the dark.

God will always give you a helping hand to help you to move out from the dark. It will depend only of you to use it well and wisely. You will not do this by keeping yourself wishing and willing to bring with you someone else, this is keeping the patterns in you that needs to be solved and that will be used by the dark as a decoy to keep you trapped, and this will miscarry the helping hand given to you, and if the helping hand was given to you, it was because it was time to move on while there was still potential to recover the track into the way back to your path.
What have we done with the helping hand? What have been the choices we made? What were we willing to do to bring change? What were we willing to let go? What were we willing to embrace and let in? If you personally can’t answer any of these questions, then you should know that’s why you are still there.

Those who choose to stand in the darkness by own choice, can’t stand to move in to the light.

The Love is Light!

We may love someone immensely in such a way, but we should love ourselves too. So there’s only one choice… Choose Yourself!

If you don’t, you should stop complaining and blaming whoever may be, but only you!

There is always another chance. But that, requires change from the way you think, from the way you feel, from the way you tent to act and from the way you see yourself and to others, by becoming responsible for your own luck!

There is no responsibility being embraced, where there’s no effective action. And responsibility always requires adequate actions. So, show a little of respect to your soul and strive!

I choose to keep my integrity!

I choose to keep my heart alive!

I choose to keep my light on!

I choose the love that truly loves!

I choose myself!

domingo, 12 de fevereiro de 2017


I ask to my beloved higher being.
I ask to all benevolent beings of higher moral values of love and integrity.
I ask to the beloved higher being of the one that is my sacred divine companion.
I take here and now the power of my free will!
Please hear my statement!
May the strings that bound us here in the terrestrial realm serve the purpose to achieve the highest good!
I Am a being of total wholeness, complete on it's own and entire in all forms of existence.
Nothing and no one will have the power to push me down to a reality that doesn’t fit the wholeness of my entire being, not even my sacred divine counterpart!
Here I state before all of you, I am free and I am whole on my own!
May my statement be heard by all the highest members of the divine council of the entire Universe and beyond!
May the higher being of my divine counterpart give him acknowledge of my will, a decision that I make to guarantee that my higher purpose in this realm of existence, will not be shut down by influences of neediness, desires or dependencies of any sort toward him in this physical reality of our beings.
By the powers given by my birthright, I will follow my purpose on this present life on earth, and any situation, circumstance, life force energy and any other sort of influences that may not be accordingly in vibrational match with it, be it earthly, ethereal, mental, emotional, spiritual or from any other sphere, Will Be Removed and Kept Out of the reach of my circle of activity in this world and from my energetic field, as well as from the whole area of movement that my being will walk on to accomplish his higher purpose on every realm that makes part of its actions in behalf of all human live and all forms of existence beyond human.
So I state, and so it Shall Be!